

US /ˈmed.ɪ.sən/ 
UK /ˈmed.ɪ.sən/ 

doctor of medicine

Persian equivalent: 

Oxford Essential Dictionary



1 (no plural) the science of understanding illnesses and making sick people well again:
He's studying medicine.

2 (plural medicines) special liquids or pills that help you to get better when you are ill:
Take this medicine every morning.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


medicine S2 W3 /ˈmedsən $ ˈmedəsən/ noun
  [Word Family: noun: medical, medication, medicine, medic; adjective: medical, medicated, medicinal; adverb: medically, medicinally]
 [Date: 1100-1200; Language: Old French; Origin: Latin medicina, from medicus; ⇨ medical]
 1. [uncountable and countable] a substance used for treating illness, especially a liquid you drink:
   • Medicines should be kept out of the reach of children.
   • Have you been taking your medicine?
   • a medicine bottle
  medicine chest/cabinet (=for keeping medicine in)
   ► Do not say that you ‘drink medicine’. Say that you take medicine.
 2. [uncountable] the treatment and study of illnesses and injuries:
   • She studied medicine at Johns Hopkins University.
   • the remarkable achievements of modern medicine
 3. the best medicine the best way of making you feel better when you are sad:
   • Laughter is the best medicine.
 4. give somebody a dose/taste of their own medicine to treat someone as badly as they have treated you
 5. take your medicine (like a man) to accept an unpleasant situation or a punishment that you deserve, without complaining
     • • •

COLLOCATIONS(for Meaning 2)■ adjectives

   ▪ modern medicine (=medicine based on science)Thanks to modern medicine, these babies will survive.
   ▪ conventional/orthodox medicine (=ordinary modern medicine)Some sufferers reject conventional medicine.
   ▪ Western medicine (=conventional medicine as developed in Western countries)the scientific basis of Western medicine
   ▪ traditional medicine (=medical treatments that were used before modern medicine)The plant was used in traditional medicine for the treatment of stomach problems.
   ▪ alternative/complementary medicine (=medical treatments that are not part of modern medicine)Various types of alternative medicine, particularly acupuncture, can give pain relief.
   ▪ herbal medicine (=medical treatments that use herbs)In ancient China, herbal medicine was often used with acupuncture.
   ▪ holistic medicine (=medical treatment of a whole person, not just a particular illness)One principle of holistic medicine is that each person is unique.
   ▪ folk medicine (=medical treatments that were used by ordinary people, especially in the past)Researchers are looking at plants that are commonly used in folk medicine.
   ▪ Chinese medicine (=medical treatments that are traditional in China, for example using herbs and acupuncture)Acupuncture is part of traditional Chinese medicine.
   ▪ geriatric/veterinary/tropical etc medicine (=medical study relating to specific groups or types of illness)Advances have been made in veterinary medicine, so that our pets are living longer, healthier lives.
     • • •


   ▪ medicine noun [uncountable and countable] a substance used for treating illness: • Certain medicines should not be taken with alcohol. | • Has he taken his medicine?
   ▪ pill noun [countable] a small piece of medicine that you swallow: • She managed to swallow the pill with a sip of water. | • The doctor gave him some pills. | • sleeping pills | • diet pills | • contraceptive pills
   ▪ tablet noun [countable] especially British English a small piece of solid medicine: • She's now on four tablets a day. | • a five-day course of tablets | • sleeping tablets | • anti-malaria tablets
   ▪ antibiotics/aspirin/codeine etc: • The doctor put him on a course of antibiotics. | • Why don’t you take some aspirin? | • The tablets contain codeine, which is unsuitable for people with asthma.
   ▪ capsule noun [countable] a small tube-shaped container with medicine inside that you swallow whole: • a bottle of 500 capsules of vitamin C | • I advised her to take four to six garlic capsules a day for the duration of the treatment.
   ▪ caplet noun [countable] a small smooth pill that is slightly longer than it is wide - used especially on bottles and containers: • In small type, the consumer is warned not to take more than one caplet per day.
   ▪ eye/ear drops liquid medicine that you put into your eye or ear: • Remember — if you 're using eye drops for your hay fever, leave your contact lenses out.
   ▪ cream noun [uncountable and countable] especially British English (also lotion especially American English) a thick smooth substance containing medicine, that you put on your skin: • an antibiotic cream | • antiseptic cream | • skin cream
   ▪ drug noun [countable] a medicine or a substance for making medicines: • a drug used to treat malaria | • There are a wide range of different drugs on the market.
   ▪ dosage noun [countable usually singular] the amount of medicine that you should take at one time: • The dosage should be reduced to 0.5 mg. | • It’s important to get the dosage right.
   ▪ medication noun [uncountable and countable] medicine or drugs given to someone who is ill: • He takes medication for his diabetes. | • She’s on medication (=taking medication), having suffered from depression for a number of years.

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary


medi·cine [medicine medicines]   [ˈmedsn]    [ˈmedsn]    [ˈmedɪsn]    [ˈmedɪsn]  noun

1. uncountable the study and treatment of diseases and injuries

• advances in modern medicine

• to study/practise medicine

traditional/conventional/orthodox medicine

alternative medicine

see also  Ayurvedic medicine, defensive medicine

2. uncountable, countable a substance, especially a liquid that you drink or swallow in order to cure an illness

• Did you take your medicine?

• cough medicine

• Chinese herbal medicines

Idioms: best medicine  dose of your own medicine 


Word Origin:

Middle English: via Old French from Latin medicina, from medicus ‘physician’.



medicine noun

1. U

• He is qualified in traditional Chinese medicine.

treatment • • therapy • • medical care

(a/an) alternative/orthodox/conventional medicine/treatment/therapy

2. U, C

• Have you taken your medicine?

drug • • medication • • remedy • • antidote • • prescription • • cure

(a/an) medicine/drug/medication/remedy/antidote/prescription/cure for sth

prescribe medicine/drugs/medication/a remedy/a cure

take your medicine/your medication/a remedy/the antidote

Medicine, drug or medication? Drug emphasizes what the substance is made of; medicine and medication emphasize what it is used for.




Becoming ill

catch a cold/an infectious disease/the flu/(BrE) flu/pneumonia/a virus/(informal) a bug

get (BrE) ill/(NAmE) sick/a disease/AIDS/breast cancer/a cold/the flu/(BrE) flu/a migraine

come down with a cold/the flu/(BrE) flu

contract a deadly disease/a serious illness/HIV/AIDS

be infected with a virus/a parasite/HIV

develop cancer/diabetes/a rash/an ulcer/symptoms of hepatitis

have a heart attack/a stroke

provoke/trigger/produce an allergic reaction

block/burst/rupture a blood vessel

damage/sever a nerve/an artery/a tendon

Being ill

feel (BrE) ill/sick/nauseous/queasy

be running (BrE) a temperature/(NAmE) a fever

have a head cold/diabetes/heart disease/lung cancer/a headache/(BrE) a high temperature/(NAmE) a fever

suffer from asthma/malnutrition/frequent headaches/bouts of depression/a mental disorder

be laid up with/ (BrE) be in bed with a cold/the flu/(BrE) flu/a migraine

nurse a cold/a headache/a hangover

battle/fight cancer/depression/addiction/alcoholism


examine a patient

diagnose a condition/disease/disorder

be diagnosed with cancer/diabetes/schizophrenia

prescribe/be given/be on/take drugs/medicine/medication/pills/painkillers/antibiotics

treat sb for cancer/depression/shock

have/undergo an examination/an operation/surgery/a kidney transplant/therapy/chemotherapy/treatment for cancer

have/be given an injection/(BrE) a flu jab/(NAmE) a flu shot/a blood transfusion/a scan/an X-ray

cure a disease/an ailment/cancer/a headache/a patient

prevent the spread of disease/further outbreaks/damage to the lungs

be vaccinated against the flu/(BrE) flu/the measles/(BrE) measles/polio/smallpox

enhance/boost/confer/build immunity to a disease


Example Bank:

• She believed private medicine was a threat to the existence of the National Health Service.

• She gave up general medicine to specialize in geriatric medicine.

• a bottle of cough medicine

• medicine for a chest infection

• people practising alternative medicine

• qualified in traditional Chinese medicine

• Food and medicines are being airlifted to the flood-hit area.

• Have you taken your medicine?

• She gave me a dose of cough medicine.

• She went on to practise medicine after completing her studies.

• Supplies of medicine are hard to get hold of during times of war.

• Which branch of medicine are you going to train in?

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary


medicine (SUBSTANCE) /ˈmed.ɪ.sən/
noun [C or U]
a substance, especially in the form of a liquid or a pill, which is a treatment for illness or injury:
cough medicine
Take two spoonfuls of medicine at mealtimes.
She knows quite a lot about herbal medicines.

medicinal /məˈdɪs.ɪ.nəl/
Medicinal substances are used to cure illnesses:
I keep a bottle of brandy purely for medicinal purposes.
It is said that the spring water has medicinal properties.

medicinally /məˈdɪs.ɪ.nə.li/


medicine (TREATMENT) /ˈmed.ɪ.sən/
noun [U]
treatment for illness or injury, or the study of this:
paediatric/preventative medicine
orthodox/Western medicine
a career in medicine
She is a doctor, but is unable to practise medicine (= work as a doctor) in her own country.

Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary


[me̱ds(ə)n, AM me̱dɪsɪn]

 1) N-UNCOUNT Medicine is the treatment of illness and injuries by doctors and nurses.
  He pursued a career in medicine...
  I was interested in alternative medicine and becoming an aromatherapist...
  Psychiatry is an accepted branch of medicine.
 2) N-MASS Medicine is a substance that you drink or swallow in order to cure an illness.
  People in hospitals are dying because of shortage of medicine.
  ...herbal medicines.

Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's Dictionary

Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's Dictionary: 


med·i·cine /ˈmɛdəsən, Brit ˈmɛdsən/ noun, pl -cines
1 : a substance that is used in treating disease or relieving pain and that is usually in the form of a pill or a liquid


• a cough medicine
• herbal medicines
• He forgot to take his medicine.


• I took some medicine.
• Did you look in the medicine cabinet/chest for a pain reliever?
2 [noncount] : the science that deals with preventing, curing, and treating diseases
• Their research has led to many important advances in modern medicine.
• She's interested in a career in medicine.
• the practice/study of medicine
• preventive medicine
- see also internal medicine, socialized medicine, sports medicine, western medicine
a taste/dose of your own medicine informal : harsh or unpleasant treatment that is like the treatment you have given other people
• The movie is about a playboy who gets a taste of his own medicine when the girl he falls in love with jilts him for another guy.
take your medicine informal : to accept something that is unpleasant because it is necessary and cannot be avoided
• If he loses the case, he should just take his medicine and stop complaining.


law [noun] (RULE)
US /lɑː/ 
UK /lɔː/ 

He studied law for four years.

The area of knowledge or study dealing with systems of rules and the way that they work

Persian equivalent: 

He studied law for four years.

Oxford Essential Dictionary



1 the law (no plural) all the rules of a country:
Stealing is against the law (= illegal).
You're breaking the law (= doing something illegal).

2 a rule of a country that says what people may or may not do:
There is a law against carrying guns.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


law S1 W1 /lɔː $ lɒː/ noun
  [Word Family: noun: law, lawyer, outlaw, lawfulness, lawlessness; verb: outlaw; adverb: lawfully ≠ unlawfully; adjective: lawful ≠ unlawful]
 [Language: Old English; Origin: lagu]
 1. SYSTEM OF RULES  [uncountable] (also the law) the whole system of rules that people in a particular country or area must obey:
   • Elected officials ought to obey the law.
  by law
   • By law, seat belts must be worn by all passengers.
  under English/international etc law
   • This is illegal under English law.
 2. A RULE  [countable] a rule that people in a particular country or area must obey:
   • laws passed by Parliament
  under a law
   • Five people arrested under anti-terrorism laws were released without charge.
  law on
   • European laws on equal opportunities
  law against
   • The laws against drug use were very strict.
 3. law and order a situation in which people respect the law, and crime is controlled by the police, the prison system etc:
   • We are concerned about the breakdown of law and order in the country.
 4. POLICE  the law the police:
   • I think she may be in trouble with the law.
 5. WHAT ALWAYS HAPPENS  [countable] something that always happens in nature or society, or a statement that describes this
  law of
   • the law of supply and demand
   • the laws of nature
   • the law of gravity
 6. STUDY/PROFESSION  [uncountable] (also the law) law as a subject of study, or the profession of being a lawyer:
   • She’s studying law in London.
 7. SPORT/ACTIVITY  [countable] one of the rules which controls a sport or activity:
   • the laws of football
 8. the law of the jungle
   a) the idea that people should only look after themselves and not care about other people if they want to succeed
   b) the principle that only the strongest creatures will stay alive
 9. the law of averages the probability that one result will happen as often as another if you try something often enough:
   • The law of averages says we’ll win at least once.
 10. be a law unto himself/herself etc to behave in an independent way and not worry about the usual rules of behaviour or what other people do or think:
   • Boys his age are a law unto themselves.
 11. take the law into your own hands to do something illegal in order to put right something that you think is not fair, for example by violently punishing someone instead of telling the police:
   • vigilantes who take the law into their own hands
 12. go to law to go to court in order to settle a problem:
   • the right of consumers to go to law if they need to
 13. be above the law someone who is above the law does not have to obey the law:
   • Many ministers seem to regard themselves as being above the law.
 14. there’s no law against something spoken used to tell someone who is criticizing you that you are not doing anything wrong
 15. there ought to be a law against something spoken used to say that you do not think something should be accepted or allowed:
   • There ought to be a law against cutting off power supplies in the middle of February.
 16. sb’s word is law used to say that someone is always obeyed without argument
  ⇨ Sod’s law, ⇨ lay down the law at LAY DOWN(3), ⇨ unwritten law at unwritten
     • • •

COLLOCATIONS(for Meanings 1 & 2)■ verbs

   ▪ obey the lawCitizens have a duty to obey the law.
   ▪ break the law (=do something illegal)Is the company breaking the law?
   ▪ pass a lawNew Jersey passed a law requiring helmets for scooter riders.
   ▪ become law (=officially be made a law)For a bill to become law, it must be approved by both Houses of Parliament.
   ▪ make lawsPart of the function of Parliament is to make laws.
   ▪ introduce a lawIn 1989, a new law was introduced to protect the Polish language.
   ▪ enforce a law (=make people obey a law)It is the job of the police to enforce the law.
   ▪ flout a law (=deliberately disobey a law)Employers who flout the law should be properly punished.
   ▪ repeal a law (=officially end a law)Many people want the law to be repealed.
   ▪ a law prohibits something (=says that it is not allowed)The law prohibits possession of these animals.

■ phrases

   ▪ something is against the law (=it is illegal)The children knew that shoplifting was against the law.
   ▪ stay/act within the law (=not do illegal things)The security forces must act within the law.


   ▪ strict/toughthe country’s strict anti-tobacco laws
   ▪ tax/copyright/divorce etc law(s)an accountant who knows about tax law
   ▪ criminal law (=laws concerning crimes)Criminal law contains definitions of such crimes as murder, rape, and robbery.
   ▪ civil law (=laws concerning disagreements between people, rather than crimes)The punishment for breaking civil law is usually a fine.
   ▪ international law (=laws that all countries agree to obey)Under international law, the countries must respect the treaty.
   ▪ English/German etc lawThis is not an offence under English law.
   ▪ federal law (=the law of the US, not a particular state)Under federal law, it is illegal to discriminate against employees because of race or sex.
   ▪ state law (=the law in a US state)Under state law it was illegal for any public official to receive gifts worth more than $100.
   ▪ common law (=laws that have come from customs and the decisions of judges)In common law, if a house is rented out, it is expected that the house is safe to live in.
   ▪ case law (=law based on previous court cases)There is little case law covering this issue.
     • • •


   ▪ rule an instruction that says what people are allowed to do or not allowed to do, for example in a game, school, or company: • the rules of baseball | • He disobeyed the school rules.
   ▪ law an official rule that everyone in a country, city, or state must obey: • It is against the law to carry a concealed weapon. | • The law requires motorcyclists to wear helmets.
   ▪ regulation an official rule or order, which is part of a set of rules made by a government or organization: • the regulations for applying for a passport | • building regulations | • environmental regulations on air pollution
   ▪ restriction an official rule that limits what people can do: • new restrictions on immigration | • The government is planning to impose regulations on the amount of alcohol you can bring into the country.
   ▪ guidelines rules or instructions about the best way to do something: • the Department of Health’s guidelines for a healthy diet | • guidelines for classroom teachers
   ▪ code a set of rules that people or organizations agree to obey but are not forced to obey: • The school has a dress code for its students. | • the company’s code of conduct
   ▪ statute formal a law that has been officially approved by a parliament, council etc, and written down: • The statute banned corporal punishment.
   ▪ ordinance American English a law, made by a city or town, that forbids or restricts an activity: • A local ordinance limited speed in the parks to ten miles an hour.

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary


law [law laws]   [lɔː]    [lɔː]  noun



1. (also the law) uncountable the whole system of rules that everyone in a country or society must obey

• If they entered the building they would be breaking the law.

• In Sweden it is against the law to hit a child.

• Defence attorneys can use any means within the law to get their client off.

• British schools are now required by law to publish their exam results.

• The reforms have recently become law.

• Do not think you are above the law (= think that you cannot be punished by the law).

• the need for better law enforcement

• (humorous) Kate's word was law in the Brown household.

2. uncountable a particular branch of the law

company/international/tax, etc. law

see also  canon law, case law, civil law, common law, private law, statute law  


3. countable a rule that deals with a particular crime, agreement, etc

~ (against sth) the 1996 law against the hiring of illegal immigrants

~ (on sth) The government has introduced some tough new laws on food hygiene.

strict gun laws

• a federal/state law

• to pass a law (= officially make it part of the system of laws)

• (informal) There ought to be a law against it!

see also  by-law, licensing laws  


4. uncountable the study of the law as a subject at university, etc; the profession of being a lawyer

• Jane is studying law.

• (NAmE) He's in law school.

• (BrE) He's at law school.

• What made you go into law?

• a law firm  


5. the law singular used to refer to the police and the legal system

• Jim is always getting into trouble with the law.

• She was well known for her brushes with the law.  


6. countable one of the rules which controls an organization or activity

• the laws of the Church

• The first law of kung fu is to defend yourself.

• the laws of cricket

• the laws of war  



7. countable a rule for good behaviour or how you should behave in a particular place or situation

• moral laws

• the unspoken laws of the street  




8. countable the fact that sth always happens in the same way in an activity or in nature

Syn:  principle

• the laws of supply and demand

• the law of gravity

9. countable a scientific rule that sb has stated to explain a natural process

• the first law of thermodynamics

see also  Murphy's Law, Parkinson's law, Sod's Law, legal, legalize, legislate 

more at the letter of the law at  letter  n., possession is nine points/tenths/parts of the law at  possession, the rule of law at  rule  n., on the wrong side of the law at  wrong  adj.

Idioms: a law unto yourself  go to law  law and order  law of averages  law of the jungle  lay down the law  take the law into your own hands  there's no law against something 


Word Origin:

Old English lagu, from Old Norse lag ‘something laid down or fixed’, of Germanic origin and related to lay  (verb).



the legal system

In Britain, for historical reasons, the system of law used in Scotland is different from that in England and Wales, with the law in Northern Ireland similar to that in England. When making decisions Scottish courts look for an appropriate general principle and apply it to a particular situation. English law relies on case law, a collection of previous decisions, called precedents. English courts look at precedents for the case being tried and make a similar judgement. A basic principle of law in Britain is that anyone accused is innocent until proven guilty, so it is the job of the prosecution to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the defendant (= the person accused) has broken the law as stated in the charge. If this cannot be proved the person must be acquitted (= allowed to go free, with no blame attached).

British law is divided into civil law which concerns disagreements between individuals about matters such as business contracts, and criminal law which deals with offences that involve harm to a person resulting from somebody breaking the law. In civil cases, the plaintiff (= the person who claims to have been wronged) brings an action against the defendant in the hope of winning damages (= a financial payment) or an injunction (= a court order preventing the defendant from doing something). Criminal cases are brought against criminals by the state, in England and Wales by the Director of Public Prosecutions and in Scotland through procurators fiscal.

In England and Wales most towns have a Magistrates' Court where minor cases are judged and more serious cases are passed to higher courts by three magistrates called Justices of the Peace, specially trained members of the public. The more serious cases are heard in a Crown Court by a judge and a jury. Minor civil cases, such as divorce and bankruptcy, are heard in the county courts and more serious ones in the High Court of Justice. Appeals against decisions from the Crown Court or the High Court go to the Court of Appeal and a few cases, where a question of law is in doubt, are passed to the House of Lords.

In Scotland, criminal cases are heard in District Courts by members of the public called lay justices. More serious cases go to regional sheriff courts and are heard by the sheriff and a jury. Appeals go to the High Court of Justiciary in Edinburgh. Civil cases begin in the sheriff court and may go on appeal to the Court of Session.

In the US, the judicial system is one of the three branches of the federal government, but the legal system operates at many levels with state, county and city courts as well as federal courts. The right to trial by jury is provided by the Constitution. Each type of court has its own jurisdiction, that is it deals with certain kinds of cases. Both civil and criminal cases are first heard in trial courts and there is a right to appeal against the court’s decision in a court of appeals. Many states have family courts where people get divorced and small claims courts which deal with small amounts of money. States also have trial courts, which hear a wider range of cases, and courts of appeal called superior courts or district courts. Most states have a supreme court where the most serious appeals are held. States have their own criminal code, but some crimes are federal offences, i.e. against federal law, and crimes may fall under federal jurisdiction if more than one state is involved.

Most courts have only one judge, but some higher courts have several. In the US Supreme Court, the nine judges are called justices. The people on either side of a case are represented by lawyers, also called attorneys-at-law. In a criminal trial the defendant is represented by a defense attorney, or if he or she is too poor to pay a lawyer, the court will appoint a public defender. The prosecution is led by an assistant district attorney or, in federal cases, by a federal attorney.



law noun

1. the law U

• Driving without insurance is against the law.

legislation • • constitution • • code • • charter

(the) civil/criminal law/legislation/code

break the law/a code

be enshrined in law/legislation/the constitution/a charter

2. C

• They are introducing tough new laws against gun crime.

legislation • • rule • • regulation • • act • • statute • • commandment

(a) law/legislation/rule against sth

pass (a/an) law/legislation/regulation/act/statute

break a law/rule/regulation/commandment

3. C, U

• He behaved as though moral laws did not exist.

principle • • rule • |formal tenet

the law/principle/rule/tenet that…

a basic/fundamental law/principle/rule/tenet

a moral law/principle/rule

4. C

• the laws of supply and demand

principle • • rule • • theory • |technical theorem

the law/principle/rule/theory/theorem that…

a basic/fundamental law/principle/rule/theory/theorem

a law/principle/rule/theory/theorem states that…



Criminal justice

Breaking the law

break/violate/obey/uphold the law

be investigated/arrested/tried for a crime/a robbery/fraud

be arrested/ (especially NAmE) indicted/convicted on charges of rape/fraud/(especially US) felony charges

be arrested on suspicion of arson/robbery/shoplifting

be accused of/be charged with murder/(especially NAmE) homicide/four counts of fraud

face two charges of indecent assault

admit your guilt/liability/responsibility (for sth)

deny the allegations/claims/charges

confess to a crime

grant/be refused/be released on/skip/jump bail

The legal process

stand/await/bring sb to/come to/be on trial

take sb to/come to/settle sth out of court

face/avoid/escape prosecution

seek/retain/have the right to/be denied access to legal counsel

hold/conduct/attend/adjourn a hearing/trial

sit on/influence/persuade/convince the jury

sit/stand/appear/be put/place sb in the dock

plead guilty/not guilty to a crime

be called to/enter (BrE) the witness box

take/put sb on the stand/(NAmE) the witness stand

call/subpoena/question/cross-examine a witness

give/hear the evidence against/on behalf of sb

raise/withdraw/overrule an objection

reach a unanimous/majority verdict

return/deliver/record a verdict of not guilty/unlawful killing/accidental death

convict/acquit the defendant of the crime

secure a conviction/your acquittal

lodge/file an appeal

appeal (against)/challenge/uphold/overturn a conviction/verdict

Sentencing and punishment

pass sentence on sb

carry/face/serve a seven-year/life sentence

receive/be given the death penalty

be sentenced to ten years (in prison/jail)

carry/impose/pay a fine (of $3 000)/a penalty (of 14 years imprisonment)

be imprisoned/jailed for drug possession/fraud/murder

do/serve time/ten years

be sent to/put sb in/be released from jail/prison

be/put sb/spend X years on death row

be granted/be denied/break (your) parole

more collocations at crime 


Example Bank:

• A presidential veto prevented the bill from becoming law.

• As the law stands, you can get married at sixteen.

• As the law stands, you can get married while still too young to have a driving licence.

• By law, you are obliged to install smoke alarms in the factory.

• Congress amended the law in 1998.

• Environmental laws are strict about polluting precious water.

• In spite of the difficulties it would cause her family, the judge stuck to the letter of the law and jailed her.

• It's the job of the police to enforce the law.

• Judges interpret this law in different ways.

• Laws criminalizing same-sex relationships were ruled unconstitutional.

• Martial law was imposed to prevent the breakdown of law and order.

• No one is above the law.

• Parliament voted for the bill to become law.

• She lost her job at a Boston law office.

• She's at law school.

• The building was raided by law enforcement agents.

• The company is operating entirely within the law.

• The law applies equally to businesses large and small.

• The law forbids gambling of any kind.

• The law is clear: bribery is wrong.

• The wearing of a crash helmet is required by law.

• We believe this law is unconstitutional.

• What you did was clearly against the law.

• When police failed to arrest the suspect, local people took the law into their own hands and beat him up.

• a law limiting the hours of work to ten hours per day

• a law recognizing civil unions for same-sex couples

• a local law against keeping horses

• a room filled with law books

• individuals who are acting beyond the law

• rebels who live outside the law

• the Civil Rights Act of 1964 became the law of the land on July 2, 1964.

• the broader implications of copyright law reform

• the law concerning industrial action ballots

• the law governing school attendance

• the law relating to the sale of goods

• the laws regarding child actors

• the laws regulating firearms

• the legislators who drafted the law

• the passage of a restrictive immigration law in 1924

• Do you remember anything about Ohm's Law?

• He frequently behaved as though moral laws did not exist.

• He specializes in international law.

• He was charged under the 1996 law against hiring illegal immigrants.

• If they entered the building they would be breaking the law.

• The country has very strict gun laws.

• The reforms have recently become law.

• The usual laws of supply and demand do not seem to apply in this case.

• Their world is shaped by their parents' attitudes and the unspoken law of the street.

• Who first defined the law of gravity?

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary


law (PRINCIPLE) /lɔː/ US /lɑː/
noun [C]
a general rule which states what always happens when the same conditions exist:
Newton's laws of motion
the laws of nature/physics
HUMOROUS The first law of (= the most important principle in) politics is - if you're going to lie, don't get found out!
See also Murphy's law; Parkinson's law.


law (RULE) /lɔː/ US /lɑː/
noun [C or U]
a rule, usually made by a government, that is used to order the way in which a society behaves, or the whole system of such rules:
There are laws against drinking in the street.
The laws governing the possession of firearms are being reviewed.
They led the fight to impose laws on smoking.
They have to provide a contract by law.
She's going to study law at university.
[+ ing form of verb or + to infinitive] Many doctors want to see a law banning/to ban all tobacco advertising.
See also bylaw; lawsuit; lawyer.

the law noun [S]
the system of rules of a particular country:
What does the law say about having alcohol in the blood while driving?
Of course robbery is against the law!
The judge ruled that the directors had knowingly broken the law.
You can't take that course of action and remain within the law.

the law group noun [S] INFORMAL
the police:
The law was/were out in force at the demonstration.

Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary


 1) N-SING: the N The law is a system of rules that a society or government develops in order to deal with crime, business agreements, and social relationships. You can also use the law to refer to the people who work in this system.
  Obscene and threatening phone calls are against the law...
  They are seeking permission to begin criminal proceedings against him for breaking the law on financing political parties...
  There must be changes in the law quickly to stop this sort of thing ever happening to anyone else...
  The book analyses why women kill and how the law treats them.
 2) N-UNCOUNT: usu adj N Law is used to refer to a particular branch of the law, such as criminal law or company law.
  He was a professor of criminal law at Harvard University law school...
  Under international law, diplomats living in foreign countries are exempt from criminal prosecution...
  Important questions of constitutional law were involved.
 3) N-COUNT: oft n N A law is one of the rules in a system of law which deals with a particular type of agreement, relationship, or crime.
  ...the country's liberal political asylum law...
  The law was passed on a second vote.
 4) N-PLURAL: the N of n, supp N The laws of an organization or activity are its rules, which are used to organize and control it.
  ...the laws of the Church of England...
  Match officials should not tolerate such behaviour but instead enforce the laws of the game.
 5) N-COUNT A law is a rule or set of rules for good behaviour which is considered right and important by the majority of people for moral, religious, or emotional reasons.
  ...inflexible moral laws.
 6) N-COUNT: with supp A law is a natural process in which a particular event or thing always leads to a particular result.
  The laws of nature are absolute.
 7) N-COUNT: with supp A law is a scientific rule that someone has invented to explain a particular natural process.
  ...the law of gravity.
 8) N-UNCOUNT Law or the law is all the professions which deal with advising people about the law, representing people in court, or giving decisions and punishments.
  A career in law is becoming increasingly attractive to young people...
  Nearly 100 law firms are being referred to the Solicitors' Disciplinary Tribunal.
 9) N-UNCOUNT Law is the study of systems of law and how laws work.
  He came to Oxford and studied law...
  He holds a law degree from Bristol University.
 10) → See also court of law, rule of law
 11) PHRASE: v-link PHR (disapproval) If you accuse someone of thinking they are above the law, you criticize them for thinking that they are so clever or important that they do not need to obey the law.
  One opposition member of parliament accuses the government of wanting to be above the law...
  He considered himself above the law.
 12) PHRASE The law of averages is the idea that something is sure to happen at some time, because of the number of times it generally happens or is expected to happen.
  On the law of averages we just can't go on losing and losing and losing.
 13) PHRASE: PHR with cl If you have to do something by law or if you are not allowed to do something by law, the law states that you have to do it or that you are not allowed to do it.
  By law all restaurants must display their prices outside...
  Minicabs are prohibited by law from touting passers-by for business.
 14) PHRASE: V inflects If you go to law, you go to court in order to get a legal judgement on a dispute. [mainly BRIT]
  He went to law and did not succeed in his claim against us.
 15) PHRASE: V inflects (disapproval) If you say that someone lays down the law, you are critical of them because they give other people orders and they think that they are always right.
  ...traditional parents, who believed in laying down the law for their offspring.
 16) PHRASE: V inflects If someone takes the law into their own hands, they punish someone or do something to put a situation right, instead of waiting for the police or the legal system to take action.
  The speeding motorist was pinned to the ground by angry locals who took the law into their own hands until police arrived.
 17) PHRASE: v-link PHR If you say that someone is a law unto himself or herself, you mean that they behave in an independent way, ignoring laws, rules, or conventional ways of doing things.
  Some of the landowners were a law unto themselves. There was nobody to check their excesses and they exploited the people.
 18) Sod's lawsee sod

Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's Dictionary

Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's Dictionary: 


law /ˈlɑː/ noun, pl laws
1 [noncount]
a : the whole system or set of rules made by the government of a town, state, country, etc.
• People who are supposed to obey the law also need to know their rights under the law. [=according to the law]
• The courts exist to uphold, interpret, and apply the law.
• state/federal law
• Stealing is against the law. [=stealing is illegal]
• He denied that he had broken/violated the law. [=that he had done anything illegal]
• You have to pay taxes. That's the law of the land. [=the set of rules that exists in a certain place]
• The job of the police is to enforce the law. [=make sure that people obey the law]
• He's interested in a career in law enforcement. [=a career as a police officer]
• (US) Law enforcement officials [=police officials] in the area were alerted of the suspect's escape.
- see also martial law
b : a particular kind of law
• a lawyer who specializes in criminal/contract/immigration law
- see also common law
2 : a rule made by the government of a town, state, country, etc.


• A law requires that schools provide a safe learning environment. = There is a law requiring schools to provide a safe learning environment.
• In our civics class we learned how a bill becomes a law.
• She has proposed a new law to protect people from being evicted unfairly.
- often + on or against
• Congress passed several new laws on the environment. [=laws relating to the environment]
• a law against unfair eviction [=a law that makes unfair eviction illegal]
• We need stricter laws against discrimination.


• Schools are required by law to provide a safe learning environment.
• The bill will become law at the beginning of the year.
• With the majority voting in favor, the bill has been passed into law. [=the bill became a law]
• The bill was signed into law by the governor. [=the proposed law became officially active when the governor signed it]
3 the law : the people and organizations (such as the police and the courts) whose job is to find or punish people who do not obey laws
• They called in the law [=the police] to determine what should be done next.
• He's been in and out of trouble with the law for the last 10 years.
4 [noncount]
a : the job of a lawyer : the legal profession
• She's been thinking about going into law. [=thinking about becoming a lawyer]
• a career in law
• The company hired a large law firm [=a group of lawyers who work together as a business] to handle the case.
• She practices law [=she works as a lawyer] with a firm in Boston.
- see also attorney at law
b : the area of study that relates to laws and how they are used
• a professor of law
• studying law
• going to law school [=a school that trains you to become a lawyer]
5 : a religious rule


• the body of Islamic laws


• according to Jewish law
6 [count]
a : a rule stating that something (such as an art or profession) should be done in a certain way
• the laws of poetry
• He teaches his students that balance is the first law of architecture. [=balance is the most important principle in architecture]
b Brit : a rule in a sport or game
• the laws [=rules] of tennis
7 [count] : a statement that describes how something works in the natural world - often + of
• the law of gravity
• the laws of nature/physics
• Newton's laws of motion
above the law : not required to obey the law
• No one is above the law. [=everyone must obey the law]
• He complains that the new policy places corporations above the law. [=that the new policy allows corporations to do things that are not legal]
a law unto yourself
✦People who are or think they are a law unto themselves act in a way that shows they do not care what kind of behavior other people think is acceptable.
• I've warned him that he can't keep behaving this way, but he won't listen. He seems to think that he's a law unto himself. [=that he can do whatever he wants to do]
go to law Brit : to ask a court of law to settle a dispute
law and order : a state or situation in which people obey the law : legal control and authority
• The police work to preserve law and order.
• a breakdown of law and order
lay down the law
- see lay down at 1lay
outside the law
1 : not agreeing with the law
• actions that may have been outside the law [=illegal]
2 : in an illegal way
• Investigators were unable to prove that the business was operating outside the law. [=illegally]
take the law into your own hands : to try to punish someone for breaking a law even though you do not have the right to do that
• Police are concerned that the victim's family may try to take the law into their own hands. [=may try to punish the criminal themselves instead of allowing the legal system to do it]
the law of averages : the idea or principle that something which can produce different results will produce those results in a regular or predictable way over a period of time
• I can't believe that team has lost 12 games in a row. The law of averages says that they should have won at least one game by now.
the law of the jungle
- used to describe a situation in which people do whatever they want to or whatever is necessary to survive or succeed
• an industry governed by the law of the jungle
the long arm of the law
- see 1arm
within the law
1 : agreeing with the law
• He says that everything he did was within the law. [=legal]
2 : in a legal way
• With the organization under so much scrutiny, it is even more important that they work/operate within the law. [=legally]
your word is law
✦If your word is law, other people must do what you say
• He'll listen to suggestions, but in the end, his word is law. synonyms law, rule, regulation, statute, and ordinance are statements about what people are allowed to do. A law is made by a government, and people who live in the area controlled by that government must obey it.
• According to a state law, all drivers must pass a written test before they can be fully licensed. A rule usually does not involve an official government. It typically describes what people are allowed to do in a game or in a particular place (such as a school).
• He explained the rules of football.
• The rules state clearly that smoking is prohibited on campus. A regulation is made by a government to protect people from being harmed.
• Safety regulations limit the number of hours an airline pilot can fly each month. statute is a formal word for a law made by a government.
• The new statute requires that all passengers in a car wear seatbelts. In the U.S., an ordinance is a law that is made by a local government and applies only to a limited area.
• The new city ordinance restricts parking on some streets.


mind [noun]
US /maɪnd/ 
UK /maɪnd/ 

I just said the first thing that came into my mind.

Oxford Essential Dictionary

the part of you that thinks and remembers:
He has a very quick mind.

be or go out of your mind (informal) to be or become mad or very worried:
Where were you? I was going out of my mind with worry.

change your mind to have an idea, then decide to do something different:
I planned a holiday in France and then changed my mind and went to Italy.

have something on your mind to be worried about something:
I've got a lot on my mind at the moment.

make up your mind to decide something:
Shall I buy the blue shirt or the red one? I can't make up my mind.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


I. mind1 S1 W1 /maɪnd/ BrE AmE noun
[Word Family: noun: mind, minder, reminder; adjective: mindless, minded, mindful; verb: mind, remind; adverb: mindlessly]
[Language: Old English; Origin: gemynd]
1. ABILITY TO THINK AND IMAGINE [uncountable and countable] your thoughts or your ability to think, feel, and imagine things ⇨ mental:
It is impossible to understand the complex nature of the human mind.
Mind and body are closely related.
Meditation involves focussing the mind on a single object or word.
in sb’s mind
There was no doubt in my mind that it was the right decision to make.
Do you have a clear picture in your mind of what you want?
A plan began to form in his mind.
The event is still fresh in most people’s minds.
independence/strength/flexibility of mind
men who were chosen for their independence of mind
2. change your mind to change your decision, plan, or opinion about something:
I was afraid that Liz would change her mind and take me back home.
change your mind about
If you change your mind about the colour scheme, it’s easy to just paint over it.
3. make up your mind/make your mind up
a) to decide which of two or more choices you want, especially after thinking for a long time:
I wish he’d hurry up and make his mind up.
make up your mind/make your mind up about
He couldn’t make up his mind about what to do with the money.
make up your mind whether
Karen couldn’t make up her mind whether to apply for membership or not.
b) to become very determined to do something, so that you will not change your decision:
No more argument. My mind is made up.
make up your mind to do something
He had clearly made up his mind to end the affair.
make up your mind that
I made up my mind there and then that I would never get married.
c) to decide what your opinion is about someone or something
make up your mind/make your mind up about
I could never really make my mind up about him.
You’re old enough to make your own mind up about smoking.
4. have somebody/something in mind (for something) to have an idea about who or what you want for a particular purpose:
It was a nice house, but it wasn’t quite what we had in mind.
Did you have anyone in mind for the job?
Have you any particular colour in mind for the bedroom?
5. bear/keep somebody/something in mind to remember or think about someone or something when you are doing something:
It’s a good idea – I’ll keep it in mind.
You must always keep the reader in mind when writing a report.
Floor tiles can be difficult to clean – worth keeping in mind when you choose a new floor.
bear/keep in mind that
Bear in mind that the price does not include flights.
More money should be given to housing, bearing in mind (=because of) the problem of homelessness.
6. with somebody/something in mind considering someone or something when doing something, and taking suitable action:
Most gardens designed with children in mind are safe but dull.
With these aims in mind, the school operates a broad-based curriculum.
7. on your/sb’s mind
a) if something is on your mind, you keep thinking or worrying about it:
He looked as though he had something on his mind.
Sorry I forgot. I’ve got a lot on my mind (=a lot of problems to worry about) at the moment.
b) if something is on your mind, that is what you are thinking about:
She’s the type of person who just says what’s on her mind.
8. get/put somebody/something out of your mind (also put somebody/something to the back of your mind) to stop yourself thinking about someone or something:
I just can’t seem to get her out of my mind.
You’ve got to try and put him out of your mind.
She put her disappointment to the back of her mind and concentrated on Dana.
9. cross/enter sb’s mind (also come into sb’s mind) [not in progressive] if something crosses your mind, you have a thought or idea:
It never crossed my mind that Lisa might be lying.
Suddenly a horrible thought came into my mind.
10. go/run/flash etc through sb’s mind if something goes through your mind, you have a thought, especially for a short time:
She knew what was going through his mind.
All kinds of questions ran through my mind.
After the accident, one of the things that went through my mind was whether I would be able to drive again.
11. come/spring to mind [not in progressive] if something comes or springs to mind, you suddenly or immediately think of it:
I just used the first excuse which sprang to mind.
A memory of last night came to mind, and he smiled.
Fatherhood doesn’t immediately spring to mind when you think of James.
► Do not say that something ‘comes to your mind’ or ‘springs to your mind’. Say that it comes to mind or springs to mind.
12. CHARACTER [countable] used to talk about the way that someone thinks and the type of thoughts they have:
He has a very devious mind.
My naturally suspicious mind thought he might be lying.
13. INTELLIGENCE [countable usually singular] your intelligence and ability to think, rather than your emotions:
a mind trained to react with split-second accuracy
a brilliant/enquiring/logical etc mind
a bright child with an enquiring mind
14. INTELLIGENT PERSON [countable] someone who is very intelligent, especially in a particular subject or activity SYN brain:
This is one of the issues that has most interested military minds.
Some of the finest minds in the country are working on the project.
15. state/frame of mind the way someone is thinking and feeling at a particular time:
What happened had a lot to do with my state of mind at the time.
in a good/positive/relaxed etc frame of mind
She returned from lunch in a happier frame of mind.
in the right/wrong frame of mind
You have to be in the right frame of mind to play well.
16. to/in my mind used to show you are giving your opinion about something SYN in my opinion:
The Internet, to my mind, represents information exchange at its best.
17. go/turn over something in your mind to keep thinking about something because you are trying to understand it or solve a problem:
Corbett rode along, turning over in his mind what Bruce had said.
18. be the last thing on sb’s mind (also be the furthest thing from sb’s mind) to be the thing that someone is least likely to be thinking about:
Insurance was the last thing on my mind when we set off that day.
19. take/keep/get sb’s mind off something to make someone stop thinking and worrying about something:
Going back to work helped take my mind off Ian’s death.
Want a game? It might take your mind off things.
20. set/put sb’s mind at rest (also set/put sb’s mind at ease) to make someone feel less worried or anxious:
If you’re worried, see a doctor to set your mind at rest.
21. it/that is a load/weight off sb’s mind informal used to say that someone does not have to worry about something any more
22. prey on sb’s mind (also play on sb’s mind) if a problem preys on your mind, you cannot stop thinking about it:
Finally, she broached the subject that had been playing on her mind for days.
23. no one in their right mind ... (also who in their right mind ...?) informal used to say that someone must be stupid or crazy to do something:
Who in their right mind would want to do that job?
No woman in her right mind would go out with a man like him.
24. be out of your mind informal to be stupid or crazy:
He must have been out of his mind to employ her.
25. be out of your mind with worry/grief etc (also be worried/bored etc out of your mind) to be extremely worried, bored etc:
It was getting late and I was out of my mind with worry.
26. go out of your mind (also lose your mind) informal to become mentally ill or very worried, bored etc SYN go crazy:
Nicole looked at him as if he’d gone out of his mind.
27. sb’s mind goes blank (also sb’s mind is a blank) informal if your mind goes blank, you suddenly cannot remember something:
For some inexplicable reason, her mind went completely blank.
His heart was thumping and his mind was a complete blank.
28. go (right/clean) out of sb’s mind (also slip sb’s mind) if something goes out of your mind, you forget it, especially because you are very busy:
I’m sorry. So much has been happening, it went clean out of my mind.
It had completely slipped her mind that Dave still had a key to the house.
29. bring/call something to mind
a) to make you think of someone or something SYN remind somebody of something:
The wine’s sweet nutty taste calls to mind roasted chestnuts.
b) formal to remember something:
The only thing I could call to mind was something my mother once said.
30. put somebody in mind of somebody/something [not in progressive] formal to remind someone of someone or something:
The girl put me in mind of my own daughter.
31. stick/stay in sb’s mind if a name, fact etc sticks in your mind, you remember it for a long time:
For some reason, the name really stuck in Joe’s mind.
One line from the poem had stayed in her mind.
32. be of one mind/of the same mind/of like mind formal to have the same opinions as someone else:
It can be difficult to meet others of like mind.
be of one mind/of the same mind/of like mind on/about
The council and the government are of one mind on the long-term objective.
33. have a mind of your own
a) to have strong opinions about things, and make your own decisions without being influenced by other people:
She’s a woman without fear, with a mind of her own, who says what she thinks.
b) if an object has a mind of its own, it seems to control itself and does not work or move in the way you want it to:
The bicycle seemed to have a mind of its own and I couldn’t steer it straight.
34. put/set/turn your mind to something to decide that you want to achieve something and try very hard to do it:
I think anyone can lose weight if they set their mind to it.
35. sb’s mind is not on something if your mind is not on what you are doing, you are not thinking much about it because you are thinking or worrying about something else:
His mind didn’t seem to be on the game at all.
36. keep your mind on something to keep paying attention to something, even though it is difficult:
He could hardly keep his mind on what she was saying.
keep your mind on the job/task in/at hand
Making notes is the best way of keeping your mind on the task at hand.
37. sb’s mind wanders if your mind wanders, you no longer pay attention to something, especially because you are bored:
Her mind was beginning to wander.
38. sb’s mind is racing if your mind is racing, you are thinking very quickly and hard about something because you are excited, frightened etc:
He tried to reassure her, but Carrie’s mind was racing.
39. it’s all in the mind used to tell someone that they have imagined something and it does not really exist:
He’s one of those doctors who say you’re not really sick and it’s all in the mind.
40. in your mind’s eye if you see something in your mind’s eye, you imagine or remember clearly what it looks like:
She paused, imagining the scene in her mind’s eye.
41. have it in mind formal to intend to do something
have it in mind to do something
For a long time I had it in mind to write a book about my experiences.
have it in mind that
I had it in mind that one day I might move to Spain.
42. have half a mind to do something spoken
a) (also have a good mind to do something) used to say that you might do something to show that you disapprove of something someone has done:
I’ve a good mind to tell him exactly what I think.
I’ve half a mind to stop him seeing her altogether.
b) used to say that you may decide to do something:
I’ve half a mind to come with you tomorrow.
43. mind over matter used to say that you can use your thoughts to control physical feelings or an unpleasant situation:
I’m scared, yes, but it’s a case of mind over matter.
in/at the back of your mind at ↑back2(6), ⇨ blow sb’s mind at ↑blow1(15), ⇨ cast your mind back at ↑cast1(9), ⇨ a closed mind at ↑closed(4), ⇨ be in/at/to the forefront of sb’s mind/attention at ↑forefront(2), ⇨ give somebody a piece of your mind at ↑piece1(13), ⇨ great minds think alike at ↑great1(15), ⇨ know your own mind at ↑know1(50), ⇨ the mind boggles at ↑boggle, ⇨ meeting of minds at ↑meeting(5), ⇨ ↑one-track mind, ⇨ an open mind at ↑open1(16), ⇨ out of sight, out of mind at ↑sight1(8), ⇨ peace of mind at ↑peace(3), ⇨ ↑presence of mind, ⇨ read sb’s mind at ↑read1(15), ⇨ set your heart/mind/sights on (doing) something at ↑set1(13), ⇨ be of sound mind at ↑sound3(5), ⇨ speak your mind at ↑speak(7), ⇨ be in two minds at ↑two(9)
• • •
mind what you use to think and imagine things: My mind was full of big ideas. | I never know what's going on in her mind. | At the back of my mind I had the funny feeling that I’d met her somewhere before. | The same thoughts kept going through my mind and I couldn’t get to sleep.
head the place where someone’s mind is – use this especially when talking about the thoughts that are in someone’s mind: I can't get him out of my head. | You need to get it into your head that you've done nothing wrong. | To keep myself calm, I counted to ten in my head. | She’s so quiet – you never quite know what’s going on inside her head (=what she is thinking).
subconscious the part of your mind that influences the way you think or behave, even though you may not realize this is happening, and which makes you have dreams: She suddenly remembered a traumatic incident that had been buried deep in her subconscious. | During the daytime our conscious minds are active, but during the night the subconscious takes over.
psyche formal someone’s mind, especially their feelings and attitudes, and the way these influence their character - used especially when talking about people's minds in general: The need for love is deeply buried in our psyche. | Freud has provided an account of the human psyche's stages of development. | The child is simply searching his psyche to find some past event that relates to his new experiences.
mentality a particular way of thinking that a group of people have, especially one that you think is wrong or bad: I just don't understand the mentality of these people. | They all seem to have a kind of victim mentality, which makes them think that the world is permanently against them.
the ego technical the part of your mind that gives you your sense of who you are - used especially in Freudian psychology: the rational world of the ego and the irrational world of the unconscious

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary


mind [mind minds minded minding] noun, verb   [maɪnd]    [maɪnd] 


1. countable, uncountable the part of a person that makes them able to be aware of things, to think and to feel
the conscious/subconscious mind
There were all kinds of thoughts running through my mind.
There was no doubt in his mind that he'd get the job.
‘Drugs’ are associated in most people's minds with drug abuse.
She was in a disturbed state of mind.
I could not have complete peace of mind before they returned.

see also  frame of mind, presence of mind

2. countable your ability to think and reason; your intelligence; the particular way that sb thinks
Syn:  intellect
to have a brilliant/good/keen mind
a creative/evil/suspicious mind
She had a lively and enquiring mind.
His mind is as sharp as ever.
I've no idea how her mind works!
He had the body of a man and the mind of a child.
• insights into the criminal mind

see also  one-track mind  


3. countable a person who is very intelligent
Syn:  brain 
see also  mastermind

• She was one of the greatest minds of her generation.  


4. countable your thoughts, interest, etc
Keep your mind on your work!
Her mind is completely occupied by the new baby.
The lecture dragged on and my mind wandered.
Your mind's not on the job.
He gave his mind to the arrangements for the next day.

• As for avoiding you, nothing could be further from my mind (= I was not thinking of it at all).  


5. countable, usually singular your ability to remember things
When I saw the exam questions my mind just went blank (= I couldn't remember anything).
Sorry— your name has gone right out of my mind.
more at at the back of your mind at  back  n., bend your mind/efforts to sth at  bend  v., blow your mind at  blow  v., sth boggles the mind at  boggle, cast your mind back at  cast  v., change your/sb's mind at  change  v., change of mind at  change  n., close your mind to sth at  close1 v., cross your mind at  cross  v., be etched on your heart/memory/mind at  etch, great minds think alike at  great  adj., know your own mind at  know  v., a meeting of minds at  meeting, have/keep an open mind (about/on sth) at  open  adj., open your/sb's mind to sth at  open  v., give sb a piece of your mind at  piece  n., prey on sb's mind at  prey  v., push sth to the back of your mind at  push  v., (not) in your right mind at  right  adj., have a mind/memory like a sieve at  sieve  n., out of sight, out of mind at  sight  n., slip your mind at  slip  v., speak your mind at  speak, stick in your mind at  stick  v., a turn of mind at  turn  n., of unsound mind at  unsound  
Word Origin:
Old English gemynd ‘memory, thought’, of Germanic origin, from an Indo-European root meaning ‘revolve in the mind, think’, shared by Sanskrit manas and Latin mens ‘mind’.  
mind noun
1. C, U
All kinds of thoughts ran through my mind.
headbrainsoulspiritthe/your subconscious|psychology ego
the human mind/brain/soul/spirit
a thought enters sb's mind/head
deep in your mind/the brain/your subconscious
Mind or head? Head is slightly more informal than mind in this meaning and is used especially to talk about thoughts and ideas that get into your head or that you can't get out of your head.
2. C, usually sing.
His mind is as sharp as ever.
intelligenceintellectbrainwitsgenius|AmE, informal smarts
(a) great mind/intelligence/intellect/brain/genius
have a …mind/intelligence/intellect/a …brain/…wits/genius/smarts
use your mind/intelligence/brain/wits/smarts 
crazy nuts batty out of your mind (not) in your right mind
These are all informal words that describe sb who has a mind that does not work normally.
mad(informal, especially BrE) having a mind that does not work normally: I thought I'd go mad if I stayed any longer.
Mad is an informal word used to suggest that sb's behaviour is very strange, often because of extreme emotional pressure. It is offensive if used to describe sb suffering from a real mental illness; use mentally ill instead. Mad is not usually used in this meaning in North American English; use crazy instead.
crazy(informal, especially NAmE) having a mind that does not work normally: A crazy old woman rented the upstairs room.
Like mad, crazy is offensive if used to describe sb suffering from a real mental illness.
nuts[not before noun] (informal) mad: That noise is driving me nuts! You guys are nuts!
batty(informal, especially BrE) slightly mad, in a harmless way: Her mum's completely batty.
out of your mind(informal) unable to think or behave normally, especially because of extreme shock or anxiety: She was out of her mind with grief.
(not) in your right mind(informal) (not) mentally normal: No one in their right mind would choose to work there.
to be mad/crazy/nuts/out of your mind/not in your right mind to do sth
to go mad/crazy/nuts/batty
to drive sb mad/crazy/nuts/batty/out of their mind
completely mad/crazy/nuts/batty/out of your mind 
Example Bank:
Exhaustion clouded her mind.
He feared he was losing his mind.
He had closed his mind to anything new.
He occupied his mind by playing cards against himself.
He wanted us to focus our minds on unsolved problems.
He's in rather a negative frame of mind.
Her mind began to wander.
Her mind was still reeling from the shock.
Here are some important points to keep in mind…
His comments did nothing to ease my mind.
His mind raced, trying to think of a way out of the situation.
Honestly, all you ever talk about is sex— you have a one-track mind!
I couldn't get my mind around the concept.
I have a lot on my mind at the moment.
I need a clear mind if I want to continue with my work.
I'll keep what you say in mind.
I'll never understand how his mind works.
I'm sorry I forgot your birthday— it completely slipped my mind.
I'm sure someone can help you, but no one immediately springs to mind.
It was something she had never imagined, not even in the deepest recesses of her mind.
It's been preying on my mind ever since it happened.
Just free your mind and write whatever comes.
Kate desperately searched her mind for some excuse.
My mind turned to more practical matters.
Our subconscious mind tries to protect us.
Serious doubts began to flood my mind.
She was poisoning his mind and turning him against his family.
She was the only person who understood his mind.
Tell me what you want— I can't read your mind!
The problem was always at the back of my mind.
The thought never crossed my mind!
Their own problems of course remained uppermost in their minds.
There was absolutely no doubt in my mind that he was guilty.
Try meditating to clear your mind of negative thoughts.
Try to keep an open mind until you've heard all the facts.
Try to keep safety in the forefront of your mind at all times.
What kind of party do you have in mind?
Who in their right mind would want to marry a murderer?
You can do whatever you set your mind to.
You have to train your mind to think positively.
You've been in my mind a lot lately.
a collection of photographs that will blow your mind
a problem that has defeated the world's finest minds
a subject which was on the nation's collective mind
impressionable young minds that are easily influenced
influencing impressionable young minds
refreshed in mind and body
terrible images that will be imprinted on our minds for ever
the complex nature of the human mind
‘Drugs’ are associated in most people's minds with drug abuse.
Did you know you have a nasty suspicious mind?
He had probably the finest mind of the whole group.
He has the body of a man but the mind of a child.
I wish I had that type of creative mind.
I've no idea how her mind works.
She has a brilliant mind.
She has lively and enquiring mind.
She was in a disturbed state of mind.
Their evidence might give us some insight into the criminal mind.
There was no doubt in his mind that he'd get the job.
When I saw the exam questions my mind just went blank.
When you go to sleep it is only the conscious mind that shuts down.
You don't have to do anything about it now… just bear it in mind.
Idioms: I don't mind admitting/telling you …  I don't mind if I do  I wouldn't mind something sth  all in the mind  bear in mind that …  bear somebody in mind  bored/frightened/pissed/stoned out of your mind  call somebody to mind  come to mind  do you mind?  have a good mind to do something  have a mind of your own  have half a mind to do something  have it in mind to do something  have somebody in mind  if you don't mind  if you don't mind me saying so …  if you wouldn't mind  in two minds about about doing something  lose your mind  make up your mind  make your mind up  mind over matter  mind the shop  mind you  mind your Ps and Qs  mind your own business  my mind  never mind  never mind something  never you mind  of one same mind  on your mind  out of your mind  out of your mind with worry  put somebody in mind of somebody  put somebody's mind at ease  put something out of your mind  put your mind to something  set your mind on something  take your mind off something  your mind's eye

Derived: mind out 

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary - 4th Edition

mind / maɪnd / noun [ C ]

B1 the part of a person that makes it possible for him or her to think, feel emotions, and understand things:

Her mind was full of what had happened the night before, and she just wasn't concentrating.

Of course I'm telling the truth - you've got such a suspicious mind!

I just said the first thing that came into my mind.

I'm not quite clear in my mind about what I'm doing.

a very clever person:

She was one of the most brilliant minds of the last century.

all in the/ your mind describes a problem that does not exist and is only imagined:

His doctor tried to convince him that he wasn't really ill and that it was all in the mind.

bear/keep sth in mind B2 to remember a piece of information when you are making a decision or thinking about a matter:

Bearing in mind how young she is, I thought she did really well.

Of course, repair work is expensive and you have to keep that in mind.

go over sth in your mind ( also turn sth over in your mind ) to think repeatedly about an event that has happened:

She would go over the accident again and again in her mind, wishing that she could somehow have prevented it.

Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary


I [ma͟ɪnd]NOUN USES

 (Please look at category 45 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword.)
 1) N-COUNT: with poss You refer to someone's mind when talking about their thoughts. For example, if you say that something is in your mind, you mean that you are thinking about it, and if you say that something is at the back of your mind, you mean that you are aware of it, although you are not thinking about it very much.
  I'm trying to clear my mind of all this...
  There was no doubt in his mind that the man was serious...
  I put what happened during that game to the back of my mind...
  He spent the next hour going over the trial in his mind...
  She found herself thinking thoughts that would never have entered her mind until now.
 2) N-COUNT: supp N Your mind is your ability to think and reason.
  You have a good mind...
  Studying stretched my mind and got me thinking about things. excellent training for the young mind.
 3) N-COUNT: usu sing, with supp If you have a particular type of mind, you have a particular way of thinking which is part of your character, or a result of your education or professional training.
  Andrew, you have a very suspicious mind...
  The key to his success is his logical mind. American writer who has researched the criminal mind.
 4) N-COUNT: with supp You can refer to someone as a particular kind of mind as a way of saying that they are clever, intelligent, or imaginative.
  She moved to London, meeting some of the best minds of her time.
 5) → See also minded, -minded, frame of mind, state of mind
 6) PHRASE: V inflects, oft PHR that, PHR n If you tell someone to bear something in mind or to keep something in mind, you are reminding or warning them about something important which they should remember.
  Bear in mind that petrol stations are scarce in the more remote areas...
  I should not be surprised about some of her comments, bearing in mind the party she belongs to.
 7) PHRASE: V inflects, usu PHR n If something brings another thing to mind or calls another thing to mind, it makes you think of that other thing, usually because it is similar in some way.
  That brings to mind a wonderful poem by Riokin...
  The fate of many British designers calls to mind the fable of the tortoise and the hare.
  be reminiscent of
 8) PHRASE: V and N inflect, oft PHR to n If you cast your mind back to a time in the past, you think about what happened then.
  Cast your mind back to 1978, when Forest won the title.
 9) PHRASE: V and N inflect, usu PHR to n If you close your mind to something, you deliberately do not think about it or pay attention to it.
  She has closed her mind to last year's traumas.
 10) PHRASE: V and N inflect If you change your mind, or if someone or something changes your mind, you change a decision you have made or an opinion that you had.
  I was going to vote for him, but I changed my mind and voted for Reagan...
  She's very young. She might change her mind about what she wants to do...
  It would be impossible to change his mind.
 11) PHRASE: V inflects If something comes to mind or springs to mind, you think of it without making any effort.
  Integrity and honesty are words that spring to mind when talking of the man.
 12) PHRASE: V and N inflect, oft with brd-neg, oft it PHR that If you say that an idea or possibility never crossed your mind, you mean that you did not think of it.
  It had never crossed his mind that there might be a problem...
  The possibility of failure did cross my mind.
  occur to you
 13) PHRASE: PHR after v, PHR with cl If you see something in your mind's eye, you imagine it and have a clear picture of it in your mind.
  In his mind's eye, he can imagine the effect he's having.
 14) PHRASE: V inflects, oft PHR inf If you have a mind to do something, you want, intend, or choose to do it.
  The captain of the guard looked as if he had a mind to challenge them...
  They could interpret it that way if they'd a mind to.
 15) PHRASE: V inflects, usu PHR inf If you say that you have a good mind to do something or have half a mind to do it, you are threatening or announcing that you have a strong desire to do it, although you probably will not do it.
  He raged on about how he had a good mind to resign.
 16) PHRASE: V inflects If you ask someone what they have in mind, you want to know in more detail about an idea or wish they have.
  `Maybe we could celebrate tonight.' - `What did you have in mind?'
  be thinking of
 17) PHRASE: V inflects, usu PHR inf If you have it in mind to do something, you intend or want to do it.
  Collins Harvill had it in mind to publish a short volume about Pasternak.
 18) PHRASE: PHR after v, PHR with cl If you do something with a particular thing in mind, you do it with that thing as your aim or as the reason or basis for your action.
  These families need support. With this in mind a group of 35 specialists met last weekend.
 19) PHRASE: v-link PHR If you say that something such as an illness is all in the mind, you mean that it relates to someone's feelings or attitude, rather than having any physical cause.
  It could be a virus, or it could be all in the mind.
 20) PHRASE: V and N inflect If you know your own mind, you are sure about your opinions, and are not easily influenced by other people.
 21) PHRASE: V and N inflect If you say that someone is losing their mind, you mean that they are becoming mad.
  Sometimes I feel I'm losing my mind.
 22) PHRASE: V and N inflect, oft PHR to-inf If you make up your mind or make your mind up, you decide which of a number of possible things you will have or do.
  Once he made up his mind to do something, there was no stopping him...
  He simply can't make his mind up...
  She said her mind was made up.
 23) PHRASE: oft n prep PHR You can use the expression mind over matter to describe situations in which a person seems to be able to control events, physical objects, or the condition of their own body using their mind.
  Good health is simply a case of mind over matter.
 24) PHRASE: v-link PHR If a number of people are of one mind, of like mind, or of the same mind, they all agree about something.
  Contact with other disabled yachtsmen of like mind would be helpful...
  The food companies are not of one mind about these new regulations.
 25) PHRASE: mind inflects, v-link PHR If you say that something that happens is a load off your mind or a weight off your mind, you mean that it causes you to stop worrying, for example because it solves a problem that you had.
 26) PHRASE: N inflects, v-link PHR, PHR after v If something is on your mind, you are worried or concerned about it and think about it a lot.
  This game has been on my mind all week...
  I just forgot. I've had a lot on my mind.
 27) PHRASE: V and N inflect, PHR n/-ing If your mind is on something or you have your mind on something, you are thinking about that thing.
  At school I was always in trouble - my mind was never on my work.
 28) PHRASE: N inflects, PHR after v If you have an open mind, you avoid forming an opinion or making a decision until you know all the facts.
  It's hard to see it any other way, though I'm trying to keep an open mind.
 29) PHRASE: V and N inflect, usu PHR to n If something opens your mind to new ideas or experiences, it makes you more willing to accept them or try them.
  She also stimulated his curiosity and opened his mind to other cultures.
 30) PHRASE: N inflects, v-link PHR (disapproval) If you say that someone is out of their mind, you mean that they are mad or very foolish. [INFORMAL]
  What are you doing? Are you out of your mind?
 31) PHRASE: N inflects, v-link PHR, usu PHR with n (emphasis) If you say that someone is out of their mind with a feeling such as worry or fear, you are emphasizing that they are extremely worried or afraid. [INFORMAL]
 32) PHRASE: N inflects, v-link PHR (emphasis) If you say that someone is, for example, bored out of their mind, scared out of their mind, or stoned out of their mind, you are emphasizing that they are extremely bored, scared, or affected by drugs. [INFORMAL]
 33) PHRASE: V and N inflect, PHR n If you put your mind to something, you start making an effort to do it.
  You could do fine in the world if you put your mind to it.
 34) PHRASE: V inflects, PHR n If something puts you in mind of something else, it reminds you of it because it is similar to it or is associated with it.
  This put me in mind of something Patrick said many years ago.
 35) PHRASE: V and N inflect If you can read someone's mind, you know what they are thinking without them saying anything.
  Don't expect others to read your mind.
 36) PHRASE: V and N inflect To put someone's mind at rest or set their mind at rest means to stop them worrying about something.
  It may be advisable to have a blood test to put your mind at rest...
  She could set your mind at rest by giving you the facts.
 37) PHRASE: with brd-neg, n PHR (emphasis) If you say that nobody in their right mind would do a particular thing, you are emphasizing that it is an irrational thing to do and you would be surprised if anyone did it.
  No one in her right mind would make such a major purchase without asking questions.
 38) PHRASE: V and N inflect, PHR n If you set your mind on something or have your mind set on it, you are determined to do it or obtain it.
  When my wife sets her mind on something, she invariably finds a way to achieve it.
 39) PHRASE: V and N inflect If something slips your mind, you forget it.
  I was going to mention it, but it slipped my mind.
 40) PHRASE: V and N inflect If you speak your mind, you say firmly and honestly what you think about a situation, even if this may offend or upset people.
  Martina Navratilova has never been afraid to speak her mind.
 41) PHRASE: V and N inflect If something sticks in your mind, it remains firmly in your memory.
  I've always been fond of poetry and one piece has always stuck in my mind.
 42) PHRASE: V and N inflect, PHR n If something takes your mind off a problem or unpleasant situation, it helps you to forget about it for a while.
  `How about a game of tennis?' suggested Alan. `That'll take your mind off things.'
 43) PHRASE: PHR with cl You say or write to my mind to indicate that the statement you are making is your own opinion.
  There are scenes in this play which to my mind are incredibly violent.
 44) PHRASE: usu v-link PHR, oft PHR about n, PHR whether If you are in two minds, you are uncertain about what to do, especially when you have to choose between two courses of action. The expression of two minds is also used, especially in American English.
  Like many parents, I am in two minds about school uniforms...
  Roche was in two minds whether to make the trip to Oslo.
 45) to give someone a piece of your mindsee piece
 presence of mindsee presence
 out of sight, out of mindsee sightII [ma͟ɪnd]VERB USES

 minds, minding, minded
 (Please look at category 21 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword.)
 1) VERB: usu with brd-neg If you do not mind something, you are not annoyed or bothered by it.
  [V n/-ing] I don't mind the noise during the day...
  [V n/-ing] Do you mind being alone?...
  [V n -ing] I hope you don't mind me calling in like this, without an appointment...
  It involved a little extra work, but nobody seemed to mind.
  object to
 2) VERB (politeness) You use mind in the expressions `do you mind?' and `would you mind?' as a polite way of asking permission or asking someone to do something.
  [V if] Do you mind if I ask you one more thing?...
  [V if] You don't mind if they take a look round, do you?...
  [V -ing] Would you mind waiting outside for a moment?...
  `Would you like me to read that for you?' - `If you wouldn't mind, please.'
 3) VERB: with brd-neg If someone does not mind what happens or what something is like, they do not have a strong preference for any particular thing.
  [V wh] I don't mind what we play, really...
  [V wh] I want to play for a top club and I don't mind where it is...
  [V wh] They don't mind what you do.
 4) VERB: usu imper If you tell someone to mind something, you are warning them to be careful not to hurt themselves or other people, or damage something. [BRIT]
  [V n] Mind that bike!
  watch(in AM, usually use watch)
 5) VERB: only imper You use mind when you are reminding someone to do something or telling them to be careful not to do something. [BRIT]
  [V that] Mind you don't burn those sausages.
  make sure(in AM, usually use make sure, take care)
 6) VERB If you mind a child or something such as a shop or luggage, you look after it, usually while the person who owns it or is usually responsible for it is somewhere else. [BRIT]
  [V n] Jim Coulters will mind the store while I'm away.
  keep an eye on(in AM, usually use take care of, watch)
 7) CONVENTION (formulae) If you are offered something or offered a choice and you say `I don't mind', you are saying politely that you will be happy with any of the things offered. [BRIT]
  `Which one of these do you want?' - `I don't mind.'
  I'm not bothered
 8) CONVENTION (formulae) You can say `I don't mind if I do' as a way of accepting something that someone has offered you, especially food or drink. [OLD-FASHIONED]
 9) CONVENTION You say `Don't mind me' to apologize for your presence when you think that it might embarrass someone, and to tell them to carry on with what they were doing or about to do.
 10) PHRASE: PHR n You use don't mind in expressions such as don't mind him or don't mind them to apologize for someone else's behaviour when you think it might have offended the person you are speaking to.
  Don't mind the old lady. She's getting senile.
 11) CONVENTION (formulae) Some people say `Mind how you go' when they are saying goodbye to someone who is leaving. [BRIT, INFORMAL]
  take care
 12) PHRASE: PHR with cl (feelings) People use the expression if you don't mind when they are rejecting an offer or saying that they do not want to do something, especially when they are annoyed.
  `Sit down.' - `I prefer standing for a while, if you don't mind.'...
  If you don't mind, we won't talk about it any more.
 13) PHRASE: PHR with cl (emphasis) You use mind you to emphasize a piece of information that you are adding, especially when the new information explains what you have said or contrasts with it. Some people use mind in a similar way.
  They pay full rates. Mind you, they can afford it...
  I got substantial damages. It took two years, mind you...
  You need a bit of cold water in there to make it comfortable. Not too cold, mind.
 14) PHRASE If you tell someone, especially a child, to mind their language, mind their tongue, or mind their manners, you are telling them to speak or behave properly and politely.
 15) CONVENTION (emphasis) You say never mind when you are emphasizing that something is not serious or important, especially when someone is upset about it or is saying sorry to you.
 16) PHRASE: oft PHR n/wh You use never mind to tell someone that they need not do something or worry about something, because it is not important or because you will do it yourself.
  `I'll go up in one second, I promise.' - `Never mind,' I said with a sigh. `I'll do it.'...
  `Was his name David?' - `No I don't think it was, but never mind, go on.'...
  Dorothy, come on. Never mind your shoes. They'll soon dry off...
  `Fewter didn't seem to think so.' - `Never mind what Fewter said.'
 17) PHR-CONJ-COORD (emphasis) You use never mind after a statement, often a negative one, to indicate that the statement is even more true of the person, thing, or situation that you are going to mention next.
  I'm not going to believe it myself, never mind convince anyone else...
  Many of the potholes are a danger even to motor vehicles, never mind cyclists.
  let alone
 18) CONVENTION You use never you mind to tell someone not to ask about something because it is not their concern or they should not know about it. [SPOKEN]
  `Where is it?' - `Never you mind.'
 19) PHRASE: PHR with cl (emphasis) You can say `I don't mind telling you' to emphasize the statement you are making.
  I don't mind telling you I was absolutely terrified.
 20) PHRASE: PHR n/-ing If you say that you wouldn't mind something, you mean that you would quite like it.
  I wouldn't mind a coffee...
  Anne wouldn't mind going to Italy or France to live.
 21) to mind your own businesssee business
 to mind your Ps and Qssee p


Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's Dictionary

Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's Dictionary: 

1mind /ˈmaɪnd/ noun, pl minds
1 : the part of a person that thinks, reasons, feels, and remembers


• He read great literature to develop/cultivate his mind.
• It's important to keep your mind active as you grow older.
• He went for a walk to help clear his mind.
• the mysteries of the human mind
• My mind is always open to new ideas.
• You can't argue with him. His mind is closed.
• I can't concentrate: my mind is always wandering and I can't keep it focused on anything.
• Let me get this clear/straight in my mind [=let me understand this clearly]: are you saying that she was lying to me all along?
• I can't get that image out of my mind. = I can't stop seeing that image in my mind. = That image is stuck in my mind.
• The smell of pine sends my mind back to childhood.
• The sound of her voice jerked my mind back to the present.
• My mind tells me it can't work, but my heart tells me I want to try it.
• We must appeal to and win (over) the hearts and minds of the people. [=the emotions and the reasoning of the people]
• His conscious mind had forgotten the incident, but the memory of it was still buried somewhere in his subconscious/unconscious mind.
• There's absolutely no doubt in my mind about his guilt. [=I am sure that he is guilty]
• I know you're disappointed by their decision, but you should just put that out of your mind [=stop thinking about that] and go back to work.
• I'll handle the schedule. Just put it out of your mind. [=don't think or worry about it]
• Is there something on your mind? [=is there something troubling you?; are you worried or bothered about something?]
• Why don't you just say what's on your mind? [=why don't you just say what you are thinking?]
• I wish there were some way I could ease your (troubled) mind. = I wish there were some way I could set/put your mind at ease/rest. [=could make you stop worrying]
• These problems have been preying/weighing on his mind. [=he has been worrying about these problems]
• The safety of the children should be foremost/uppermost in all our minds now. [=we should all be thinking most about the safety of the children now]
• The idea that we might lose was the furthest thing from my mind. [=I never thought that we might lose]
• I have no intention of quitting my job. Nothing could be further from my mind.
• She says that getting married again is the last thing on her mind right now. [=she is not thinking at all about getting married again]
• What was going/running through your mind [=what were you thinking] when you agreed to do this?
• His name slips/escapes my mind at the moment. [=I can't remember his name]
✦If something (such as an illness) is all in your/the mind, you are imagining it.
• He thinks he's very ill, but it's all in his mind.
✦If your mind is set on something or you have your mind set on something, you are very determined to do or to get something.
Her mind is set on becoming a doctor. = She has her mind set on becoming a doctor.


• It's important to be healthy in both body and mind.
• He's in a bad/good state of mind. [=he's in a bad/good mood]
• Installing a security system in your home will give you greater peace of mind. [=a feeling of being safe or protected]
- see also frame of mind, presence of mind
2 [count]
- used to describe the way a person thinks or the intelligence of a person
• She has a brilliant mind.
• He has an inquisitive/inquiring mind.
• He's an evil man with a warped/twisted mind.
• He's recognized as having one of the sharpest minds [=intellects] in this field.
- used in phrases that describe someone as mentally ill or crazy
• There's something wrong with him. He's not in his right mind. [=he is mentally ill]
• No one in their right mind would try such a stunt. = Who in their right mind would try such a stunt?
• (law) She claims that her father was not of sound mind when he changed his will. = She claims her father was of unsound mind. [=was not sane or rational]
- usually used informally in an exaggerated way
• What a ridiculous idea! You must be out of your mind [=crazy] to believe that.
• I was (going) out of my mind with worry. [=I was extremely worried]
• I feel like I'm losing my mind. = I feel like I'm going out of my mind. [=I feel like I'm going crazy]
• That noise is driving me out of my mind! [=driving me crazy]
✦The phrase out of your mind is also used informally to make a statement stronger.
• I was bored out of my mind. [=I was very bored]
• She was frightened out of her mind.
4 [count] : a very intelligent person
• Many of the world's greatest minds in physics will be attending the convention.
5 [noncount] : a particular way of thinking about a situation
• Everyone at the meeting was of like mind [=everyone agreed] about how to proceed.
• She is of the same mind as me. [=she agrees with me]
• We're all of one mind about him [=we all agree about him]: he's the one we want.
To/In my mind, that's wrong.
6 [noncount] : attention that is given to a person or thing
• Try to relax and take/get/keep your mind off your problems. [=stop thinking about your problems]
• I'm finding it hard to keep my mind on my work. [=to concentrate on my work]
• After finishing work on the remodeling project, she was able to turn her mind to [=direct her attention to; work on] other matters.
Don't pay him any mind. [=don't pay attention to him; ignore him]
• He kept talking but she paid him no mind.
• You shouldn't pay any/much mind to what he says.
a meeting of (the) minds
- see meeting
at/in the back of your mind
- see 1back
blow someone's mind informal : to strongly affect someone's mind with shock, confusion, etc. : to amaze or overwhelm someone's mind
• The music really blew my mind.
• The thought of all she's accomplished at such a young age just blows my mind.
- see also mind-blowing
call/bring (something) to mind : to cause (something) to be remembered or thought of
• Seeing her again brought to mind the happy times we spent together in college.
change someone's mind : to cause someone to change an opinion or decision
• I tried to convince her, but I couldn't change her mind.
change your mind : to change your decision or opinion about something
• He wasn't going to come, but at the last minute he changed his mind.
• I tried to convince her, but she wouldn't change her mind.
come/spring/leap to mind : to be remembered or thought of
• What comes to mind when you hear his name?
• I didn't mean to offend you. I just said the first thing that came to/into my mind.
concentrate the/your mind
- see 1concentrate
cross someone's mind
- see 2cross
enter your mind
- see enter
give someone a piece of your mind : to speak to someone in an angry way
• He stopped making so much noise after I went over there and gave him a piece of my mind.
have a good mind or have half a mind
✦If you have a good mind or have half a mind to do something, you have a feeling that you want to do it, especially because you are angry or annoyed, but you will probably not do it.
• I have a good mind to go over there and tell him to be quiet.
• I have half a mind to tell her what I really think of her.
have a mind like a sieve
- see 1sieve
have a mind of your own : to have your own ideas and make your own choices about what should be done
• Her parents want her to go to college, but she has a mind of her own and she insists on trying to become an actress.
- often used figuratively
• I can't get the camera to work right. It seems to have a mind of its own.
have (someone or something) in mind : to be thinking of (someone or something): such as
a : to be thinking of choosing (someone) for a job, position, etc.
• They have you in mind for the job. [=they are thinking of giving the job to you]
b : to be thinking of doing (something)
• “I'd like to do something special for our anniversary.” “What sort of thing did you have in mind?”
• He had it in mind [=intended] to leave the business to his daughter.
in mind : in your thoughts
• We designed this product with people like you in mind. [=we designed it for people like you]
• He went into the bar with trouble in mind. [=intending to cause trouble]
• Before you disregard his advice, keep/bear in mind [=remember] that he is regarded as one of the leading experts in this field.
• We have a limited amount of money to spend, and we need to keep that in mind [=think of that; consider that] while we're planning our vacation.
in your mind's eye
- see 1eye
know your own mind
- see 1know
make up your mind : to make a decision about something
• I can't make up my mind [=decide] where to take my vacation.
• He had made up his mind not to go.
• He's thinking about going, but he still hasn't made up his mind (about it).
• He's not going. His mind is made up. [=he has made a decision and will not change it]
• I can't decide for you. You'll have to make up your own mind.
mind over matter
- used to describe a situation in which someone is able to control a physical condition, problem, etc., by using the mind
• His ability to keep going even when he is tired is a simple question of mind over matter.
of two minds US or Brit in two minds : not decided or certain about something : having two opinions or ideas about something
• I can't make up my mind where to take my vacation: I'm of two minds about where to go.
• I'm of two minds about (hiring) him: he seems well-qualified, but he doesn't have much experience.
open your mind
- see 2open
put (someone) in mind of (something) : to cause (someone) to remember or think of (something)
• What happened to you yesterday puts me in mind of [=reminds me of] what happened to me a year ago.
put/set your mind to (something) : to give your attention to (something) and try very hard to do it
• You'd be surprised at what you can accomplish when you put your mind to it.
• We can solve this problem if we put our minds to it.
read someone's mind : to know exactly what someone is thinking
• “I think we should go out to a movie tonight.” “You read my mind. I was thinking the same thing.”
• It's as if you could read my mind.
• He claims that he has the ability to read minds.
- see also mind reader
speak your mind : to say what you think : to state your opinion
• If you don't agree with him, don't be afraid to speak your mind.
take a load/weight off your mind : to make you stop worrying about something
• Hearing that she's safe has really taken a load off my mind!


mistake [noun]
US /mɪˈsteɪk/ 
UK /mɪˈsteɪk/ 

I'm not blaming you - we all make mistakes.

something that has been done in the wrong way, or an opinion or statement that is incorrect

Persian equivalent: 

to make a mistake

Oxford Essential Dictionary


something that you think or do that is wrong:
You have made a lot of spelling mistakes in this letter.
It was a mistake to go by bus – the journey took two hours!

which word?
Mistake or fault? When you make a mistake you do something wrong: Try not to make any mistakes in your exam. If you do something bad it is your fault: It's my fault we're late. I lost the tickets.

by mistake when you did not plan to do it:
Sorry, I took your book by mistake.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


I.   noun

I. mistake1 S2 W2 /məˈsteɪk, mɪˈsteɪk/ noun
  [Word Family: adverb: unmistakably, mistakenly; adjective: mistaken, unmistakable; verb: mistake; noun: mistake]
 1. [countable] something that has been done in the wrong way, or an opinion or statement that is incorrect ⇨ error
  mistake in
   • We may have made a mistake in our calculations.
   • The most common mistake is to plant them too deep.
 2. [countable] something you do that is not sensible or has a bad result:
   • Buying the house seemed a great idea at the time, but now I can see it was a terrible mistake.
   • Marrying him was the biggest mistake she ever made.
  make the mistake of doing something
   • I stupidly made the mistake of giving them my phone number.
 3. by mistake if you do something by mistake, you do it without intending to SYN accidentally OPP deliberately, on purpose:
   • Someone must have left the door open by mistake.
   • I’m sorry, this letter is addressed to you – I opened it by mistake.
 4. in mistake for somebody/something as a result of a mistake in which someone or something is wrongly thought to be someone or something else:
   • The boy was shot dead in mistake for a burglar.
 5. we all make mistakes spoken used to tell someone not to be worried because they have made a mistake
 6. make no mistake (about it) spoken used to emphasize that what you are saying is true, especially when you are warning about something serious or dangerous:
   • Make no mistake, this is the most serious threat our industry has ever seen.
 7. and no mistake British English spoken informal used to emphasize the description you have just given:
   • Miles was a heartbreaker, and no mistake!
     • • •

COLLOCATIONS(for Meaning 1)■ verbs

   ▪ make a mistakeThe lab must have made a mistake – this can’t be right.
   ▪ correct a mistakeLuckily I was able to correct the mistake before my boss saw it.
   ▪ realize your mistakeAs soon as he realized his mistake he turned in the right direction.
   ▪ admit your mistakeIt is better to admit your mistake and apologize.
   ▪ mistakes happenWe’re very careful, but mistakes can happen.


   ▪ a common mistakeA common mistake is to imagine that dogs think like humans.
   ▪ a little/minor mistakeThe essay was full of little mistakes.
   ▪ a serious/grave mistakeThere was a serious mistake in the instructions.
   ▪ an honest mistake (=a mistake, and not a deliberate action)Thomas admitted he had broken the law, but said that it had been an honest mistake.
   ▪ a silly/stupid mistakeYou need to be able to laugh at your own silly mistakes.
   ▪ an easy mistake (to make)She looks like her sister, so it’s an easy mistake to make.
   ▪ a spelling mistakeShe spotted two spelling mistakes in the article.

■ phrases

   ▪ be full of mistakesThe article was full of mistakes.
   ▪ it is a mistake to think/assume etc somethingIt would be a mistake to assume that all snakes are dangerous.
   ▪ there must be some mistake (=used when you think someone has made a mistake)There must be some mistake. I definitely booked a room for tonight.
   ▪ be full of mistakes (=have a lot of mistakes)The report was full of mistakes.
   ▪ be all a mistake (=used to say that a situation happened because of a mistake)He couldn’t bring himself to tell her it was all a mistake.


    ► Do not say 'do a mistake'. Say make a mistake.
     • • •

COLLOCATIONS(for Meaning 2)■ verbs

   ▪ make a mistakeI just want to prevent you from making a terrible mistake.
   ▪ learn from your mistakesI’m sure he will learn from his mistakes.
   ▪ repeat a mistakeWe certainly do not want to repeat the mistakes of the past.

■ adjectives

   ▪ a big/great mistakeBuying this car was a big mistake.
   ▪ a bad/terrible/dreadful etc mistakeIt would be a terrible mistake to marry him.
   ▪ a serious/grave mistakeThe decision to take the money was a serious mistake.
   ▪ a fatal mistake (=a very bad mistake, often one that ends something)His fatal mistake was to underestimate his opponent.
   ▪ a costly mistake (=that costs you money or has a bad result)Hiring him turned out to be a costly mistake.

■ phrases

   ▪ it is a mistake to do somethingIt is a mistake to try to see everything in the museum in one day.
   ▪ make the mistake of doing somethingHe made the mistake of revealing his true intentions.
   ▪ make the same mistake again/twiceWe won’t make the same mistake again.
     • • •


   ▪ mistake something incorrect that you accidentally do, say, or write: • a spelling mistake | • I made a mistake – it should say £230, not £320.
   ▪ error formal a mistake: • an error in the report | • grammatical errors | • He had made a serious error on his tax form.
   ▪ misprint a small mistake in something that is printed: • There was a misprint in the article, and instead of ‘pleasant’ it said ‘pheasant’.
   ▪ typo informal a mistake in something that has been typed or printed: • I spotted a couple of typos in the letter.
   ▪ inaccuracy formal a piece of information that is not completely correct: • The report contained several inaccuracies.
   ▪ mix-up a careless mistake in which one name, time, address etc has been confused with another, so that the details of something are wrong: • There was a mix-up over the train times and I missed my train.
   ▪ slip-up a careless mistake when you are doing something: • The other team took advantage of the goalie’s slip-up.
   ▪ oversight a mistake in which you forget something or do not notice something: • Through some oversight, the brochures were not ready by the right date.
   ▪ a slip of the tongue a mistake in which you accidentally say a similar sounding word: • When I said Thursday, I meant Tuesday. It was a slip of the tongue.
   ▪ faux pas /ˌfəʊ ˈpɑː, ˈfəʊ pɑː $ ˌfoʊ ˈpɑː/ formal an embarrassing mistake in a social situation, when you do or say something that you shouldn’t: • Harris, trying to be funny, addressed the waiter as ‘boy’. A deathly silence followed this faux pas.

■ a stupid mistake

   ▪ blunder a stupid mistake caused by not thinking carefully enough about what you are saying or doing, which could have serious results: • In a serious blunder by the hospital, two babies were sent home with the wrong parents.
   ▪ gaffe /ɡæf/ an embarrassing and stupid mistake made in a social situation or in public: • a serious gaffe in her speech about immigration
   ▪ howler British English a very bad mistake, especially one that shows you do not know something, and that often makes other people laugh: • Photographers should be careful of making classic howlers, such as having a tree grow out of your subject’s head.
   ▪ cock-up British English informal a silly mistake when you are doing something – a very informal use: • They made a cock-up with the bill. | • The government is anxious to avoid any more cock-ups.  

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary


mis·take [mistake mistakes mistook mistaking mistaken] noun, verb   [mɪˈsteɪk]    [mɪˈsteɪk] 


1. an action or an opinion that is not correct, or that produces a result that you did not want

• It's easy to make a mistake.

• This letter is addressed to someone else— there must be some mistake.

• It would be a mistake to ignore his opinion.

• Don't worry, we all make mistakes.

• You must try to learn from your mistakes.

• Leaving school so young was the biggest mistake of my life.

• I made the mistake of giving him my address.

• It was a big mistake on my part to have trusted her.

• a great/serious/terrible mistake

• It's a common mistake (= one that a lot of people make).

2. a word, figure, etc. that is not said or written down correctly

Syn:  error

• It's a common mistake among learners of English.

• The waiter made a mistake (in) adding up the bill.

• Her essay is full of spelling mistakes.


Word Origin:

late Middle English (as a verb): from Old Norse mistaka ‘take in error’, probably influenced in sense by Old French mesprendre.



mistake noun

1. C

• Don't worry— we all make mistakes.

error • • blunder • • gaffe • • oversight • |formal omission

sth happens due to a/an error/mistake/blunder/oversight/omission

make a/an mistake/error/blunder/gaffe

realize/admit (to) a/an mistake/error/blunder

correct a/an mistake/error/blunder/omission

2. C

• His essay is full of spelling mistakes.

error • • slip • • misprint • • inaccuracy • |especially BrE, informal howler

a/an mistake/error/islip/misprint/naccuracy/howler in sth

make a/an mistake/error/slip/howler

contain/be full of mistakes/errors/misprints/inaccuracies/howlers




error • inaccuracy • slip • howler • misprint

These are all words for a word, figure or fact that is not said, written down or typed correctly.

mistake • a word or figure that is not said or written down correctly: It's a common mistake among learners of English. ◊ spelling mistakes

error • (rather formal) a word, figure, etc. that is not said or written down correctly: There are too many errors in your work.

Error is a more formal way of saying mistake.

inaccuracy • (rather formal) a piece of information that is not exactly correct: The article is full of inaccuracies.

slip • a small mistake, usually made by being careless or not paying attention

howler • (informal, especially BrE) a stupid mistake, especially in what sb says or writes: The report is full of howlers.

A howler is usually an embarrassing mistake which shows that the person who made it does not know sth that they really should know.

misprint • a small mistake in a printed text

a(n) mistake/error/inaccuracy/slip/howler/misprint in sth

to make a(n) mistake/error/slip/howler

to contain/be full of mistakes/errors/inaccuracies/howlers/misprints


Example Bank:

• All those problems because of one little mistake!

• Don't make the same mistake as I did.

• Don't worry about it— it's an easy mistake to make!

• I kept telling myself that it was all a terrible mistake.

• I made a mistake about her.

• I picked up the wrong bag by mistake.

• It is a great mistake to assume that your children will agree with you.

• It isn't possible to eliminate all mistakes.

• Mistakes are bound to happen sometimes.

• Ordinary people are paying for the government's mistakes.

• The company has learned from its past mistakes.

• The teacher kindly pointed out the mistake.

• They all commit similar mistakes.

• This dress was an expensive mistake.

• Too late, she realized her mistake.

• We can help you avoid costly mistakes.

• Don't worry, we all make mistakes.

• Her essay is full of spelling mistakes.

• It's a common mistake among learners of English.

• It's easy to make a mistake.

• The waiter made a mistake in adding up the bill.

• You must try to learn from your mistakes.

Idioms: and no mistake  by mistake  in mistake for something  make no mistake

Derived: mistake somebody for somebody 

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary

mistake / mɪˈsteɪk / noun [ C ]

A2 an action, decision, or judgment that produces an unwanted or unintentional result:

I'm not blaming you - we all make mistakes.

[ + to infinitive ] It was a mistake for us to come here tonight.

This letter's full of spelling mistakes.

I've discovered a few mistakes in your calculations.

Why am I under arrest? There must be some mistake.

by mistake B1 by accident:

I've paid this bill twice by mistake.

Word partners for mistake noun

make a mistake • learn from a mistake • admit / realize your mistake • avoid / correct / repeat a mistake • a big / costly / fatal / terrible mistake • a genuine / honest mistake • a silly mistake • a mistake in sth

Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary


 mistakes, mistaking, mistook, mistaken
 1) N-COUNT: oft N of -ing, also by N If you make a mistake, you do something which you did not intend to do, or which produces a result that you do not want.
  They made the big mistake of thinking they could seize its border with a relatively small force...
  I think it's a serious mistake to confuse books with life...
  Jonathan says it was his mistake...
  There must be some mistake...
  He has been arrested by mistake.
 2) N-COUNT A mistake is something or part of something which is incorrect or not right.
  Her mother sighed and rubbed out another mistake in the crossword puzzle...
  Spelling mistakes are often just the result of haste.
 3) VERB If you mistake one person or thing for another, you wrongly think that they are the other person or thing.
  [V n for n] I mistook you for Carlos...
  [V n for n] When hay fever first occurs it is often mistaken for a summer cold.
 4) VERB If you mistake something, you fail to recognize or understand it.
  [V n] The government completely mistook the feeling of the country...
  [V wh] No one should mistake how serious the issue is.
 5) PHRASE: V inflects, PHR n (emphasis) You can say there is no mistaking something when you are emphasizing that you cannot fail to recognize or understand it.
  There's no mistaking the eastern flavour of the food...
  There was no mistaking Magda's sincerity, or her pain.

Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's Dictionary

Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's Dictionary: 

1mis·take /məˈsteɪk/ noun, pl -takes [count] : something that is not correct : a wrong action, statement, or judgment : error
• It would be a mistake to assume that we can rely on their help.
• There must be some mistake.
• a stupid/careless mistake
• a costly/serious/bad mistake
• a deadly/fatal/tragic mistake
• The manuscript contains numerous spelling mistakes.
• There's a mistake in the schedule.
• “When does the movie start?” “At 8:00. No, wait—my mistake—it starts at 8:30.”
• Don't worry about it. It was an honest mistake. [=something that anyone could be wrong about]
- often used with make
• Everybody makes mistakes from time to time.
• I made the mistake of believing her.
- see also make no mistake (below)
and no mistake chiefly Brit old-fashioned
- used to stress the truth or accuracy of a statement
• She's the one I saw, and no mistake. [=she is definitely the person I saw]
by mistake : because of a mistake : without intending to
• I got on the wrong train by mistake. [=accidentally]
make no mistake
- used to stress the truth or accuracy of a statement
Make no mistake (about it), if we don't address these problems now, they will only get worse.


effort [noun]
US /ˈef.ɚt/ 
UK /ˈef.ət/ 

We must reward their efforts.

Oxford Essential Dictionary



the physical or mental energy that you need to do something:
Thank you for all your efforts.
He made an effort to arrive on time.

the physical or mental energy that you need to do something:
Thank you for all your efforts.
He made an effort to arrive on time.


Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


effort S1 W1 /ˈefət $ ˈefərt/ BrE AmE noun
[Word Family: noun: effort; adverb: effortlessly; adjective: effortless]
[Date: 1400-1500; Language: Old French; Origin: esfort, from esforcier 'to force']
1. PHYSICAL/MENTAL ENERGY [uncountable] the physical or mental energy that is needed to do something:
Lou lifted the box easily, without using much effort.
Frank put a lot of effort into the party.
Learning to speak another language takes effort.
2. ATTEMPT [uncountable and countable] an attempt to do something, especially when this involves a lot of hard work or determination:
Please make an effort to be polite.
sb’s effort(s) to do something
Tom’s efforts to stop smoking haven’t been very successful.
Church leaders are prepared to meet the terrorists in an effort to (=in order to try to) find peace.
effort at
Further efforts at negotiation have broken down.
through sb’s efforts (=because of their efforts)
The money was raised largely through the efforts of parents.
despite sb’s efforts
Despite all our efforts we lost the game 1–0.
3. be an effort to be difficult or painful to do:
I was so weak that even standing up was an effort.
4. PARTICULAR SITUATION [countable] work that people do to achieve something in a particular situation:
the fundraising effort
the international relief effort
Everyone did what they could to support the war effort.
5. good/bad/poor etc effort something that has been done well, badly etc:
Not a bad effort for a beginner!
• • •
COLLOCATIONS (for Meanings 1 & 2)
■ verbs
make an effort (=try) She made an effort to change the subject of the conversation.
put effort into (doing) something (=try hard to do something) Let’s try again, only put more effort into it this time.
take the effort out of something (=make it easy) An automatic car takes the effort out of driving.
something takes effort (also it takes effort to do something) (=you have to try hard) It takes a sustained effort to quit smoking.
something requires/involves effort formal (=it takes effort) Trying to get my mother to change her mind requires considerable effort.
successful Their efforts were successful, and they won the contract.
unsuccessful Efforts to save the hospital from closure have been unsuccessful.
futile (=having no chance of succeeding, and therefore not worth doing) Doctors knew that any effort to save his life would be futile.
a big/great effort The government has made a big effort to tackle the problem of poverty.
considerable effort (=a lot of effort) The police put considerable effort into finding his car.
a supreme/tremendous effort (=a very big effort) It was only with a supreme effort that Roger controlled his temper.
a special effort (=one that you do not normally make) I made a special effort to be nice to the children.
a constant effort (=one that never stops) Walking was a constant effort.
a sustained effort (=one that you continue making for a long time) It will take a sustained effort over the next 5 years to achieve our objectives.
a conscious/deliberate effort (=one that you concentrate on in order to achieve something) He made a conscious effort to become a better person.
a determined effort (=showing a lot of determination) She had made a determined effort to lose weight.
a desperate effort (=one you make when you are in a very bad situation) The fox made a desperate effort to get away.
a concerted effort (=involving a lot of different actions, or a lot of people working together) It will take a concerted effort to change the culture of binge-drinking in the country.
a joint/team effort (=involving a group or team of people) We had many fine individual performances, but the win was a real team effort.
a collaborative/cooperative effort formal (=with different people or groups working together) This was a collaborative effort involving the three largest energy companies.
physical/mental effort He struggled back from two sets down to win the match, showing great physical and mental effort.
a final/last-ditch effort (=a last effort, when you want very much to achieve something) Sam took a deep breath and prepared herself for one final effort.
■ phrases
make the effort (=do something that requires some effort) I felt too tired to go to a party, but decided to make the effort.
make every effort to do something (=try very hard) I made every effort to see their point of view.
make no effort to do something (=not try at all) They make no effort to speak the local language.
be (well) worth the effort (=used to say that something is worth doing even though it is hard) It’s a difficult place to get to, but it's well worth the effort.
an effort of will (=a big effort to do something that you find difficult because of the way you feel) It took a huge effort of will not to cry.
with effort formal (=trying very hard) With great effort, he managed to keep quiet.
without effort (=easily, without trying hard) Her horse jumped the fence without any effort.
• • •
COLLOCATIONS (for Meaning 4)
■ NOUN + effort
a relief effort The UN is organizing the relief effort to the region affected by the earthquake.
a fund-raising effort The party is planning a huge fund-raising effort later this year.
the war effort Taxes were raised to support the war effort.

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary



ef·fort [effort efforts]   [ˈefət]    [ˈefərt]  noun
1. uncountable, countable the physical or mental energy that you need to do sth; sth that takes a lot of energy
• You should put more effort into your work.
• A lot of effort has gone into making this event a success.
• The company has invested a great deal of time and effort in setting up new training schemes.
• It's a long climb to the top, but well worth the effort.
• Getting up this morning was quite an effort (= it was difficult).

• (BrE) With (an) effort (= with difficulty) she managed to stop herself laughing.

2. countable an attempt to do sth especially when it is difficult to do
• a determined/real/special effort
• to make an effort
• I didn't really feel like going out, but I am glad I made the effort.
~ (to do sth) The company has laid off 150 workers in an effort to save money.
• The local clubs are making every effort to interest more young people.
• We need to make a concerted effort to finish on time.
• I spent hours cleaning the house, but there isn't much to show for all my efforts.
• With an effort of will he resisted the temptation.

• The project was a joint/group effort.

3. countable (usually after a noun) a particular activity that a group of people organize in order to achieve sth
• the Russian space effort

• the United Nations' peacekeeping effort

4. countable the result of an attempt to do sth
• I'm afraid this essay is a poor effort.
see bend your mind/efforts to sth at  bend  v.  
Word Origin:
late 15th cent.: from French, from Old French esforcier, based on Latin ex- ‘out’ + fortis ‘strong’.  
effort noun
1. U, C
• The long climb to the top is well worth the effort.
hard work • • struggle • • energy/energies • • exertion/exertions • |BrE, formal endeavour • |AmE, formal endeavor
(a) great effort/struggle/exertion/endeavour
need effort/hard work/your energies/exertion
put effort/hard work/your energies into sth
Effort or exertion? Effort is used about the work people do to achieve sth; exertion refers to the energy used to carry out an activity
• A lot of effort has gone into achieving this result.
• She was sweating from the exertion of housework.
2. C
• I'll make a special effort to finish on time.
attempt • • try • |BrE go • |informal shot • • stab
an effort/attempt to do sth
a first/last/good effort/attempt/try/go/shot/stab
make a/an effort/attempt/stab
Effort or attempt? Effort emphasizes the work that sb puts into doing sth; attempt emphasizes the event or action involved in trying to do sth:
• a great/enormous/strenuous effort
 ¤ a great/enormous/strenuous attempt:
• a coup/suicide attempt
 ¤ a coup/suicide effort  
Example Bank:
• All the team members have put in a great deal of effort.
• Critics said the plan would undermine efforts to address the current crisis.
• Despite our best efforts, we didn't manage to win the game.
• Diplomatic efforts to end the crisis failed.
• Districts have not made a good-faith effort to implement public school choice.
• Governments are pooling their efforts to stem international terrorism.
• He failed in his efforts to give up smoking.
• He spearheaded efforts to raise money for the school.
• Her efforts earned her a Nobel Prize.
• Her efforts were rewarded when she won an Oscar.
• I can see you have made a big effort to clean up.
• I have to make a conscious effort to be polite so early in the morning.
• I make sporadic efforts to sort out my files.
• It takes constant effort to become fluent in a language.
• It took a whole day of hard effort to knock down the wall.
• No effort has been spared to make this hotel a welcoming, comfortable place.
• Second prize was a fair reward for his efforts.
• Senior leaders are investing time and effort in studying the issue.
• She made a feeble effort to smile, then started crying again.
• Students, teachers and families got together in a team effort to decorate the school.
• The Democratic get-out-the-vote effort placed heavy emphasis on the youth vote.
• The UN General Secretary flew in in a last-ditch effort to save the talks.
• The club has changed the rules in an effort to make them fairer.
• The gallery owner applauded the efforts of firefighters to save the exhibits.
• The museum relies on the voluntary efforts of enthusiasts.
• The police channelled their efforts into searching around the river.
• The police have renewed their efforts to find the murderer.
• The police tried to channel their efforts into searching the forest.
• The report outlines the efforts undertaken by the industry.
• The walk is difficult but well worth the effort.
• The wound resisted all my efforts to stop it bleeding.
• They launched an AIDS education effort.
• This can be done quickly and with very little effort.
• Through their efforts, enough money was raised to buy the equipment.
• We all appreciate your efforts.
• We are making every effort to obtain the release of the hostages.
• We tried to ensure that efforts were not duplicated.
• We're targeting our efforts at making our website appealing to younger people.
• a grass-roots effort by workers to transform their country
• an outfit which enables you to look good with minimal effort
• educational efforts targeted at children from ethnic minorities
• pioneering efforts to restructure the industry
• the amount of effort required
• the continuing effort to find the missing girls
• their frantic efforts to put out the fire
• Getting up this morning was quite an effort.
• I didn't really feel like going out, but I'm glad I made the effort.
• I spent hours cleaning the house but there isn't much to show for all my efforts.
• I'll make a special effort to finish on time this week.
• It's a long climb to the top, but well worth the effort.
• They met once more in an attempt/effort to find a solution.

• a great/enormous/strenuous effort

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary - 4th Edition

effort / ˈef.ət /   / -ɚt / noun

B1 [ C or U ] physical or mental activity needed to achieve something:

[ + to infinitive ] If we could all make an effort to keep this office tidier it would help.

You can't expect to have any friends if you don't make any effort with people.

In their efforts to reduce crime the government expanded the police force.

He's jogging round the park every morning in an effort to get fit for the football season.

It takes a long time to prepare the dish but the results are so good that it's worth the effort.

[ C ] the result of an attempt to produce something, especially when its quality is low or uncertain:

Do you want to have a look at his exam paper? It's a fairly poor effort.

be an effort C2 to be difficult, tiring, or boring to do:

I'm exhausted all the time, and everything is a real effort.

Word partners for effort

make an effort • demand / require / take effort • a considerable / great / tremendous effort • a concerted / determined / valiant effort • a conscious / deliberate effort • a joint / team effort • in an effort to do sth • with / without effort

© Cambridge University Press 2013

Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary


 1) N-VAR: oft N to-inf If you make an effort to do something, you try very hard to do it.
  He made no effort to hide his disappointment...
  Finding a cure requires considerable time and effort...
  His efforts to reform and revitalise Italian research have won wide praise...
  Despite the efforts of the United Nations, the problem of drug abuse and drug traffic continues to grow...
  But a concerted effort has begun to improve the quality of the urban air.
 2) N-UNCOUNT: usu with N, also a N If you say that someone did something with effort or with an effort, you mean it was difficult for them to do. [WRITTEN]
  She took a deep breath and sat up slowly and with great effort...
  With an effort she contained her irritation.
 3) N-COUNT: usu supp N An effort is a particular series of activities that is organized by a group of people in order to achieve something.
  ...a famine relief effort in Angola.
 4) N-SING: a N If you say that something is an effort, you mean that an unusual amount of physical or mental energy is needed to do it.
  Even carrying the camcorder while hiking in the forest was an effort.
  strain, struggle
 5) PHRASE: V inflects, oft PHR to-inf If you make the effort to do something, you do it, even though you need extra energy to do it or you do not really want to.
  I don't get lonely now because I make the effort to see people.
 6) PHRASE If you do something difficult or painful by an effort of will, you manage to make yourself do it.
  It was only by a supreme effort of will and courage that he was able to pull himself together.
 7) PHRASE: v-link PHR If you say that something is worth the effort, you mean that it will justify the energy that you have spent or will spend on it.
  Fortunately, the chore of leaf sweeping is well worth the effort.

Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's Dictionary

Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's Dictionary: 


ef·fort /ˈɛfɚt/ noun, pl -forts
1 : work done by the mind or body : energy used to do something


• He put a lot of effort into finishing the project on time.
• It wasn't easy, but it was worth the effort.
• We need to expend more/extra effort.
• The job will require/take a great deal of time and effort.
• a lack of effort
• She seems to do everything without effort. [=effortlessly; very easily]


• Our success is due to the combined/concerted efforts of many people.
• Her efforts were rewarded with a new contract.
• He lost the campaign despite the best efforts of his supporters.
✦If you get an A for effort or an E for effort or (Brit) full marks for effort, you are given credit for working hard to do something, even though the result of the work was not successful.
• His novel's surprise ending is not really convincing, but we'll give him an A for effort.
2 [count] : a serious attempt to do something
• Even though they didn't win, the team made a good/valiant effort.
• a determined/desperate effort
• a last-ditch effort
• Her early efforts at writing a novel were awkward.
• The project is a team effort. [=is being done by a group of people]
• Despite my best efforts, I never found out who she was.
- often followed by to + verb
• He made no effort to hide his feelings. [=he showed his feelings openly]
• In an effort to avoid further delays, the delivery process has been simplified.
• I had to make a conscious/deliberate effort not to laugh.
• The school makes every effort [=the school does all that it can] to help new students become adjusted to college life.
3 [count] : something produced by work
• This painting was one of my best efforts.
• It wasn't bad for a first effort.
4 [singular] : something that is hard to do
• I was so tired this morning that it was an effort (for me) to get out of bed.
5 [noncount] : all that is being done to achieve a particular goal
• He wanted to contribute in some way to the war effort. [=to the effort to win the war]


US /ˈtrʌb.əl/ 
UK /ˈtrʌb.əl/ 

problems or difficulties

Persian equivalent: 

If we don't do anything now, we will have trouble in the future.

Oxford Essential Dictionary


1 (plural troubles) difficulty, problems or worry:
We had a lot of trouble finding the book you wanted.

2 (no plural) extra work:
'Thanks for your help!' 'Oh, it was no trouble.'

3 (plural troubles) a situation in which people are fighting or arguing:
There was trouble after the football match last Saturday.

4 (no plural) pain or illness:
He's got heart trouble.

be in trouble to have problems, for example because you have done something wrong:
I'll be in trouble if I'm late home again.

get into trouble to get into a situation which is dangerous or in which you may be punished:
He got into trouble with the police.

go to a lot of trouble to do extra work:
They went to a lot of trouble to help me.


Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


I. trouble1 S1 W2 /ˈtrʌbəl/ BrE AmE noun
[Word Family: adjective: troubled, troublesome, troubling; verb: trouble; noun: trouble]
1. PROBLEMS [uncountable] (also troubles [plural]) problems or difficulties
trouble with
We’re having a lot of trouble with the new computer system.
Recent stock market losses point to trouble ahead.
2. BAD POINT [singular] used when saying what is bad about a person or situation or what causes problems:
The trouble with you is that you don’t listen.
The trouble is there are too many people and not enough places.
But no one ever remembers – that’s the trouble.
You never think, that’s your trouble.
3. BAD SITUATION in/into/out of trouble
a) if someone or something is in trouble, they are in a situation with a lot of problems:
He admitted that their marriage was in trouble.
get/run into trouble
The company ran into trouble when it tried to expand too quickly.
in serious/deep trouble
The economy was in serious trouble.
the dangers of trying to borrow your way out of trouble
b) if someone is in trouble, they have done something which someone will punish them for or be angry about
in deep/big trouble
We’ll be in big trouble if Mr Elliott finds out.
in trouble with somebody
I think I’m in trouble with Dad.
I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to get into trouble.
keep/stay out of trouble
I hope Tim stays out of trouble this year.
4. FIGHTING [uncountable] fighting, violence, or violent behaviour:
If the kids start to cause trouble, ask them to move on.
A handful of people came looking for trouble.
If you start any trouble, you’ll regret it.
There was crowd trouble before the match.
5. WORRIES [uncountable] (also troubles [plural]) problems in your life which you are worried about:
He poured out all his troubles to me (=told me all about his problems).
6. EFFORT [uncountable] an amount of effort and time that is needed to do something
take the trouble to do something (=make a special effort to do something)
The teacher took the trouble to learn all our names on the first day.
They’ve obviously gone to a lot of trouble to arrange everything.
save somebody the trouble (of doing something)
If you’d asked me first, I could have saved you the trouble.
I find that making my own clothes is more trouble than it’s worth (=takes too much time and effort).
7. no trouble used to say politely that you are happy to do something for someone:
‘Are you sure you don’t mind?’ ‘It’s no trouble.’
The kids were no trouble (=used to say you were happy to look after them because they were well-behaved).
8. HEALTH [uncountable] a problem that you have with your health:
He has trouble with his breathing.
heart/stomach/skin etc trouble
He suffers from back trouble.
9. MACHINE/SYSTEM [uncountable] when something is wrong with a machine, vehicle, or system:
engine trouble
trouble with
He had to retire from the race because of trouble with the gearbox.
• • •
Trouble is usually an uncountable noun. Never say 'a trouble':
▪ Are you having trouble (NOT a trouble) with your car?
• • •
■ verbs
have trouble He is having trouble getting his message across to the voters.
have no trouble We had no trouble finding her house.
cause trouble I hope the delay hasn’t caused you any trouble.
there is trouble There was some trouble at her office, but she didn’t say what it was.
mean/spell trouble (=mean there will be trouble) They are now much more competitive, which can only spell trouble for their rivals.
be asking for trouble (=be silly or dangerous) It 's asking for trouble to wear high-heeled shoes on a long walk.
avoid trouble We avoid trouble by planning carefully.
■ adjectives
big/great trouble High interest rates spell big trouble for homeowners.
terrible trouble I’ve been having terrible trouble sleeping.
endless trouble (=a lot of trouble) They had endless trouble with the water supply.
serious trouble I was having serious trouble knowing where to begin.
teething troubles British English (=small problems that you have when you first start doing a new job or using a new system ) There were a lot of teething troubles in the first year.
■ phrases
what the trouble is A couple of nurses rushed into the room to see what the trouble was.
without any/much trouble (=easily) The work was carried out without any trouble.

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary



trouble [trouble troubles troubled troubling] noun, verb   [ˈtrʌbl]    [ˈtrʌbl] 





1. uncountable, countable a problem, worry, difficulty, etc. or a situation causing this
• We have trouble getting staff.
• He could make trouble for me if he wanted to.
~ (with sb/sth) The trouble with you is you don't really want to work.
• We've never had much trouble with vandals around here.
Her trouble is she's incapable of making a decision.
The trouble is (= what is difficult is) there aren't any trains at that time.
The only trouble is we won't be here then.
• No, I don't know his number— I have quite enough trouble remembering my own.
• financial troubles
• She was on the phone for an hour telling me her troubles.
• Our troubles aren't over yet.

see also  teething troubles  




2. uncountable illness or pain
• back trouble

• I've been having trouble with my knee.  




3. uncountable something that is wrong with a machine, vehicle, etc
• mechanical trouble

• My car's been having engine trouble.  




4. uncountable a situation that is difficult or dangerous; a situation in which you can be criticized or punished
• The company ran into trouble early on, when a major order was cancelled.
• A yachtsman got into trouble off the coast and had to be rescued.
• If I don't get this finished in time, I'll be in trouble.
• He's in trouble with the police.

• My brother was always getting me into trouble with my parents.

5. uncountable an angry or violent situation
• The police were expecting trouble after the match.
• If you're not in by midnight, there'll be trouble (= I'll be very angry).

• He had to throw out a few drunks who were causing trouble in the bar.  




6. uncountable ~ (to sb) extra effort or work
Syn:  bother
• I don't want to put you to a lot of trouble.
• I'll get it if you like, that will save you the trouble of going out.
• Making your own yogurt is more trouble than it's worth.
• She went to a lot of trouble to find the book for me.
• He thanked me for my trouble and left.
• Nothing is ever too much trouble for her (= she's always ready to help).
• I can call back later— it's no trouble (= I don't mind).

• I hope the children weren't too much trouble.  




7. the Troubles plural the time of political and social problems in Northern Ireland, especially after 1968, when there was violence between Catholics and Protestants about whether Northern Ireland should remain part of the UK
more at be asking for trouble at  ask  
Word Origin:
Middle English: from Old French truble (noun), trubler (verb), based on Latin turbidus, from turba ‘a crowd, a disturbance’.  
sickness • ill health • trouble
These are all words for the state of being physically or mentally ill.
illness • the state of being physically or mentally ill.
sickness • illness; bad health: I recommend you get insurance against sickness and unemployment.
illness or sickness?
Sickness is used especially in contexts concerning work and insurance. It is commonly found with words such as pay, leave, absence and insurance. Illness has a wider range of uses and is found in more general contexts.
ill health • (rather formal) the state of being physically ill or having lots of health problems: She resigned because of ill health.
Ill health often lasts a long period of time.
trouble • illness or pain: heart trouble.
When trouble is used with this meaning, it is necessary to say which part of the body is affected.
chronic illness/sickness/ill health
to suffer from illness/sickness/ill health/heart, etc. trouble 
Example Bank:
• Do you think it's worth the trouble of booking seats in advance?
• Extra journalists have been sent to the main trouble spots.
• Fans wandered the town after the match looking for trouble.
• Growing your own vegetables is more trouble than it's worth.
• He got into trouble for not doing his homework.
• He had a reputation for making trouble in the classroom.
• He has had back trouble since changing jobs.
• He is in trouble with the law again.
• He put his past troubles behind him and built up a successful new career.
• He was asking for trouble when he insulted their country.
• He was obviously upset, and muttered something about girlfriend trouble.
• Her troubles began last year when she lost her job.
• I can see trouble ahead.
• I don't want to make trouble for her.
• I don't want to put you to any trouble.
• I've had endless trouble with my car.
• I've had trouble sleeping recently.
• In times of trouble she always turns to her mother.
• Just don't start any trouble.
• Look, we don't want any trouble, so we'll leave.
• Most of the game we were in foul trouble.
• She got into serious financial trouble after running up large debts.
• She has a history of back trouble.
• She knew that a hygiene inspection could spell trouble for her restaurant.
• She poured out all her troubles to her mother.
• Thank you very much for all your trouble.
• The company is in desperate trouble financially.
• The company soon ran into financial trouble.
• The printer's causing trouble again.
• There was trouble brewing among the workforce.
• They are hoping to leave their recent troubles behind.
• They went to enormous trouble to make her stay a pleasant one.
• Trouble blew up when the gang was refused entry to a nightclub.
• Trouble often comes when you're least expecting it.
• We left before the trouble started.
• We took the trouble to plan our route in advance.
• We're in deep trouble now!
• When she saw the teacher coming she knew she was in big trouble.
• Why don't we bring a pizza to save you the trouble of cooking?
• trouble between the races
• A yachtsman got into trouble off the coast and had to be rescued.
• As the bars closed the town was full of youths looking for trouble.
• He had to throw out a few drunks who were causing trouble in the bar.
• He suffers from heart trouble.
• He went to a lot of trouble to find the book for me.
• Her trouble is she's incapable of making a decision.
• I can call back later— it's no trouble at all.
• I hope the children weren't too much trouble.
• I'll get it if you like— that will save you the trouble of going out.
• I've been having trouble with my knee.
• I've never been one to run away from trouble.
• If I don't get this finished in time, I'll be in trouble.
• My brother was always getting me into trouble with my parents.
• Nothing is ever too much trouble for her.
• She didn't even take the trouble to find out how to spell my name.
• She was on the phone for an hour telling me all her troubles.
• The children didn't give me any trouble at all.
• The company ran into trouble early on, when a major order was cancelled.
• The only trouble is we won't be here then.
• The police were expecting trouble after the game.
• The trouble is there aren't any trains at that time.
• The trouble with you is you don't really want to work.
• They take a lot of trouble to find the right person for the job.
• Troops were stationed nearby in case of crowd trouble.
• We've been having trouble getting staff.
• We've never had much trouble with vandals around here.

Idioms: get somebody into trouble  give trouble  look for trouble  take the trouble to do something  take trouble over something  take trouble to do something  trouble shared is a trouble halved 


Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary - 4th Edition

trouble / ˈtrʌb.l̩ / noun (DIFFICULTIES)

B1 [ C or U ] problems or difficulties:

The form was terribly complicated and I had a lot of trouble with it.

Their problems seem to be over for the moment, but there could be more trouble ahead .

The trouble started/began when my father came to live with us.

[ + -ing verb ] Parents often have trouble finding restaurants that welcome young children.

You'll only be storing up trouble for the future if you don't go to the dentist now.

I should get it finished over the weekend without too much trouble.

She thought her troubles would be over once she'd got divorced.

My Christmas shopping is the least of my troubles at the moment - I haven't even got enough money to pay the rent.

Most of the current troubles stem from (= are caused by) our new computer system.

B2 [ U ] a characteristic of someone or something that is considered a disadvantage or problem:

The trouble with this carpet is that it gets dirty very easily.

It's a brilliant idea. The only trouble is that we don't know how much it will cost.

Ron 's trouble is that he's too impatient.

B1 [ U ] a situation in which you experience problems, usually because of something you have done wrong or badly:

He's never been in trouble with his teachers before.

She'll be in big trouble if she crashes Sam's car.

He got into financial trouble after his divorce.

I hope you won't get into trouble because of what I said to your dad.

The camp is a great way of getting kids off the street and keeping them out of trouble.

I hope I haven't landed you in trouble with your boss.

The marriage ran into trouble because of her husband's heavy drinking.

The company will be in serious/real trouble if we lose this contract.

He's stayed out of trouble since he was released from jail last year.

C2 [ U ] problems or difficulties caused by something failing to operate as it should:

The plane developed engine trouble shortly after take-off.

They have a good reputation for building reliable trouble -free cars.

Her knee trouble is expected to keep her out of the game for the rest of the season.

B2 [ U ] problems in the form of arguments, fighting, or violence:

Listen, I don't want any trouble in here, so please just finish your drink and leave.

You can only go to the match if you promise to leave at the first sign of trouble.

My little brother's always trying to stir up (= create) trouble between me and my boyfriend.

Word partners for trouble noun (DIFFICULTIES)

have trouble ( with sth) • get into / run into trouble • avoid trouble • forget your troubles • be beset by troubles • teething troubles • without any trouble

Word partners for trouble noun (INCONVENIENCE)

cause sb [a lot of/some/any] trouble • go to / take a lot of trouble • put sb to [a lot of/any] trouble • save trouble


trouble / ˈtrʌb.l̩ / noun [ U ] (INCONVENIENCE)

B2 slight problems or effort:

I didn't mean to cause you any trouble.

"I'd love some more tea, if it isn't too much trouble." "Oh, it's no trouble at all ."

I don't want to put you to any trouble (= create any work for you) .

[ + to infinitive ] If you took the trouble to listen to what I was saying, you'd know what I was talking about.

They went to a lot of trouble (= made a lot of effort) for their dinner party, but half the guests didn't bother to turn up.

It's annoying, but I don't think I'll go to the trouble of mak ing an official complaint.

Word partners for trouble noun (DIFFICULTIES)

have trouble ( with sth) • get into / run into trouble • avoid trouble • forget your troubles • be beset by troubles • teething troubles • without any trouble

Word partners for trouble noun (INCONVENIENCE)

cause sb [a lot of/some/any] trouble • go to / take a lot of trouble • put sb to [a lot of/any] trouble • save trouble

© Cambridge University Press 2013

Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary


 troubles, troubling, troubled

 1) N-UNCOUNT: oft in N, also N in pl You can refer to problems or difficulties as trouble.
  I had trouble parking...
  You've caused us a lot of trouble...
  The plane developed engine trouble soon after taking off...
  The crew are in serious trouble in 50-knot winds and huge seas...
  The Sullivans continued to have financial troubles.
 2) N-SING: usu the N If you say that one aspect of a situation is the trouble, you mean that it is the aspect which is causing problems or making the situation unsatisfactory.
  The trouble is that these restrictions have remained while other things have changed...
  Your trouble is that you can't take rejection.
 3) N-PLURAL: usu poss N Your troubles are the things that you are worried about.
  She tells me her troubles. I tell her mine...
  She kept her troubles to herself.
 4) N-UNCOUNT: n N, N with n If you have kidney trouble or back trouble, for example, there is something wrong with your kidneys or your back.
  An unsuitable bed is the most likely cause of back trouble...
  Her husband had never before had any heart trouble...
  He began to have trouble with his right knee.
 5) N-UNCOUNT: also N in pl If there is trouble somewhere, especially in a public place, there is fighting or rioting there.
  Riot police are being deployed throughout the city to prevent any trouble...
  Fans who make trouble during the World Cup will be severely dealt with.
  ...the first victim of the troubles in Northern Ireland.
 6) N-UNCOUNT: with brd-neg, oft N to-inf (politeness) If you tell someone that it is no trouble to do something for them, you are saying politely that you can or will do it, because it is easy or convenient for you.
  It's no trouble at all; on the contrary, it will be a great pleasure to help you...
  Will it be any trouble to get over here that quickly?
 7) N-UNCOUNT: with brd-neg If you say that a person or animal is no trouble, you mean that they are very easy to look after.
  My little grandson is no trouble at all, but his 6-year-old elder sister is rude and selfish.
 8) VERB If something troubles you, it makes you feel rather worried.
  [V n] Is anything troubling you?...
  [V n] He was troubled by the lifestyle of his son.
  Derived words:
  troubling ADJ-GRADED But most troubling of all was the simple fact that nobody knew what was going on.
 9) VERB If a part of your body troubles you, it causes you physical pain or discomfort.
  [V n] The ulcer had been troubling her for several years.
 10) VERB: with brd-neg (disapproval) If you say that someone does not trouble to do something, you are critical of them because they do not do not behave in the way that they should do, and you think that this would require very little effort.
  [V to-inf] He yawns, not troubling to cover his mouth...
  [V pron-refl to-inf] He hadn't troubled himself to check his mirrors...
  [V pron-refl about/with n] He seemed to be a naturally solitary person, troubling himself about only a few friends.
 11) VERB (formulae) You use trouble in expressions such as I'm sorry to trouble you when you are apologizing to someone for disturbing them in order to ask them something.
  I'm sorry to trouble you, but I wondered if by any chance you know where he is...
  I hate to trouble you, but Aunt Lina's birthday is coming up and I would like to buy something nice for her.
 12) PHRASE: usu v-link PHR, PHR after v If someone is in trouble, they are in a situation in which a person in authority is angry with them or is likely to punish them because they have done something wrong.
  He was in trouble with his teachers...
  The person who loaned them to me got into terrible trouble for it.
  ...a charity that helps women in trouble with the law.
 13) PHRASE: V inflects, usu PHR to-inf, oft with brd-neg If you take the trouble to do something, you do something which requires a small amount of additional effort.
  It is worth taking the trouble to sieve the fruit by hand...
  He did not take the trouble to see the film before he attacked it.
 14) PHRASE: V inflects, v-link PHR If you say that someone or something is more trouble than they are worth, you mean that they cause you a lot of problems or take a lot of time and effort and you do not achieve or gain very much in return.
  Some grumbled that Johnson was more trouble than he was worth...
  Learning more about it always seemed more trouble than it was worth.


Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's Dictionary

Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's Dictionary: 

1trou·ble /ˈtrʌbəl/ noun, pl trou·bles
1 : problems or difficulties


• The new system is giving me trouble.
• He was having trouble with his homework.
• I had a little trouble finding the place.
• He had no trouble finding a new job.
• This decision could spell trouble [=cause problems] for all of us.
• So far, the trip has been trouble free. [=so far, there have been no problems on the trip]
• gangs looking to make/cause trouble


- usually plural
• She told me all her personal troubles.
• Your troubles are over now that he's out of your life.
• I have my own troubles to worry about.
• They've had some financial troubles since he lost his job.
2 [noncount]
a : a situation that is difficult or has a lot of problems
• When the new CEO arrived, the company was in trouble.
• She's in big/deep financial trouble. [=she has serious problems with her money]
• She got into trouble with her credit cards.
• Can anyone help get the company out of trouble? [=solve the company's problems]
b : a situation that occurs if you do something wrong or break a rule and which will make someone angry or cause you to be punished
• He's always getting in/into trouble at school.
• He promised to keep/stay out of trouble. [=behave well, not do anything bad]
- often + with
• She was in trouble with the police.
• He will be in trouble with his mom if he's late.
3 [noncount] : a physical pain or illness
• heart/stomach trouble
• She has been having trouble with her knee.
4 [noncount] : a situation in which a machine does not work correctly
• He's been having car/engine/computer trouble.
• She was having trouble with her computer.
5 [singular] : a bad feature, characteristic, quality, etc.
• His trouble is that he's lazy and unreliable.
- often + with
• The trouble with driving into the city is finding a place to park.
6 [noncount] : extra effort or work
• You didn't have to go to all that trouble for me. [=you didn't have to do all the extra work for me]
• Thank you for taking the trouble [=making the effort] to write.
• They didn't even take the trouble to call and let me know they'd be late.
• I decided that upgrading the software was more trouble than it's worth.
• It's not worth the trouble.
• If it's no trouble [=if it is not too difficult or inconvenient], could you bring us some more coffee?
• “I'm sorry to bother you.” “It's no trouble. I'm happy to help.”
ask for trouble
- see ask
look for trouble
- see 1look


US /ˈden.t̬ɪst/ 
UK /ˈden.tɪst/ 

Someone whose job is to examine and treat people’s teeth

Persian equivalent: 

You should have your teeth checked by a dentist at least twice a year.

Oxford Essential Dictionary



1 a person whose job is to look after your teeth Look at the note at tooth.

2 the dentist's (no plural) the place where a dentist works:
I have to go to the dentist's today.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English



dentist S3 /ˈdentəst, ˈdentɪst/ noun [countable]

  someone whose job is to treat people’s teeth
  the dentist/the dentist’s (=the place where a dentist works)
   • I’m going to the dentist this afternoon.
     • • •


   ▪ dentist someone whose job is to treat people's teeth: • I've made an appointment with the dentist. | • She always dreaded a visit to the dentist.
   ▪ oral surgeon a dentist who has special training to operate on people's teeth
   ▪ orthodontist a dentist who makes teeth straight when they have not been growing correctly
   ▪ dental hygienist/hygienist someone who is specially trained to help a dentist by cleaning teeth and giving advice about how to keep teeth healthy: • Ask your dental hygienist for advice on using floss.
   ▪ dental practitioner formal a dentist

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary


den·tist [dentist dentists]   [ˈdentɪst]    [ˈdentɪst]  noun

1. (also formal ˈdental surgeon) a person whose job is to take care of people's teeth

2. dentist's a place where a dentist sees patients

• an appointment at the dentist's

See also: dental surgeon 


Word Origin:

mid 18th cent.: from French dentiste, from dent ‘tooth’, from Latin dens, dent-.

Example Bank:

• She couldn't get treatment because she wasn't registered with the dentist.

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary


dentist /ˈden.tɪst/ US /-ţɪst/
noun [C]
a person whose job is treating people's teeth:
You should have your teeth checked by a dentist at least twice a year.

dentistry /ˈden.tɪ.stri/ US /-ţɪ-/
noun [U]
the work of a dentist

dentist's /ˈden.tɪsts/ US /-ţɪsts/
noun [C] plural dentists
I've got to go to the dentist's (= the place where a dentist works) on Friday.

Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary



A dentist is a person who is qualified to examine and treat people’s teeth.
Visit your dentist twice a year for a check-up.


The dentist or the dentist’s is used to refer to the surgery or clinic where a dentist works.
It’s worse than being at the dentist’s.

N-SING: the N

Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's Dictionary

Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's Dictionary: 


den·tist /ˈdɛntəst/ noun, pl -tists [count]
1 : a person whose job is to care for people's teeth
• I have an appointment with my dentist today. = I have a dentist appointment today.
2 the dentist or the dentist's : the place where a dentist works
• I saw her at the dentist last week.
• He goes to the dentist's for a check-up every six months.


hip [noun] (BODY PART)
US /hɪp/ 
UK /hɪp/ 

That woman has broad hips.

One of the two parts at either side of your body between your waist and the top of your legs

Persian equivalent: 

That woman has broad hips.

Oxford Essential Dictionary


the place where your leg joins the side of your body

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


HIP /hɪp/ noun [countable]
  the abbreviation of Home Information Pack


I.   noun

I. hip1 /hɪp/ noun [countable]
 [Sense 1: Language: Old English; Origin: hype]
 [Sense 2: Language: Old English; Origin: heope]
 1. one of the two parts on each side of your body between the top of your leg and your waist:
   • She stood there with her hands on her hips glaring at him.
   • The old lady had fallen and broken her hip.
 2. the red fruit of some kinds of roses SYN rose hip

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary


hip [hip hips hipper hippest] noun, adjective, exclamation   [hɪp]    [hɪp]


1. the area at either side of the body between the top of the leg and the waist; the joint at the top of the leg

• She stood with her hands on her hips.

• These jeans are too tight around the hips.

• a hip replacement operation

• the hip bone

• She broke her hip in the fall.

2. -hipped (in adjectives) having hips of the size or shape mentioned

• large-hipped

• slim-hipped

3. (also ˈrose hip) the red fruit that grows on some types of wild rose bush

see shoot from the hip at  shoot  v.


Word Origin:

n. senses 1 to 2 Old English hype Germanic Dutch heup German Hüfte hop
n. sense 3 Old English hēope hīope West Germanic Dutch joop German Hiefe
adj. early 20th cent.
exclam. mid 18th cent.



Physical appearance

A person may be described as having:


(bright) blue/green/(dark/light) brown/hazel eyes

deep-set/sunken/bulging/protruding eyes

small/beady/sparkling/twinkling/(informal) shifty eyes

piercing/penetrating/steely eyes

bloodshot/watery/puffy eyes

bushy/thick/dark/raised/arched eyebrows

long/dark/thick/curly/false eyelashes/lashes


a flat/bulbous/pointed/sharp/snub nose

a straight/a hooked/a Roman/(formal) an aquiline nose

full/thick/thin/pouty lips

dry/chapped/cracked lips

flushed/rosy/red/ruddy/pale cheeks

soft/chubby/sunken cheeks

white/perfect/crooked/protruding teeth

a large/high/broad/wide/sloping forehead

a strong/weak/pointed/double chin

a long/full/bushy/wispy/goatee beard

a long/thin/bushy/droopy/handlebar/pencil moustache/ (especially US) mustache

Hair and skin

pale/fair/olive/dark/tanned skin

dry/oily/smooth/rough/leathery/wrinkled skin

a dark/pale/light/sallow/ruddy/olive/swarthy/clear complexion

deep/fine/little/facial wrinkles

blonde/blond/fair/(light/dark) brown/(jet-)black/auburn/red/(BrE) ginger/grey hair

straight/curly/wavy/frizzy/spiky hair

thick/thin/fine/bushy/thinning hair

dyed/bleached/soft/silky/dry/greasy/shiny hair

long/short/shoulder-length/cropped hair

a bald/balding/shaved head

a receding hairline

a bald patch/spot

a side/centre/(US) center (BrE) parting/ (NAmE) part


a long/short/thick/slender/(disapproving) scrawny neck

broad/narrow/sloping/rounded/hunched shoulders

a bare/broad/muscular/small/large chest

a flat/swollen/bulging stomach

a small/tiny/narrow/slim/slender/28-inch waist

big/wide/narrow/slim hips

a straight/bent/arched/broad/hairy back

thin/slender/muscular arms

big/large/small/manicured/calloused/gloved hands

long/short/fat/slender/delicate/bony fingers

long/muscular/hairy/shapely/(both informal, often disapproving) skinny/spindly legs

muscular/chubby/(informal, disapproving) flabby thighs

big/little/small/dainty/wide/narrow/bare feet

a good/a slim/a slender/an hourglass figure

be of slim/medium/average/large/athletic/stocky build


Example Bank:

• Don't carry money or documents in your hip pocket.

• He had his leg amputated at the hip.

• He leaned casually against the door frame, hands on hips.

• He put his hands on his hips and sighed.

• He took a swig of whisky from his hip flask.

• Her hips had spread since having a baby.

• Her hips were still narrow like a girl's.

• Her hips were swaying seductively in time to the music.

• My grandmother's having a hip replacement.

• She was carrying a baby on her hip.

• She was wearing a short blue dress, belted across the hips.

• She wiggled her hips seductively as she walked.

• The gun could be fired from the shoulder or from the hip.

• The skirt is slit to the hip on one side.

• Twist your hips in your opponent's direction as you punch.

Idiom: hip, hip, hooray! 

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary

hip (FRUIT) /hɪp/
noun [C]
MAINLY UK FOR rose hip


hip (BODY PART) /hɪp/
noun [C]
the area below the waist and above the legs at either side of the body, or the joint which connects the leg to the upper part of the body:
This exercise is designed to trim your hips and stomach.
The skirt was a bit tight across the hips.

Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary


(hips, hipper, hippest)

Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English.

Your hips are the two areas at the sides of your body between the tops of your legs and your waist.
Tracey put her hands on her hips and sighed.
N-COUNT: oft poss N
He is broad-chested and narrow-hipped.

You refer to the bones between the tops of your legs and your waist as your hips.
N-COUNT: oft poss N

If you say that someone is hip, you mean that they are very modern and follow all the latest fashions, for example in clothes and ideas. (INFORMAL)
...a hip young character with tight-cropped blond hair and stylish glasses.
= trendy, cool

If a large group of people want to show their appreciation or approval of someone, one of them says ‘Hip hip’ and they all shout ‘hooray’.

If you say that someone shoots from the hip or fires from the hip, you mean that they react to situations or give their opinion very quickly, without stopping to think.
Judges don’t have to shoot from the hip. They have the leisure to think, to decide.

Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's Dictionary

Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's Dictionary: 

1hip /ˈhɪp/ noun, pl hips [count] : the part of your body between your waist and legs on each side
• She stood with her hands on her hips.
- see picture at human
joined at the hip informal
- used to describe two people who are often or usually together
• She and her sister used to be joined at the hip [=inseparable] when they were kids.
shoot from the hip
- see 1shoot

- compare 2hip

- hipped /ˈhɪpt/ adj
• a wide-hipped woman [=a woman with wide hips]


(fingernail [noun] (BODY PART
US /ˈfɪŋ.ɡɚ.neɪl/ 
UK /ˈfɪŋ.ɡə.neɪl/ 

I have beautiful fingernails.

Any of the hard smooth parts that cover the ends of your fingers

Persian equivalent: 

I have beautiful fingernails.

Oxford Essential Dictionary


the thin hard part at the end of your finger

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


fingernail /ˈfɪŋɡəneɪl $ -ɡər-/ noun [countable]
  the hard flat part that covers the top end of your finger SYN nail

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary


fin·ger·nail [fingernail fingernails]   [ˈfɪŋɡəneɪl]    [ˈfɪŋɡərneɪl]  noun

the thin hard layer that covers the outer tip of each finger

Example Bank:

• ‘Actually, I'm leaving you’, she said, continuing to examine her fingernails.

• ‘Actually, I'm leaving,’ she said, examining her fingernails.

• I noticed I had dirt under my fingernails.

• She dug her fingernails into my neck.

• She tapped her fingernails against the table impatiently.

• the horrible sound of fingernails scraping across a blackboard

• the sound of fingernails being dragged down a blackboard

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary


fingernail /ˈfɪŋ.gə.neɪl/ US /-gɚ-/
noun [C] (ALSO nail)
the hard slightly curved part that covers and protects the top of the end of a finger:
dirty fingernails
She had long red fingernails.

Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary


also finger-nail

Your fingernails are the thin hard areas at the end of each of your fingers.

= nail


Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's Dictionary

Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's Dictionary: 


fin·ger·nail /ˈfɪŋgɚˌneɪl/ noun, pl -nails [count] : the hard covering at the end of your fingers
• I trimmed and filed my fingernails.
• He had dirt under his fingernails.
• Quit biting/chewing your fingernails.


hair [noun]
US /her/ 
UK /heər/ 

He has short hair.

the mass of thin fibres that grows on your head

Persian equivalent: 

He has short hair.

Oxford Essential Dictionary



1 (no plural) all the hairs on a person's head:
She's got long black hair.

2 (plural hairs) one of the long thin things that grow on the skin of people and animals:
There's a hair in my soup.

word building
You wash your hair with shampoo and make it tidy with a hairbrush or a comb. Some words that you can use to talk about the colour of a person's hair are black, dark, brown, ginger, red, fair, blonde and grey.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English

hair S1 W1 /heə $ her/ noun
  [Word Family: noun: hair, hairiness; adjective: hairless ≠ hairy]
 [Language: Old English; Origin: hær]
 1. [uncountable] the mass of things like fine threads that grows on your head:
   • Her hair was short and dark.
   • a short fat man with no hair on his head
  fair-haired/dark-haired/long-haired etc
   • He’s a tall fair-haired guy.
   In this meaning, hair is an uncountable noun:
   ▪ • He has black hair (NOT black hairs).
 2. [countable] one of the long fine things like thread that grows on people’s heads and on other parts of their bodies, or similar things that grow on animals:
   • The cat has left white hairs all over the sofa.
   • I’m starting to get a few grey hairs.
   • long-haired cats
 3. be tearing/pulling your hair out to be very worried or angry about something, especially because you do not know what to do:
   • Anyone else would have been tearing their hair out trying to work it out.
 4. let your hair down informal to enjoy yourself and start to relax, especially after working very hard:
   • The party gave us all a chance to really let our hair down.
 5. bad hair day a day when your hair does not look tidy or neat even when you try to arrange it carefully – used humorously:
   • I’m having a bit of a bad hair day.
 6. keep your hair on British English spoken used to tell someone to keep calm and not get annoyed:
   • All right, all right, keep your hair on! I’m sorry.
 7. get in sb’s hair informal to annoy someone, especially by always being near them
 8. make sb’s hair stand on end to make someone very frightened
 9. make sb’s hair curl if a story, experience etc makes your hair curl, it is very surprising, frightening, or shocking:
   • tales that would make your hair curl
 10. not have a hair out of place to have a very neat appearance
 11. not turn a hair to remain completely calm when something bad or surprising suddenly happens
 12. not harm/touch a hair of/on sb’s head to not harm someone in any way
 13. the hair of the dog (that bit you) alcohol that you drink to cure a headache caused by drinking too much alcohol the night before – used humorously
  ⇨ have a good/fine/thick etc head of hair at head1(14), ⇨ not see hide nor hair of at hide2(5), ⇨ split hairs at split1(8)
     • • •



■ colour

   ▪ darkHe’s about six feet tall, with dark hair and blue eyes.
   ▪ blackhis long black hair
   ▪ jet black literary (=completely black)She had shiny jet black hair, and skin as white as snow.
   ▪ fairHer long fair hair fell untidily over her shoulders.
   ▪ blond/blonde (=yellowish-white in colour)long blonde hair and blue eyes
   ▪ goldenthe beautiful girl with the long golden hair
   ▪ brownHer hair was pale brown.
   ▪ chestnut literary (=dark brown)She had a fine head of chestnut hair.
   ▪ sandy (=yellowish-brown)He wore his long, sandy brown hair in a ponytail.
   ▪ mousy (=an unattractive dull brown)I have pale, mousy hair that is dull and lacks shine.
   ▪ redThe whole family had red hair.
   ▪ ginger British English (=orange-brown in colour)a cheeky little boy with ginger hair
   ▪ auburn literary (=orange-brown in colour)He gazed at her long neck and beautiful auburn hair.
   ▪ whitean old man with white hair
   ▪ grey British English, gray American EnglishShe was about 70, with grey hair.
   ▪ silverHer father’s hair was starting to turn silver.

■ length

   ▪ shortI like your hair when it’s short like that.
   ▪ longA few of the boys had long hair.
   ▪ shoulder-length/medium-lengthHe had shoulder-length reddish hair.

■ type

   ▪ straighta girl with long straight hair
   ▪ curlyWhen he was young, his hair was thick and curly.
   ▪ frizzy (=tightly curled)She had dark frizzy hair which might have been permed.
   ▪ wavy (=with loose curls)Her golden wavy hair fell around her shoulders.
   ▪ thickShe had thick hair down to her waist.
   ▪ fine (=thin)Her hair is so fine, it’s difficult to style.
   ▪ spiky (=stiff and standing up on top of your head)Billy had black spiky hair.

■ condition

   ▪ in good/bad/terrible etc conditionHow do you keep your hair in such perfect condition?
   ▪ out of condition (=no longer in good condition)If your hair is out of condition, this may be because you are eating the wrong foods.
   ▪ glossy/shinyShe combed her hair until it was all glossy.
   ▪ lustrous literary (=very shiny and attractive)her lustrous dark hair flowing on to her shoulders
   ▪ dull (=not shiny)a shampoo for dull hair
   ▪ greasy (=containing too much oil)This shampoo is ideal for greasy hair.
   ▪ dry (=lacking oil)a shampoo for dry hair
   ▪ lank especially literary (= thin, straight, and unattractive)a scruffy young man with lank hair
   ▪ thinning (=becoming thinner because you are losing your hair)His dark hair was thinning on top.
   ▪ receding (=gradually disappearing, so that it is high on your forehead)The man was in his late thirties, and his hair was receding slightly.
   ▪ dishevelled especially literary (=very untidy)His face was bright red and his hair looked dishevelled.
   ▪ tousled especially literary (=a little untidy, in a way that looks attractive)his youthfully handsome face and tousled hair that hung untidily over his collar
   ▪ windswept especially literary (=blown around by the wind)Her hair was all windswept when they came off the beach.

■ verbs

   ▪ have ... hairShe has beautiful blonde hair.
   ▪ brush/comb your hairHe cleaned his teeth and brushed his hair.
   ▪ wash your hairHe showered and washed his hair.
   ▪ do your hair (also fix your hair American English) (=arrange it in a style)She’s upstairs doing her hair.
   ▪ have your hair cut/done/permed (also get your hair cut etc) (=by a hairdresser)I need to get my hair cut.
   ▪ cut sb’s hairMy Mum always cuts my hair.
   ▪ dye your hair (blonde/red etc) (=change its colour, especially using chemicals)Craig has dyed his hair black.
   ▪ wear your hair long/in a ponytail etc (=have that style of hair)He wore his hair in a ponytail.
   ▪ grow your hair (long) (=let it grow longer)I’m growing my hair long, but it’s taking forever.
   ▪ lose your hair (=become bald)He was a small, round man who was losing his hair.
   ▪ run your fingers through sb’s hair (=touch someone’s hair in a loving way)He ran his fingers through her smooth silky hair.
   ▪ ruffle sb’s hair (=rub it in a kind friendly way)He patted me on the back and ruffled my hair.

■ hair + NOUN

   ▪ hair lossThe drug can cause hair loss.
   ▪ hair colour British English, hair color American EnglishGenes control characteristics such as hair colour and eye colour.
   ▪ hair dyeThe survey showed that 75% of women have used hair dye.

■ phrases

   ▪ a strand/wisp of hair (=a thin piece of hair)She brushed away a strand of hair from her eyes.
   ▪ a lock of hair (=a fairly thick piece of hair)She tossed a stray lock of hair back off her forehead.
   ▪ a mop of hair (=a large amount of thick untidy hair)He had an unruly mop of brown hair.


    ► Do not say 'I cut my hair' if another person cut your hair for you. Say I had my hair cut'.

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary


hair [hair hairs]   [heə(r)]    [her]  noun

1. uncountable, countable the substance that looks like a mass of fine threads growing especially on the head; one of these threads growing on the body of people and some animals

fair/dark hair

straight/curly/wavy hair

• to comb/brush your hair

• She often wears her hair loose.

• (informal) I'll be down in a minute. I'm doing (= brushing, arranging, etc.) my hair.

• I'm having my hair cut this afternoon.

• He's losing his hair (= becoming bald ).

body/facial/pubic hair

• There's a hair in my soup.

• The rug was covered with cat hairs.

see also  camel hair, horsehair

2. -haired (in adjectives) having the type of hair mentioned

• dark-haired

• long-haired

3. countable a thing that looks like a fine thread growing on the leaves and stems of some plants

more at hang by a hair/thread at  hang  v., not see hide nor hair of sb/sth at  hide  n., split hairs at  split  v., tear your hair out at  tear1 v.

Idioms: get in somebody's hair  hair of the dog  keep your hair on  let your hair down  make somebody's hair stand on end  not harm a hair of somebody's head  not have a hair out of place  not turn a hair 


Word Origin:

Old English hǣr, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch haar and German Haar.



hair noun C

• There's a hair in my soup.

strand • • thread • |BrE fibre • |AmE fiber

a long/single hair/strand/thread/fibre

a fine hair/strand/thread



Clothes and fashion


be wearing a new outfit/bright colours/fancy dress/fur/uniform

be (dressed) in black/red/jeans and a T-shirt/your best suit/leather/silk/rags (= very old torn clothes)

be dressed for work/school/dinner/a special occasion

be dressed as a man/woman/clown/pirate

wear/dress in casual/designer/second-hand clothes

wear jewellery/(especially US) jewelry/accessories/a watch/glasses/contact lenses/perfume

have a cowboy hat/red dress/blue suit on

put on/take off your clothes/coat/shoes/helmet

pull on/pull off your coat/gloves/socks

change into/get changed into a pair of jeans/your pyjamas/(especially US) your pajamas


change/enhance/improve your appearance

create/get/have/give sth a new/contemporary/retro look

brush/comb/shampoo/wash/blow-dry your hair

have/get a haircut/your hair cut/a new hairstyle

have/get a piercing/your nose pierced

have/get a tattoo/a tattoo done (on your arm)/a tattoo removed

have/get a makeover/cosmetic surgery

use/wear/apply/put on make-up/cosmetics


follow/keep up with (the) fashion/the latest fashions

spend/waste money on designer clothes

be fashionably/stylishly/well dressed

have good/great/terrible/awful taste in clothes

update/revamp your wardrobe

be in/come into/go out of fashion

be (back/very much) in vogue

create a style/trend/vogue for sth

organize/put on a fashion show

show/unveil a designer's spring/summer collection

sashay/strut down the catwalk/(NAmE also) runway

be on/do a photo/fashion shoot



Physical appearance

A person may be described as having:


(bright) blue/green/(dark/light) brown/hazel eyes

deep-set/sunken/bulging/protruding eyes

small/beady/sparkling/twinkling/(informal) shifty eyes

piercing/penetrating/steely eyes

bloodshot/watery/puffy eyes

bushy/thick/dark/raised/arched eyebrows

long/dark/thick/curly/false eyelashes/lashes


a flat/bulbous/pointed/sharp/snub nose

a straight/a hooked/a Roman/(formal) an aquiline nose

full/thick/thin/pouty lips

dry/chapped/cracked lips

flushed/rosy/red/ruddy/pale cheeks

soft/chubby/sunken cheeks

white/perfect/crooked/protruding teeth

a large/high/broad/wide/sloping forehead

a strong/weak/pointed/double chin

a long/full/bushy/wispy/goatee beard

a long/thin/bushy/droopy/handlebar/pencil moustache/ (especially US) mustache

Hair and skin

pale/fair/olive/dark/tanned skin

dry/oily/smooth/rough/leathery/wrinkled skin

a dark/pale/light/sallow/ruddy/olive/swarthy/clear complexion

deep/fine/little/facial wrinkles

blonde/blond/fair/(light/dark) brown/(jet-)black/auburn/red/(BrE) ginger/grey hair

straight/curly/wavy/frizzy/spiky hair

thick/thin/fine/bushy/thinning hair

dyed/bleached/soft/silky/dry/greasy/shiny hair

long/short/shoulder-length/cropped hair

a bald/balding/shaved head

a receding hairline

a bald patch/spot

a side/centre/(US) center (BrE) parting/ (NAmE) part


a long/short/thick/slender/(disapproving) scrawny neck

broad/narrow/sloping/rounded/hunched shoulders

a bare/broad/muscular/small/large chest

a flat/swollen/bulging stomach

a small/tiny/narrow/slim/slender/28-inch waist

big/wide/narrow/slim hips

a straight/bent/arched/broad/hairy back

thin/slender/muscular arms

big/large/small/manicured/calloused/gloved hands

long/short/fat/slender/delicate/bony fingers

long/muscular/hairy/shapely/(both informal, often disapproving) skinny/spindly legs

muscular/chubby/(informal, disapproving) flabby thighs

big/little/small/dainty/wide/narrow/bare feet

a good/a slim/a slender/an hourglass figure

be of slim/medium/average/large/athletic/stocky build


Example Bank:

• He ran both hands through his thinning hair.

• He went to the barber's to have his hair cut.

• Her blond hair fell over her eyes.

• Her only hair accessory was a headband.

• His hair curls naturally.

• His hair was shaved close to his head.

• His hair was tousled and he looked as if he'd just woken up.

• I don't like the way she's arranged her hair, do you?

• I'll be down in a minute, I'm just doing my hair.

• I'm trying to grow my hair.

• I've decided to have my hair permed.

• Kyle reached out to stroke her hair.

• She had beautiful auburn hair.

• She had shoulder-length black hair.

• She pushed a stray hair behind her ear.

• She showered, fixed her hair, and applied make up.

• She tossed her long hair out of her eyes.

• She wore her long hair loose on her shoulders.

• They had styled my hair by blowing it out straight.

• Why don't you let your hair grow?

• Why don't you put your hair up for this evening?

• a new shampoo for dull or dry hair

• a stylist specializing in hair extensions

• how to cope with hair loss

• waxing, and the other hair removal methods available for men

• There's a hair in my soup.

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary


hair /heəʳ/ US /her/
noun [C or U]
the mass of thin thread-like structures on the head of a person, or any of these structures that grow out of the skin of a person or animal:
He's got short dark hair.
I'm going to have/get my hair cut.
She brushed her long red hair.
He had lost his hair by the time he was twenty-five.
He's starting to get a few grey hairs now.
I found a hair in my soup.

-haired/-heəd/ US /-herd/
with the hair described:

hairless /ˈheə.ləs/ US /ˈher-/
without hair:
To my mind, a hairless armpit looks unnatural.

Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary



Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English.

Your hair is the fine threads that grow in a mass on your head.
I wash my hair every night...
...a girl with long blonde hair...
I get some grey hairs but I pull them out.
N-VAR: usu supp N

Hair is the short, fine threads that grow on different parts of your body.
The majority of men have hair on their chest...
It tickled the hairs on the back of my neck.

Hair is the threads that cover the body of an animal such as a dog, or make up a horse’s mane and tail.
I am allergic to cat hair. hairs on the carpet.

If you let your hair down, you relax completely and enjoy yourself.
...the world-famous Oktoberfest, a time when everyone in Munich really lets their hair down.
PHRASE: V inflects

Something that makes your hair stand on end shocks or frightens you very much.
This was the kind of smile that made your hair stand on end.
PHRASE: V inflects

If you say that someone has not a hair out of place, you are emphasizing that they are extremely smart and neatly dressed.
She had a lot of make-up on and not a hair out of place.
PHRASE [emphasis]

If you say that someone faced with a shock or a problem does not turn a hair, you mean that they do not show any surprise or fear, and remain completely calm.
No one seems to turn a hair at the thought of the divorced Princess marrying.
PHRASE: V inflects

If you say that someone is splitting hairs, you mean that they are making unnecessary distinctions between things when the differences between them are so small they are not important.
Don’t split hairs. You know what I’m getting at.
PHRASE: V inflects

Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's Dictionary

Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's Dictionary: 


hair /ˈheɚ/ noun, pl hairs
1 a [count] : a thin threadlike growth from the skin of a person or animal
• He plucked a hair from his arm.
• There are dog/cat hairs all over my coat.
b [noncount] : a covering or growth of hairs
• The hair on her arms is blond.
• He has a lot of hair on his chest.
• facial/pubic hair
c [noncount] : the covering of hairs on a person's head
• He got his hair cut last week.
• Your hair looks nice.
• She has long/black/straight hair.
• He has a thick/full head of hair.
• a balding man who is losing his hair
• a lock/strand of hair
hair conditioners/curlers
• a hair dryer
• I'm having a bad hair day. [=my hair does not look nice today]
2 [singular] informal : a very small distance or amount
• He won the race by a hair.
• He was a hair off on the count.
hair of the dog (that bit you) informal : an alcoholic drink that is taken by someone to feel better after having drunk too much at an earlier time
hide or hair, hide nor hair
- see 2hide
in your hair informal
✦Someone who is in your hair is bothering or annoying you.
• His wife says that since he retired he's in her hair all day because he's at home so much.
keep your hair on Brit informal
- used to tell someone not to become too excited or upset;
let your hair down informal : to relax and enjoy yourself
• We work hard all week, so when Friday comes we like to let our hair down a little and have some fun.
make your hair curl informal
✦If something makes your hair curl, it frightens, shocks, or surprises you.
• I've heard stories about that guy that would make your hair curl.
make your hair stand on end informal
✦If something makes your hair stand on end, it frightens you.
• Just hearing his voice makes my hair stand on end.
not have a hair out of place informal : to have a very neat appearance
• a politician who never has a hair out of place
not turn a hair informal : to remain calm even though something frightening or shocking has happened
• Most people would have been very nervous in that situation, but she never turned a hair.
out of your hair informal
✦Someone who is out of your hair is no longer bothering or annoying you.
• Let me take the children out of your hair while you cook dinner.
pull your hair out or tear your hair out informal : to be very worried or upset about something
• We've been tearing our hair out trying to decide what to do.
split hairs : to argue about small details or differences that are not important
• His lawyers are splitting hairs over the wording of his contract.
- see also hairsplitting
- haired /ˈheɚd/ adj
• a long-haired cat
• a dark-haired person
- hair·less /ˈheɚləs/ adj
• a hairless breed of cat


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