B2 (Upper-intermediate)

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119: Breaking Bad Habits


Questions about the Video File:

  1. What’s hard about meditation?
  2. Why paying attention is hard?
  3. What’s the process for most behaviors? How do they turn into habits?
  4. How does mindfulness help with quitting smoking?
  5. What is prefrontal cortex and what does it do? When does it turn off?
  6. What’s mindfulness about?
  7. What happens when you become curious?


General Questions:

118: Disconnecting from Technology


Questions about the Video File:

  1. How do you know you need to take a step back from technology?
  2. What percentage of teenagers own smart phones?
  3. What’s the first step to win off your independency over technology?
  4. What things can you do in person rather than using your devices? What’s the good in it?
  5. What happens when you fall asleep with your phone?


General Questions:

117: Stress Management


Questions about the Video File:

  1. What does too much stress lead to?
  2. What are the signs that say you might be stressed out?
  3. What can you do to make yourself calm inside?
  4. How can doing a repetitive task be helpful?
  5. What are some of the effects of a hot shower?
  6. What is progressive muscle relaxation?
  7. How does yoga or meditation help to deal with stress?
  8. What does laughter do to your body?
  9. How does dark chocolate help you relax?



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