117: Stress Management

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Questions about the Video File:

  1. What does too much stress lead to?
  2. What are the signs that say you might be stressed out?
  3. What can you do to make yourself calm inside?
  4. How can doing a repetitive task be helpful?
  5. What are some of the effects of a hot shower?
  6. What is progressive muscle relaxation?
  7. How does yoga or meditation help to deal with stress?
  8. What does laughter do to your body?
  9. How does dark chocolate help you relax?


General Questions:

  1. How often do you stress out?
  2. What personal techniques do you have for coping with stress?
  3. Do you think medication can help to cope with stress?
  4. What are the things that generally make you stressed?
  5. How can you handle emotional eating?
  6. How do you feel and act around stressed people? Do you tend to calm them or do you become stressed as well?
  7. How does stress influence on your performance?
  8. In what situations can stress help you perform better?


Related Quotes:

“Much of the stress that people feel doesn’t come from having too much to do. It comes from not finishing what they’ve started.” David Allen

 “The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.” William James

“Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.” Ovid

“It’s not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.” Hans Selye


Related Idioms and Expressions:

  1. To relieve stress: to make stress go away or make it less strong
  • I usually take shower to relieve my stress.
  1. Upset stomach: feeling uncomfortable or nausea in your stomach
  • I get an upset stomach before my exams.
  1. Disrupted sleep: sleep which is not continued as expected and is interrupted
  • Disrupted sleep can lead to many problems if it continues long.
  1. To do a number on somebody: to bother, annoy or embarrass someone.
  • He did a number on his girlfriend by forcing her to dance at the party.
  1. To mess with something: to weaken something or damage it
  • Sleeplessness messes with your memory.
  1. boost one’s mood: improve one’s mood and make them happier
  • Coffee really boosts my mood and turns me from grumpy to happy.
  1. Sleep like a baby: sleep calmly and peacefully
  • Look, she’s sleeping like a baby as if she has no worries and problems ahead of her.
  1. Emotional eating: a disorder in which a person turns to eating excessively while facing a problem.
  • You can easily resist emotional eating if you are fully aware of that.


Related Words and Phrases:

Overwhelming (adj): hard to resist against

  • She had an overwhelming desire to leave the house.

Recuperate (v) to recover from an illness or hardship

  • You have to stay away from stress to recuperate.

Tackle (v) try to handle something or deal with someone

  • You don’t have to tackle all your problems right now.

Burn-out (adj) exhaustion usually by working too much

  • The nurses went on strike due to burn-out

Trigger (v) cause a situation to happen; motivate an action

  • I think cold weather triggers my headaches.

Soothing (adj) making you relaxed and calm

  • A soothing swim is the answer to your tense muscles.

Clench (v) (of muscles) contract and tighten

  • Don’t clench your face muscles while you are meditating.

Vibe (n) a person’s mood or a the atmosphere of a place

  • I always come to this café when I’m down, it really has good vibes and calms me down.

Lessen (v) reduce; make less

  • Hot shower can lessen your stress.

Meet up (phv): to meet another person especially when you want to do something entertaining together

  • Let’s meet up on Friday and watch a movie.

Surge (n): an unexpected and big increase

  • She felt a surge of adrenalin in her blood.

Euphoria (n) extensive happiness

  • She was still in state of euphoria after a week past from her victory in law court.

Treat oneself (v) to do something nice for oneself

  • When you are sad and blue treat yourself to a good piece of music

Condone (v) to approve of a behavior that is wrong

  • I’m not condoning lying, no matter what. I always believe it’s wrong to lie.

Spearmint (n) a strong flavoring with a fresh taste

  • I need some spearmint tea to relax.

Stash (v) to save or store something

  • Stash some money in your pocket in case you forget your wallet!


Please leave a response to the following question as a comment: 

What are the things that generally make you stressed?

There are 19 Comments

Generally, people suffer from stresses in different stages of life. And this is so because of ups and downs in their lifespan. Stress can be destructive and it can devastate our spirit for special situations. As it is known, stress cannot be removed from life, but it can be controlled in various situations. At the first step, the cases that can cause stress in our body and our mind should be recognized. When it comes to me, one of the important things that make me stressed is exam. For example, the internal exam of universities was one of the most stressful situations that I passed it.

  • in their lifespan.
  • that make me stressed is exam
  • situations that I passed it

  • in their lifespan ------------- in lifetime
  • that makes me stressed is exam ----------- that make me stressed is an exam
  • situations that I passed it ---------- situations that I passed them 

I think stress is our body's way of responding to any kind of threat and I believe we can control our life and our stress with happiness and we haven't forget the secret of happiness is low expectation .

please tell me my mistakes .thank you

I think stress can be our body's responding to many things that threat both can be one of them. I believe that stress can affect both our body and our mind. people under stress may become sick, tired and can't concentrate well or think.

Stress is often described as a feeling of being overloaded, tense or worried which comes from demands and pressures of recent past events or anticipated future. We all have experienced stress in our routine life. Actually sometimes it can help us to get our tasks done better and boost our performance. But uncontrolled stress can be very harmful for our mental and physiological health and it will reduce our abilities and motivations. Therefore it is crucial to deal with our stresses and make ourselves prepare for challenging situations may confront with. Accordingly we have to find out our stress risers and recognize the ways that we can overcome with them.
Due to my job as the sales and marketing manager in a pharmaceutical company I faced a lot of stresses in my workplace. Apparently meeting my deadlines make me nervous and stressful, moreover sticking to a tight schedule to achieve our goals surge this stresses. Lately I have decided to change my job because of some personal issues. As you may know changing job can be one of the most stressful event that a person goes through. fears and uncertainly due to this life changing event cause overwhelming pressure and tension and make me stress out. The important thing to keep in mind is that there is a continuum between positive and negative so not all changes are easily codified as good or bad but regardless of this fact changing career and working with new colleagues and new boss is really freak me out.

  • Therefore, it is crucial
  • for challenging situations may confront with
  • overcome with them
  • I faced a lot of stresses
  • meeting my deadlines make me nervous
  • surge this stresses
  • one of the most stressful event
  • fears and uncertainly
  • between positive and negative
  • working with new colleagues and new boss is really freak me out.

  • Therefore,
  • for challenging situation you may confront .
  • I faced a lot of stress
  • meeting deadlines makes me
  • increase this stress
  • one of the most stressful events
  • fears and uncertainties
  • being positive or negative
  • ...is really freaking me out.

My question is:

Do you get stressed spontaneously? What is the main reason of that?

Feelings emotional can be natural. From happiness to anger to sadness, emotions are your mind's way of responding to life's events. Even anger has its place, and while many people show inappropriate anger, there are times when anger is necessary.

All emotions play a role in our wellbeing. But when we start to feel like we need to cry for what feels without reason, it may be a sign that we're suffering from anxiety.

Stress is a powerful feeling which can destroy everything. If you study as well as you can and be ready for the test but you can't manage your stress it would make you ruined your test in spite of your great knowledge.

The tips of the video are really good and useful but I think every person can find a unique way to lessen the anxiety, for example when it comes to me I always go to the book city store which is near to our house. It really makes me feel calm because over there I can see people, read books, buy something lovely for me and maybe drink a cup of tea. Listening to a good music make me fell calm as well. It's related to my feelings to listen to a hard rock track or something else like ambient music.

  • you can't manage your stress
  • it would make you ruined your test
  • buy something lovely for me
  • Listening to a good music make me fell calm

. you can't manage your stress >>> Stress feeling??
. it would make you ruined your test >>> ruin 
. buy something lovely for me >>> myself
. Listening to a good music make me fell calm >>> good music, makes, feel

My question is why these kinds of thing (for example smell a lavender or take a hot shower) make us feel better?

for example smell a lavender or take a hot shower

All of us normally have stressful situations every day. We need it somehow to meet our deadlines, to arrive on time and to get things done. The stress would be dangerous and useless when it comes again and again, and it makes us have no concentration even about doing routine things. We should be aware of this situation and try to cope with it. If we can do this and cope with the stress successfully, then it would change to a useful power which helps us to get improved.  

As you know,our reactions to stress triggers can be such as anxiety,depression,phobia and etc; in this case,an increase for heart attacks or various diseases such as cancer would be more terrifying but it is true and all of this problems are because of too much stress.

In this way having a right stress management can help you to cope with it and avoid the anxiety feeling.Actually it doesn't mean that you have to be away from all those stressful situations in your life,you should know how to improve yourself and your body in order to stay calm,concentrated and balanced when you are stressed out.

Staying in recuperate allows your brain to pair down and focus ,so you can try repetitive tasks in this case.Also some simple tips can be useful to relieve stress,like taking a hot shower to boost your mood or progressive muscle relaxation which helps you to sleep better by clenching up every muscle in your body and then letting them go.meditation ,yoga and exercises make you calm; even eating chocolate is effective too, because certain chemicals in chocolate help relax the blood vessels.

For me,the most stressful events are related to my school and education which make me nervous about my scores,but recently I'm more paying attention to lessons which are related to my future and i like the most ,in this way my stress for others has decreased and I think that it is a positive change.


Stress is a reaction to some situations that we haven't self esteem, I think. So by improving confidence we can move stress from our life .