seek sb/sth out

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seek sb/sth out [ phrasal verb]

to look for someone or something, especially for a long time until you find them


While he was at the library, Steve decided to seek out some information on accommodation in the area.

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary

seek sb/sth out — phrasal verb with seek / siːk / verb ( sought , sought ) formal

to look for someone or something, especially for a long time until you find them:

While he was at the library, Steve decided to seek out some information on accommodation in the area.

Collins Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary

seek out

 If you seek out someone or something or seek them out, you keep looking for them until you find them.
  [V P n (not pron)] Now is the time for local companies to seek out business opportunities in Europe...
  [V n P] Ellen spent the day in the hills and sought me out when she returned.

Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's Dictionary


seek /ˈsiːk/ verb seeks; sought /ˈsɑːt/; seek·ing [+ obj] somewhat formal
1 : to search for (someone or something) : to try to find (someone or something)
• He is seeking employment. [=he is looking for a job]
• The office is seeking a salesperson.
• The prince is seeking a wife.
• Snakes seek the sun to warm their bodies.
• thrill-seeking travelers [=travelers who want to have very exciting/thrilling experiences]
2 : to ask for (help, advice, etc.)
• You should visit your doctor and seek his advice.
• You should seek medical help immediately if you experience any chest pain or shortness of breath.
• The church is seeking donations/volunteers.
3 a : to try to get or achieve (something)
• He sought revenge for his son's murder.
• During the war, she sought asylum in Spain.
• They sought refuge in Canada.
• The company is seeking new ways to improve service.
• The mayor is seeking reelection.
• She seeks perfection in her work.
• attention-seeking behavior
• Immigrants come to America to seek their fortune. [=to try to become rich]
• They are seeking compensation/damages [=they are trying to get money] for their loss.
b : to make an attempt to do something
• Doctors have been seeking [=trying] to find a cure.
• The builders sought to make the bridge stronger.
seek out [phrasal verb] seek (someone or something) out or seek out (someone or something) : to search for and find (someone or something)
• His parents sought out the best doctors in the field.
• White blood cells seek out and destroy infections.

- see also heat-seeking

- seek·er noun, pl -ers [count]
seekers of perfection
• job/thrill/pleasure/autograph seekers