the quality of being kind
محبت، مهربانی
I can’t thank you enough for your kindness.
the quality of being kind
محبت، مهربانی
I can’t thank you enough for your kindness.
describes someone who is kind and gives emotional support to others
با محبت
I've always thought of Jo as a very caring person.
Thinking about the feelings and needs of other people
(رعايت كنندهى حال ديگران) با ملاحظه، دلسوز
He is always considerate of others.
او هميشه رعايت حال ديگران را مىكند.
thinking about the feelings and needs of other people
(رعايت كنندهى حال ديگران) با ملاحظه، دلسوز، با فكر
He is always considerate of others.
او هميشه رعايت حال ديگران را مىكند.