درخواست برای حفظ خونسردی و آرام بودن

اشتراک گذاری در شبکه های اجتماعی

Telling to Be Calm/not to Worry

A EXAMPLES (Read, Discuss, and Practice)

A مثال‌ها (بخوانید ، بحث کنید و تمرین کنید)

Calm down.

آروم باش. 

Take it easy.

سخت نگیر.

Stay calm.

خونسردیت را حفظ کن.

Keep cool.

خونسردیت را حفظ کن.

Be patient.

صبور باش. عجله نکن.

Hold on to yourself.

خیلی تند نرو. دندون رو جگر بزار.

Don't get in an uproar. Don't let things get to you. Don't be upset.

داد و قال نکن. اجازه نده این چیزها اعصابت را بهم بریزن. ناراحت نباش. 

Don't worry.

نگران نباش.

You don't have to worry.

لازم نیست نگران باشی. 

Don't take things so seriously.

خیلی زندگی را سخت نگیر. خیلی همه چیز را جدی نگیر.

Don't let it bother you.

نذار اذیتت کنه. 

Don't sweat it.

نگران نباش. به خودت استرس نده. 

There's no need to worry.

نیازی نیست نگران باشی.  

Worrying isn't going to do any good.

نگرانی مشکلی را حل نمی کنه. 

B MODELS (Read, Discuss, and Perform the following model dialogues)

B مدل‌ها (محاوره‌های مدل زیر را بخوانید، موردبحث قراردهید و اجراکنید)

1. A man is talking with a friend after pulling him from a fight.


M: C'mon, Flip, Calm down. Keep cool.


F: You heard what he called my brother, didn't you?


M: It's O.K. Don't let it get to you.


F: I don't have to take that from him. I'll. . .


M: C'mon, Flip. Take it easy, will you . . .


2.  A man and woman are sitting at a table in a restaurant.


M: . . . Where is that waiter? What's keeping him?


W: It's O.K., John. Be patient. We have time.


M: But this place is almost empty. There's no excuse for us to wait this long . . .


W: I know, dear. But don't let it get to you. Remember your blood pressure . . .


3. A secretary is talking with another secretary.


S1: Oh, Judy, I think I lost the Harrison report. . .


S2: Don't worry about it. It'll turn up.


SI: I can't imagine where I put it.


S2: Does anyone need it right now?


S1: No. Not right now . . .


S2: O.K. Take it easy. Maybe you'll remember where you put it. . .


C SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES (Discuss and Perform)

C فعالیت‌های پیشنهادی (بحث کنید و انجام دهید)

Think about how you might handle the following situations.


1. You and a friend are out for a drive. You come upon an accident. Your friend becomes hysterical. You want to help the people in the accident.


2. An office manager is talking with a new secretary. It is her first day, and she has made many mistakes. She is upset.


3. It is 2 a.m., and a teen-age boy's parents are waiting for him to come home from a party.