
English translation unavailable for cool.


cool [adjective] (COLD)

slightly cold

US /kuːl/ 
UK /kuːl/ 



Store medicines in a cool dry place. 

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Oxford Essential Dictionary

adjective (cooler, coolest)

1 a little cold; not hot or warm:
cool weather
I'd like a cool drink.
Look at the note at cold.

2 not excited or angry same meaning calm

3 (informal) very good or fashionable:
Those are cool shoes you're wearing!

4 (informal) People say Cool! to show that they think something is a good idea:
'We're planning to go out for lunch tomorrow.' 'Cool!'

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


I. cool1 S2 W3 /kuːl/ BrE AmE adjective (comparative cooler, superlative coolest)
[Word Family: noun: ↑cool, ↑coolness, ↑cooler, ↑coolant; verb: ↑cool; adverb: ↑coolly; adjective: ↑cool]
[Language: Old English; Origin: col]
1. TEMPERATURE low in temperature, but not cold, often in a way that feels pleasant:
She swam out into the cool water.
The evening air was cool.
Relax in the sun with a cool drink.
the cooler weather of September
2. CLOTHING clothing that is cool is made of thin material so that you do not become too hot:
a cool cotton dress
3. CALM calm and not nervous, upset, or excited
keep/stay cool
his ability to keep cool in a crisis
She looks efficient and as cool as a cucumber.
Outwardly she is cool, calm, and collected.
a cool customer (=someone who always behaves calmly)
Keep a cool head (=stay calm).
4. APPROVAL informal very attractive, fashionable, interesting etc in a way that people admire – used in order to show approval:
She’s pretty cool.
You look cool in denim.
Cool bike!
‘I’m thinking of studying abroad.’ ‘Really? Cool.’
5. AGREEMENT spoken used to say that you agree with something, that you understand it, or that it does not annoy you:
OK, Ryan, that’s cool, I can do it.
‘I just have to go, you know.’ ‘It’s all right, it’s cool.’
‘I’m finished.’ ‘Cool.’
cool about
My mum was cool about whatever I wore.
something is cool with somebody
Is Friday cool with you guys?
somebody is cool with something
‘Do you want to come over and watch a video tonight?’ ‘I’m cool with that.’
6. NOT FRIENDLY behaving in a way that is not as friendly as you expect:
My proposal met with a cool response.
Luke gave her a cool look.
7. COLOUR a cool colour is one, such as blue or green, that makes you think of cool things
8. a cool million/hundred thousand etc informal a surprisingly large amount of money:
He earns a cool half million every year.
—coolness noun [uncountable]:
the coolness of the nights
—coolly adverb:
She nodded coolly and walked out.

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary


cool [cool cools cooled cooling] adjective, verb, noun   [kuːl]    [kuːl]

adjective (cool·er, cool·est

1. fairly cold; not hot or warm
a cool breeze/drink/climate
Cooler weather is forecast for the weekend.
• Let's sit in the shade and keep cool.

• Store lemons in a cool dry place.  


2. making you feel pleasantly cool

• a room painted in cool greens and blues  


3. calm; not excited, angry or emotional
Keep cool!
She tried to remain cool, calm and collected (= calm).

• He has a cool head (= he stays calm in an emergency).  


4. not friendly, interested or enthusiastic
She was decidedly cool about the proposal.
He has been cool towards me ever since we had that argument.
They gave the Prime Minister a cool reception.

• Her voice was cool and dismissive.  


5. (informal) used to show that you admire or approve of sth because it is fashionable, attractive and often different
• You look pretty cool with that new haircut.

• It's a cool movie.

6. (informal) people say Cool! or That's cool to show that they approve of sth or agree to a suggestion
‘We're meeting Jake for lunch and we can go on the yacht in the afternoon.’ ‘Cool!’
• ‘Can you come at 10.30 tomorrow?’ ‘That's cool’.

• I was surprised that she got the job, but I'm cool with it (= it's not a problem for me).  


7. (informal) calm and confident in a way that lacks respect for other people, but makes people admire you as well as disapprove
• She just took his keys and walked out with them, cool as you please.

• He was a cool customer. No one would think to look for him in a city where he'd been arrested for killing a cop.  




8. only before noun (informal) used about a sum of money to emphasize how large it is
The car cost a cool thirty thousand.
see also  coolly, coolness 
more at take a long (cool/hard) look at sth at  long  adj.  
Word Origin:
Old English cōl (noun), cōlian (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch koel, also to cold.  
cool adj.
1. (usually approving)
Store medicines in a cool dry place.
coldchillychill|approving crisp|often disapproving lukewarmtepid
Opp: warm, Opp: hot
a cool/cold/chilly/chill/crisp day/morning
cool/cold/chilly/chill/crisp air
(a) cool/cold/lukewarm/tepid water/shower
You must try to stay cool, even in an emergency.
calmrelaxedunperturbedcomposedcontrolled|informal unfazed
cool/calm/relaxed about sth
unperturbed/unfazed by sth
a cool/calm/relaxed/contolled manner/voice/way
Cool, calm or relaxed? Relaxed describes how you feel about sth. Cool is used more to describe how sb behaves: they don't let their feelings affect their behaviour. Calm can describe feelings or behaviour.
He's been cool towards me ever since we had the argument.
coldunfriendlyfrostychillyremotedistant|written aloof
Opp: warm, Opp: friendly
cool/cold/unfriendly to/towards sb
a/an cool/cold/unfriendly/frosty/distant/aloof manner
a cool/frosty/chilly reception
4. (informal)
a really cool new video game
informal greatfantasticfabulousterrific|BrE, informal brilliant|especially AmE, informal awesome|slang wicked
Opp: uncool, Opp: rubbish
a cool/great/fantastic/fabulous/terrific/brilliant/awesome/wicked place
have a cool/great/fantastic/fabulous/terrific/brilliant/awesome/wicked time
a cool/great/fantastic/fabulous/terrific/brilliant guy/girl  
cool freezing chilly lukewarm tepid
These words all describe sb/sth that has a low temperature.
coldhaving a temperature that is lower than usual or lower than the human body; (of food or drink) not heated; cooled after being cooked: I'm cold. Turn the heating up. Outside it was bitterly cold. a cold wind hot and cold water It's cold chicken for lunch.
cool(often approving) fairly cold, especially in a pleasant way: a long cool drink We found a cool place to sit.
freezingextremely cold; having a temperature below 0° Celsius: It's absolutely freezing outside. I'm freezing!
chilly(rather informal) too cold to be comfortable: Bring a coat. It might turn chilly later.
lukewarm(often disapproving) slightly warm, sometimes in an unpleasant way: Her coffee was now lukewarm.
tepid(often disapproving) slightly warm, sometimes in an unpleasant way: a jug of tepid water
lukewarm or tepid?
There is really no difference in meaning or use between these words.
to feel/get cold/cool/chilly
cold/cool/freezing/chilly air/weather
a cold/cool/freezing/chilly wind
cold/cool/freezing/lukewarm/tepid water
a cold/cool/lukewarm/tepid shower/bath
cold/lukewarm/tepid tea/coffee/food
a cold/cool drink
It's cold/chilly/freezing outside. 
cool fantastic fabulous terrific brilliant awesome
These are all informal words that describe sb/sth that is very good, pleasant, enjoyable, etc.
great(informal) very good; giving a lot of pleasure: We had a great time in Madrid.
cool(informal) used to show that you admire or approve of sth, often because it is fashionable, attractive or different: I think their new song's really cool.
fantastic(informal) extremely good; giving a lot of pleasure: ‘How was your holiday?’ ‘Fantastic!’
fabulous(informal) extremely good: Jane's a fabulous cook. (Fabulous is slightly more old-fashioned than the other words in this set.)
terrific(informal) extremely good; wonderful: She's doing a terrific job.
brilliant(BrE, informal) extremely good; wonderful: ‘How was the show?’ ‘Brilliant!’
awesome(informal, especially NAmE) very good, impressive, or enjoyable: The show was just awesome.
to have a(n) great/cool/fantastic/fabulous/terrific/brilliant/awesome time
to look/sound great/cool/fantastic/fabulous/terrific/brilliant/awesome
really great/cool/fantastic/fabulous/terrific/brilliant/awesome
absolutely great/fantastic/fabulous/terrific/brilliant/awesome 
Example Bank:
He did his best to appear cool, calm and collected.
He forced himself to count to ten and act cool.
He was cool towards me.
I knew I needed surgery, and I was cool with it.
I'm sorry I acted cool toward you.
It was a relatively cool night.
It will probably get cool later, so bring a coat.
It's so cool you came back!
Professionally cool, she went back to her patient.
She managed to stay cool during the meeting.
She was distinctly cool about their plans.
She's completely cool about what happened.
The cave was refreshingly cool.
The forest looked cool and shady.
The temple was light, spacious and blissfully cool.
The weather that June was unseasonably cool.
Try to keep the drinks cool.
Wait until the cake is completely cool before cutting.
You look really cool in those jeans.
‘We're meeting Jake later.’ ‘Cool!’
‘What's his new girlfriend like?’ ‘She's cool.’
A cool breeze played in the trees.
He has a cool head.
He has been cool towards me ever since we had the argument.
His new car's pretty cool.
I think their new song's really cool.
Keep cool. We'll sort this out.
Let's sit in the shade and keep cool.
She tried to remain cool, calm and collected.
Store medicines in a cool dry place.
The hall was deliciously cool and dark.
The water was blissfully cool.
They bathed in the cool water.
They gave the Prime Minister a cool reception.
We found a cool place to sit.
What is she like beneath her cool, confident exterior?
a long cool drink
Idioms: cool as a cucumber  cool it!  cool your heels  keep your cool  lose your cool  play it cool

Derived: cool off  cool out  cool somebody off  cool something off 

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary - 4th Edition

cool / kuːl / adjective (COLD)

B1 slightly cold:

cool water

cool weather

B1 slightly cold in a pleasant way:

It was a lovely cool evening.

How do you manage to look so cool in this hot weather?

describes a temperature that is slightly too cold:

It 's a bit cool in here, isn't it? I think I'll close the window.

cool / kuːl / adjective (CALM)

C1 calm and not worried or frightened; not influenced by strong feeling of any kind:

He was very cool and calm about the mishap, and didn't shout or lose his temper.

Stay/Keep cool (= do not become angry or excited) .

be cool with sth informal to be happy to accept a situation or suggestion:

Yeah, we could leave later - I'm cool with that.

cool / kuːl / adjective (COLOUR)

describes colours, such as blue or green, that make you feel calm and relaxed:

The bedroom was painted a lovely cool blue.

cool / kuːl / adjective (UNFRIENDLY)

C2 unfriendly or not showing kindness or interest in something or someone:

She was decidedly cool towards me.

I got a rather cool reception / welcome this evening. What do you think I've done wrong?

cool / kuːl / adjective informal (FASHIONABLE)

A2 fashionable or attractive:

Angie's got some cool new sunglasses.

Now I know it won't look very cool, but this hat will keep the sun out of your eyes.

© Cambridge University Press 2013

Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary


(cooler, coolest, cools, cooling, cooled)

Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English.

Something that is cool has a temperature which is low but not very low.
I felt a current of cool air...
The vaccines were kept cool in refrigerators.

If it is cool, or if a place is cool, the temperature of the air is low but not very low.
Thank goodness it’s cool in here...
Store grains and cereals in a cool, dry place.
...a cool November evening.
ADJ: oft it v-link ADJ

Cool is also a noun.
She walked into the cool of the hallway.
N-SING: the N, oft N of n

Clothing that is cool is made of thin material so that you do not become too hot in hot weather.
In warm weather, you should wear clothing that is cool and comfortable.

Cool colours are light colours which give an impression of coolness.
Choose a cool colour such as cream...

When something cools or when you cool it, it becomes lower in temperature.
Drain the meat and allow it to cool...
Huge fans will have to cool the concrete floor to keep it below 150 degrees.
...a cooling breeze.
VERB: V, V n, V-ing

To cool down means the same as to cool.
Avoid putting your car away until the engine has cooled down...
The other main way the body cools itself down is by panting.

When a feeling or emotion cools, or when you cool it, it becomes less powerful.
Within a few minutes tempers had cooled...
His weird behaviour had cooled her passion.
VERB: V, V n

If you say that a person or their behaviour is cool, you mean that they are calm and unemotional, especially in a difficult situation.
He was marvelously cool again, smiling as if nothing had happened...
= calm
ADJ [approval]
Everyone must think this situation through calmly and coolly.
...coolly ‘objective’ professionals.

If you say that a person or their behaviour is cool, you mean that they are unfriendly or not enthusiastic.
I didn’t like him at all. I thought he was cool, aloof, and arrogant...
The idea met with a cool response...
‘It’s your choice, Nina,’ David said coolly.
ADV: usu ADV with v, also ADV adj

If you say that a person or their behaviour is cool, you mean that they are fashionable and attractive. (INFORMAL)
He was trying to be really cool and trendy.
ADJ [approval]

If you say that someone is cool about something, you mean that they accept it and are not angry or upset about it. (mainly AM INFORMAL)
Bev was really cool about it all.
ADJ: v-link ADJ, oft ADJ about n [approval]

If you say that something is cool, you think it is very good. (INFORMAL)
Kathleen gave me a really cool dress.
= neat

You can use cool to emphasize that an amount or figure is very large, especially when it has been obtained easily. (INFORMAL)
Columbia recently re-signed the band for a cool $30 million.
ADJ: ADJ n [emphasis]

If you keep your cool in a difficult situation, you manage to remain calm. If you lose your cool, you get angry or upset. (INFORMAL)
She kept her cool and managed to get herself out of the ordeal...
PHRASE: V inflects

If you play it cool, you deliberately behave in a calm, unemotional way because you do not want people to know you are enthusiastic or angry about something. (INFORMAL)
It’s ridiculous to play it cool if someone you’re mad about is mad about you too.
PHRASE: V inflects

Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's Dictionary

Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's Dictionary: 

1cool /ˈkuːl/ adj cool·er; cool·est
1 [or more ~; most ~] : somewhat cold : not warm or hot
• a cool breeze
• The weather is cool today.
• The surface is cool to the touch.
• The plant grows best in cool climates.
• I'm feeling a little cool.
• a cool refreshing drink
• It's cooler [=less warm or hot] in the shade.
• This is the coolest [=least warm or hot] summer on record.
2 : made of a light, thin material that helps you stay cool
• We changed into some cooler clothes.
3 [or more ~; most ~] : able to think and act in a calm way : not affected by strong feelings
• It is important to keep a cool head in a crisis. = It is important to keep/stay cool in a crisis. [=it is important to remain calm in a crisis]
• She remained calm, cool, and collected.
• He is a cool customer. [=he is someone who remains calm and is not easily upset]
✦If you are (as) cool as a cucumber, you are very calm and able to think clearly often in a difficult situation.
• Even in the emergency, she remained as cool as a cucumber.
• The reporter was cool as a cucumber despite the confusion all around her.
4 [or more ~; most ~] : not friendly
• a cool reply
• He replied with a cool “I don't think so.”
• She was always cool toward strangers.
• We were surprised by the cool reception we got.
5 [or more ~; most ~] informal
a : very fashionable, stylish, or appealing in a way that is generally approved of especially by young people
cool sunglasses
• The car has a cool new look.
• You look cool in those jeans.
• a magazine article about the coolest places to live/work
- often used to show approval in a general way
• Your brother is so cool.
• That was a really cool [=good, excellent] movie.
• “I got a job as a lifeguard this summer.” “Cool.”
- used to suggest acceptance, agreement, or understanding
• “I'm sorry I'm late.” “It's/That's cool [=okay, all right]—don't worry about it.”
• “Is getting together Friday cool with you?” “Yeah, I'm cool with that.”
• I thought she'd be mad, but she was cool about it.
6 of a color : suggesting cool things
• Blue and green are cool colors, but red and orange are warm colors.
7 informal
- used for emphasis in referring to a large amount of money
• He's worth a cool million.
- cool·ish /ˈkuːlɪʃ/ adj
• a coolish day
coolish colors
• He was a little coolish towards us.
- cool·ly adv
• “Is that so?,” she asked coolly.
• My idea was received coolly.
- cool·ness noun [noncount]
• the coolness of the mountain air
• I was surprised by his coolness towards us.
• He always displays coolness under pressure.

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