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US /ˈmed.ɪ.sən/ 
UK /ˈmed.ɪ.sən/ 

doctor of medicine

Oxford Essential Dictionary



1 (no plural) the science of understanding illnesses and making sick people well again:
He's studying medicine.

2 (plural medicines) special liquids or pills that help you to get better when you are ill:
Take this medicine every morning.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


medicine S2 W3 /ˈmedsən $ ˈmedəsən/ noun
  [Word Family: noun: medical, medication, medicine, medic; adjective: medical, medicated, medicinal; adverb: medically, medicinally]
 [Date: 1100-1200; Language: Old French; Origin: Latin medicina, from medicus; ⇨ medical]
 1. [uncountable and countable] a substance used for treating illness, especially a liquid you drink:
   • Medicines should be kept out of the reach of children.
   • Have you been taking your medicine?
   • a medicine bottle
  medicine chest/cabinet (=for keeping medicine in)
   ► Do not say that you ‘drink medicine’. Say that you take medicine.
 2. [uncountable] the treatment and study of illnesses and injuries:
   • She studied medicine at Johns Hopkins University.
   • the remarkable achievements of modern medicine
 3. the best medicine the best way of making you feel better when you are sad:
   • Laughter is the best medicine.
 4. give somebody a dose/taste of their own medicine to treat someone as badly as they have treated you
 5. take your medicine (like a man) to accept an unpleasant situation or a punishment that you deserve, without complaining
     • • •

COLLOCATIONS(for Meaning 2)■ adjectives

   ▪ modern medicine (=medicine based on science)Thanks to modern medicine, these babies will survive.
   ▪ conventional/orthodox medicine (=ordinary modern medicine)Some sufferers reject conventional medicine.
   ▪ Western medicine (=conventional medicine as developed in Western countries)the scientific basis of Western medicine
   ▪ traditional medicine (=medical treatments that were used before modern medicine)The plant was used in traditional medicine for the treatment of stomach problems.
   ▪ alternative/complementary medicine (=medical treatments that are not part of modern medicine)Various types of alternative medicine, particularly acupuncture, can give pain relief.
   ▪ herbal medicine (=medical treatments that use herbs)In ancient China, herbal medicine was often used with acupuncture.
   ▪ holistic medicine (=medical treatment of a whole person, not just a particular illness)One principle of holistic medicine is that each person is unique.
   ▪ folk medicine (=medical treatments that were used by ordinary people, especially in the past)Researchers are looking at plants that are commonly used in folk medicine.
   ▪ Chinese medicine (=medical treatments that are traditional in China, for example using herbs and acupuncture)Acupuncture is part of traditional Chinese medicine.
   ▪ geriatric/veterinary/tropical etc medicine (=medical study relating to specific groups or types of illness)Advances have been made in veterinary medicine, so that our pets are living longer, healthier lives.
     • • •


   ▪ medicine noun [uncountable and countable] a substance used for treating illness: • Certain medicines should not be taken with alcohol. | • Has he taken his medicine?
   ▪ pill noun [countable] a small piece of medicine that you swallow: • She managed to swallow the pill with a sip of water. | • The doctor gave him some pills. | • sleeping pills | • diet pills | • contraceptive pills
   ▪ tablet noun [countable] especially British English a small piece of solid medicine: • She's now on four tablets a day. | • a five-day course of tablets | • sleeping tablets | • anti-malaria tablets
   ▪ antibiotics/aspirin/codeine etc: • The doctor put him on a course of antibiotics. | • Why don’t you take some aspirin? | • The tablets contain codeine, which is unsuitable for people with asthma.
   ▪ capsule noun [countable] a small tube-shaped container with medicine inside that you swallow whole: • a bottle of 500 capsules of vitamin C | • I advised her to take four to six garlic capsules a day for the duration of the treatment.
   ▪ caplet noun [countable] a small smooth pill that is slightly longer than it is wide - used especially on bottles and containers: • In small type, the consumer is warned not to take more than one caplet per day.
   ▪ eye/ear drops liquid medicine that you put into your eye or ear: • Remember — if you 're using eye drops for your hay fever, leave your contact lenses out.
   ▪ cream noun [uncountable and countable] especially British English (also lotion especially American English) a thick smooth substance containing medicine, that you put on your skin: • an antibiotic cream | • antiseptic cream | • skin cream
   ▪ drug noun [countable] a medicine or a substance for making medicines: • a drug used to treat malaria | • There are a wide range of different drugs on the market.
   ▪ dosage noun [countable usually singular] the amount of medicine that you should take at one time: • The dosage should be reduced to 0.5 mg. | • It’s important to get the dosage right.
   ▪ medication noun [uncountable and countable] medicine or drugs given to someone who is ill: • He takes medication for his diabetes. | • She’s on medication (=taking medication), having suffered from depression for a number of years.

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary


medi·cine [medicine medicines]   [ˈmedsn]    [ˈmedsn]    [ˈmedɪsn]    [ˈmedɪsn]  noun

1. uncountable the study and treatment of diseases and injuries

• advances in modern medicine

• to study/practise medicine

traditional/conventional/orthodox medicine

alternative medicine

see also  Ayurvedic medicine, defensive medicine

2. uncountable, countable a substance, especially a liquid that you drink or swallow in order to cure an illness

• Did you take your medicine?

• cough medicine

• Chinese herbal medicines

Idioms: best medicine  dose of your own medicine 


Word Origin:

Middle English: via Old French from Latin medicina, from medicus ‘physician’.



medicine noun

1. U

• He is qualified in traditional Chinese medicine.

treatment • • therapy • • medical care

(a/an) alternative/orthodox/conventional medicine/treatment/therapy

2. U, C

• Have you taken your medicine?

drug • • medication • • remedy • • antidote • • prescription • • cure

(a/an) medicine/drug/medication/remedy/antidote/prescription/cure for sth

prescribe medicine/drugs/medication/a remedy/a cure

take your medicine/your medication/a remedy/the antidote

Medicine, drug or medication? Drug emphasizes what the substance is made of; medicine and medication emphasize what it is used for.




Becoming ill

catch a cold/an infectious disease/the flu/(BrE) flu/pneumonia/a virus/(informal) a bug

get (BrE) ill/(NAmE) sick/a disease/AIDS/breast cancer/a cold/the flu/(BrE) flu/a migraine

come down with a cold/the flu/(BrE) flu

contract a deadly disease/a serious illness/HIV/AIDS

be infected with a virus/a parasite/HIV

develop cancer/diabetes/a rash/an ulcer/symptoms of hepatitis

have a heart attack/a stroke

provoke/trigger/produce an allergic reaction

block/burst/rupture a blood vessel

damage/sever a nerve/an artery/a tendon

Being ill

feel (BrE) ill/sick/nauseous/queasy

be running (BrE) a temperature/(NAmE) a fever

have a head cold/diabetes/heart disease/lung cancer/a headache/(BrE) a high temperature/(NAmE) a fever

suffer from asthma/malnutrition/frequent headaches/bouts of depression/a mental disorder

be laid up with/ (BrE) be in bed with a cold/the flu/(BrE) flu/a migraine

nurse a cold/a headache/a hangover

battle/fight cancer/depression/addiction/alcoholism


examine a patient

diagnose a condition/disease/disorder

be diagnosed with cancer/diabetes/schizophrenia

prescribe/be given/be on/take drugs/medicine/medication/pills/painkillers/antibiotics

treat sb for cancer/depression/shock

have/undergo an examination/an operation/surgery/a kidney transplant/therapy/chemotherapy/treatment for cancer

have/be given an injection/(BrE) a flu jab/(NAmE) a flu shot/a blood transfusion/a scan/an X-ray

cure a disease/an ailment/cancer/a headache/a patient

prevent the spread of disease/further outbreaks/damage to the lungs

be vaccinated against the flu/(BrE) flu/the measles/(BrE) measles/polio/smallpox

enhance/boost/confer/build immunity to a disease


Example Bank:

• She believed private medicine was a threat to the existence of the National Health Service.

• She gave up general medicine to specialize in geriatric medicine.

• a bottle of cough medicine

• medicine for a chest infection

• people practising alternative medicine

• qualified in traditional Chinese medicine

• Food and medicines are being airlifted to the flood-hit area.

• Have you taken your medicine?

• She gave me a dose of cough medicine.

• She went on to practise medicine after completing her studies.

• Supplies of medicine are hard to get hold of during times of war.

• Which branch of medicine are you going to train in?

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary


medicine (SUBSTANCE) /ˈmed.ɪ.sən/
noun [C or U]
a substance, especially in the form of a liquid or a pill, which is a treatment for illness or injury:
cough medicine
Take two spoonfuls of medicine at mealtimes.
She knows quite a lot about herbal medicines.

medicinal /məˈdɪs.ɪ.nəl/
Medicinal substances are used to cure illnesses:
I keep a bottle of brandy purely for medicinal purposes.
It is said that the spring water has medicinal properties.

medicinally /məˈdɪs.ɪ.nə.li/


medicine (TREATMENT) /ˈmed.ɪ.sən/
noun [U]
treatment for illness or injury, or the study of this:
paediatric/preventative medicine
orthodox/Western medicine
a career in medicine
She is a doctor, but is unable to practise medicine (= work as a doctor) in her own country.

Collins Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary


[me̱ds(ə)n, AM me̱dɪsɪn]

 1) N-UNCOUNT Medicine is the treatment of illness and injuries by doctors and nurses.
  He pursued a career in medicine...
  I was interested in alternative medicine and becoming an aromatherapist...
  Psychiatry is an accepted branch of medicine.
 2) N-MASS Medicine is a substance that you drink or swallow in order to cure an illness.
  People in hospitals are dying because of shortage of medicine.
  ...herbal medicines.

Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's Dictionary


med·i·cine /ˈmɛdəsən, Brit ˈmɛdsən/ noun, pl -cines
1 : a substance that is used in treating disease or relieving pain and that is usually in the form of a pill or a liquid


• a cough medicine
• herbal medicines
• He forgot to take his medicine.


• I took some medicine.
• Did you look in the medicine cabinet/chest for a pain reliever?
2 [noncount] : the science that deals with preventing, curing, and treating diseases
• Their research has led to many important advances in modern medicine.
• She's interested in a career in medicine.
• the practice/study of medicine
• preventive medicine
- see also internal medicine, socialized medicine, sports medicine, western medicine
a taste/dose of your own medicine informal : harsh or unpleasant treatment that is like the treatment you have given other people
• The movie is about a playboy who gets a taste of his own medicine when the girl he falls in love with jilts him for another guy.
take your medicine informal : to accept something that is unpleasant because it is necessary and cannot be avoided
• If he loses the case, he should just take his medicine and stop complaining.