If you go downstairs in a building, you go down a staircase towards the ground floor.
Denise went downstairs and made some tea. ≠ upstairs ADV: ADV after v
If something or someone is downstairs in a building, they are on the ground floor or on a lower floor than you.
The telephone was downstairs in the entrance hall... ≠ upstairs ADV: be ADV, n ADV
Downstairs means situated on the ground floor of a building or on a lower floor than you are.
She repainted the downstairs rooms and closed off the second floor. ≠ upstairs ADJ: ADJ n
The downstairs of a building is its lower floor or floors.
The downstairs of the two little houses had been entirely refashioned. ≠ upstairs N-SING: the N
3down·stairs /ˈdaʊnˈsteɚz/ noun the downstairs : the lower and usually main floor of a building • The downstairs needs to be cleaned. • We painted the downstairs.