
English translation unavailable for important.


  1. How many close friends do you have? How long have you been friends?
  2. Do you make friends easily?
  3. How do you take care of your friendship?
  4. What's the most important quality of a good friend?
  5. What makes family and friends different? Which one is more important to you?
  6. If you have a financial problem, who do you turn to, family or friends?
  7. What do you do when there is a conflict between you and your friend?
  8. How have your friends/best friends changed your life?


  1. What are some of the good universities in your country? Have you gone to one? Why? Why not?
  2. Is going to university important to your family? Why?
  3. Is choosing a major at university easy?
  4. Did you study your favorite major at university? (if not, why?) what advice will you give to your brother/sister who wants to choose a major?
  5. How many years do students normally spend at university?
  6. Can you easily contact your professors outside the class?
  7. Does university life involve more fun or more study?


  1. Do you have a poor or a good memory?
  2. When was the last time you forgot something? What did you forget?
  3. Is it good to have a perfect memory? Why? Why not?
  4. What's your first memory? Can you remember the details?
  5. What is the one memory you can remember clearly?
  6. What's you happiest memory?
  7. Are you good at remembering names/ numbers/faces/ dates?
  8. Have you ever forgotten something very important?


  1. When you go to a new place, a new office, a new class, etc. do you say hi?
  2. What are some good manners that are important to you?
  3. Do you think you are a well-mannered person? Give examples.
  4. Are there any manners that are considered good in your country but bad in other countries or vice versa?
  5. What are table manners?
  6. Do you listen to people's conversations at a party?
  7. What were some manners that your parents had but the young people don't have? Were they good or bad?
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