B2 (Upper-intermediate)

English translation unavailable for زمان گذشته کامل استمراری (ماضی بعید استمراری).
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112: Embarrassment"


Questions about the Video File:

  1. What is embarrassment?
  2. What are the physical symptoms of embarrassment?
  3. How can you get over embarrassment in 3 steps?
  4. What is the spotlight effect?
  5. Why shouldn’t you apologize after an embarrassing situation?
  6. How can you metaphorically change the channel?


General Questions:

110: Time Management


Questions about the Video File:

  1. What does RAC stand for? What does it help you with?
  2. How can you record your daily activities?
  3. What are you supposed to highlight in your record?
  4. How can work stress be minimized?
  5. What does work stress have to do with your home life?
  6. What are the three ways that can make you a better time manager?
  7. What’s wrong with multitasking?


General Questions:


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