
English translation unavailable for common.


  1. Do you like your name? What does it mean?
  2. Who chose your name? Why did they choose this name for you?
  3. If you wanted to change your name, what name would you choose?
  4. When you have children, what would you call them?
  5. Do you think a person's name can influence his/her life/ character? Give examples.
  6. What is the most common boy/girl's name in your country? Do you like to have a common name or a distinctive one?
  7. Do women change their name after marriage? What do you think about it?


  1. Do you like to gossip? Why? Why not?
  2. Have you ever started a gossip? Why?
  3. Was gossiping common in your high school?
  4. Have you ever heard people gossiping about you? How did you feel? What did you do?
  5. Are you interested in celebrity gossip? Do you think they care about it?
  6. Do you know of any gossip that has caused serious troubles for people?
  7. Women tend to gossip more. Do you agree?


  1. What is prejudice?
  2. What are some of the prejudices you have?
  3. What kinds of prejudices are more common in your country?
  4. Are women treated equally at workplace? Are they treated with the same respect as men in the society?
  5. Have you ever personally suffered from prejudice?
  6. How can we bring up our children prejudice-free?
  7. Will the world be free from prejudice one day?


  1. Do you usually leave a tip in a restaurant?
  2. Is tipping common in your country? What are some of the common occasions when you leave a tip?
  3. In which jobs, tipping is an important part of the salary?
  4. Can you think of situations when tipping is necessary? When is it optional?
  5. What's the biggest tip you have ever left? Why?
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