
English translation unavailable for company.

Misery loves company

معنای کلمه به کلمه: 
<p>بدبختی عاشق همراه کردن دیگران با خود است.</p>

When you are unhappy and miserable, you prefer to be surrounded by people who have suffered the same or those who would listen to you and are sympathetic towards you. It is sometimes used to say that unfortunate and miserable people like other people around them to be in the same situation.

انسان وقتی ناراحت است و احساس بدبختی می کند، ترجیح می دهد در کنار کسانی باشد که از همان مشکل رنج می برند و یا کسانی که به او گوش می دهند و با او همدردی می کنند. گاها زمانی از این جمله استفاده می شود که می خواهیم بگوییم افراد بدبخت دوست دارند باقی مردم اطرافشان نیز مانند آنها بدبخت باشند.

Persian equivalent: 

Since her husband's death, all she does is talking about it. She wants to share her sadness with other people, especially other widows. It's true that misery loves company.

A man is known by the company he keeps

معنای کلمه به کلمه: 
<p dir="RTL">انسان از روی دوستانی که دارد شناخته می شود.</p>

Your friends play an important role in how people think about your personality and character. So you'd better be careful when making friends.

اینکه مردم چگونه درباره شخصیت تو فکر کنند بستگی زیادی به دوستانت دارد. پس بهتر است مواظب باشی با چه کسانی معاشرت می کنی.

Persian equivalent: 

Lisa said she had seen you with Mickey and Joe again. I've told you many times that those boys are famous for bothering all their neighbors. Everybody thinks you are like them. You know well that a man is known by the company he keeps.

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