Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary - 4th Edition
magic / ˈmædʒ.ɪk / noun [ U ] (SPECIAL POWER)
A2 the use of special powers to make things happen that would usually be impossible, such as in stories for children:
The group are known for their belief in witchcraft and magic.
As if by magic/ Like magic, the car changes into a boat when it hits the water.
A2 the skill of performing tricks to entertain people, such as making things appear and disappear and pretending to cut someone in half:
He's a comedian who also does magic.
magic / ˈmædʒ.ɪk / noun [ U ] (SPECIAL QUALITY)
B2 a special and exciting quality that makes something seem different from ordinary things:
Although the film was made 50 years ago, it has lost none of its magic.
No one could fail to be charmed by the magic of this beautiful city.
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