B1 (Intermediate)

112: Embarrassment"


Questions about the Video File:

  1. What is embarrassment?
  2. What are the physical symptoms of embarrassment?
  3. How can you get over embarrassment in 3 steps?
  4. What is the spotlight effect?
  5. Why shouldn’t you apologize after an embarrassing situation?
  6. How can you metaphorically change the channel?


General Questions:

110: Time Management


Questions about the Video File:

  1. What does RAC stand for? What does it help you with?
  2. How can you record your daily activities?
  3. What are you supposed to highlight in your record?
  4. How can work stress be minimized?
  5. What does work stress have to do with your home life?
  6. What are the three ways that can make you a better time manager?
  7. What’s wrong with multitasking?


General Questions:

109: Dealing with Death


Questions about the Video File:

  1. What are the five stages of grief?
  2. Why does the narrator compare grief with a roller coaster?
  3. Discuss some of the practical ways that can help you to deal with your grief.
  4. When should you consult with a specialized therapist about your grief?
  5. Which one of the techniques mentioned in the video file is more favored by you, and why?

General Questions:

108: Self-discipline


Questions about the Video File:

  1. How can you simplify self-discipline?
  2. How long does it take to form a new habit?
  3. What are the three building blocks of habits according to the author of The Power of Habits?  
  4. What is the essence of self-discipline?
  5. Please explain about keystone habits.
  6. Please mention some keystone habits that can revolutionize your life.


Please leave a response to the following question as a comment: 

107: Change


Questions about the Video File:

  1. What is cheese a metaphor for?
  2. How could Sniff and Scurry help each other collaboratively to locate cheese?
  3. What was the special privilege of the mice in comparison to the two little people to deal with the cheeseless problem?
  4. Among the four characters of the story, which one do you like to be similar to? Why?
  5. What does the maze in the story represent in your life?


Please leave a response to the following question as a comment: 

106: Longetivity


Questions about the Video File:

  1. What is an academic guess called?
  2. Select an appropriate title for this presentation instead of its original one.
  3. What specifically scientific breakthrough was made in 1999?
  4. Do athletes have faster or slower heartbeats? Why?
  5. How is it hypothesized to increase the longevity of humans?


General Questions:



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