the human torso


arm [noun] (BODY PART)

One of the two parts of the body at each side of the neck that join the arms to the rest of the body

US /ɑːrm/ 
UK /ɑːm/ 

کتف، شانه


He was carrying a heavy load on his right shoulder.

بار سنگينى‌ را بر شانه‌ى راست‌ خود حمل‌ مى‌كرد.

Either of the two long parts of the upper body that are fixed to the shoulders and have the hands at the end

arm - بازو
معادل فارسی: 


مثال انگلیسی: 

He had a tattoo on his left arm.

او روی بازوی چپش تتو داشت.


shoulder [noun] (BODY PART)

One of the two parts of the body at each side of the neck that join the arms to the rest of the body

US /ˈʃoʊl.dɚ/ 
UK /ˈʃəʊl.dər/ 

شانه، کتف


He was carrying a heavy load on his right shoulder.

بار سنگينى‌ را بر شانه‌ى راست‌ خود حمل‌ مى‌كرد.

One of the two parts of the body at each side of the neck that join the arms to the rest of the body

shoulder - شانه
معادل فارسی: 

شانه، کتف

مثال انگلیسی: 

He was carrying a heavy load on his right shoulder.

بار سنگينى‌ را بر شانه‌ى راست‌ خود حمل‌ مى‌كرد.


hip [noun] (BODY PART)

One of the two parts at either side of your body between your waist and the top of your legs

US /hɪp/ 
UK /hɪp/ 



That woman has broad hips.

آن‌ زن‌ باسن‌ پهنى‌ دارد.

One of the two parts at either side of your body between your waist and the top of your legs

معادل فارسی: 


مثال انگلیسی: 

That woman has broad hips.

آن‌ زن‌ باسن‌ پهنى‌ دارد.


chest [noun] (BODY PART)

The upper front part of your body between your neck and your stomach

US /tʃest/ 
UK /tʃest/ 

سینه، قفسه سینه


A broad hairy chest

یک سینه ی پهن مودار

The upper front part of your body between your neck and your stomach

معادل فارسی: 

سینه، قفسه سینه

مثال انگلیسی: 

A broad hairy chest

یک سینه ی پهن مودار

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