
English translation unavailable for difficult.


  1. Did you like to become a police officer when you were a child? Why?
  2. Do you think being a police officer is a difficult job? Is it dangerous?
  3. Do you respect the police?
  4. Are you afraid of the police? Do you trust the police?
  5. How can the police help you?
  6. Have you ever called the police for help? What happened?
  7. Do you think the police in your country are corrupt?
  8. Are the police in your country really successful in protecting the society?


  1. Are you a patient person? Is it difficult for you? Is it important to be patient?
  2. How can you improve the quality of patience in yourself? What techniques can you think of?
  3. Are you more patient with your loved ones?
  4. When was the last time you lost your patience?
  5. Who/ what requires the most patience in your life?
  6. Do you have a lot of patience with children?
  7. Do you have a lot of patience with repairing things?


  1. Smoking is bad for health, is it difficult to understand?
  2. How many people smoke in your family? Do/did your grandparents smoke?
  3. Why do people start smoking?
  4. Should smoking be banned in public places like parks, cafes, …?
  5. Do people who smoke seem more attractive, cool and handsome?
  6. How do you feel about women smoking?
  7. Is there any age limit for buying cigarettes in your country?
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