4A- Ask and Answer Questions about My Home

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 A  There's a lot of light.

1 Vocabulary Things in a home

Label the pictures with the correct words. Then listen and check your answers

bathtub         bed         coffee         table         refrigerator


اتاق خواب


اتاق پذیرایی

B Pair work Which of the things in Part A do you have in your home? Tell your partner.

2 Language in context A new apartment

Listen to the conversation. Beth has a new apartment. Which room does Lori like?

خانه جدید

Lori: Your new place is nice! How many rooms are there?

Beth: There are four - a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom, and a bedroom.

آشپزخانه خوب

Lori: I really like your kitchen.

Beth: Thanks. There aren't many cupboards, and there isn't much space, but that's OK. I hardly ever cook.

پنجره خانه

Lori: Look at all the windows in your living room!

Beth: Yeah, there's lots of light here. But... there's also a lot of noise!

B What about you? What is important to you when you move into a new house or apartment?

3 Grammar  How many / much; quantifiers before nouns 

How many cupboards are there?

There are a lot of / some / a few cupboards.

There aren't many / any cupboards.

How much light is there?

There's a lot of / some / a little light.

There isn't much / any light.

A Complete the questions with many or much. Answer the questions about the home in Exercise 1. Then practice with a partner.

1. How _______ space is there in the kitchen? _______________________.

2. Are there _______ cupboards in the kitchen? ______________________.

3. How _______  chairs are there in the living room? __________________.

4. Are there _______ shelves in the bathroom? ______________________.

5. How _______  light is there in the bedroom? ______________________.



1. much -------? There's a lot of space.

2. many ------- ? There are a lot of cupboards.

3. many ------- ? There are a few chairs.

4. many -------? There aren't any shelves.

5. much ------ ? There's a lot of light.


B Pair work Ask and answer questions about the apartment in Exercise 2.

space / kitchen        cupboards / kitchen        rooms / apartment
noise / apartment        windows / living room        light / living room

A: How many rooms are there in the apartment?

B: There are four rooms. Are there many cupboards in the kitchen?


4 Speaking My home

Pair work Add three questions below. Then interview your partner. Find out three things that are similar about your homes.



  • Do you live in a house or an apartment?
  • How many rooms are there?
  • Are there many closets in the bedroom?
  • Is there much space in the bathroom?


A: Do you live in a house or an apartment?

B: I live in a small apartment.

A: Me, too.

 I can  ask and answer questions about my home.

There are 9 Comments

I live in an apartment. There are five rooms in my home. A kitchen,a living room,two bedrooms and a bathroom. There are two closets in the bedrooms.There is much space in the closets.There are many cupboards in my kitchen. Unfortunately,There is a lot of noise around my apartment!

We live in average house, there are five, akitchen, 2 bedroom, a bathroom,a living room. Our house have two stairs, second floor is my mother's, I live in first floor, and we have yard in our house, we kept hen in our yard, there are a small garden in our house, Our kitchen isn't very big,but I'm relax to doing my work.

We live in * average house, there are five rooms*, a kitchen, 2 bedrooms*, a bathroom,a living room. There are* two stairs, second floor is my mother's, I live in first floor, and we have yard in our house, we kept hen in our yard, there is a small garden in our house, Our kitchen isn't very big,but I'm relax to do* my work.

I live in a house ,there are four rooms one bedroom , A kitchens , A bathroom and A living room there is one closet in my bedroom and there is a lot of space in our home tank for you

I live in a house.Our house isn't so large.There are two bedrooms.There is a large bathroom.Our kitchen is moderate.
