B1 (Intermediate)
- Smoking is bad for health, is it difficult to understand?
- How many people smoke in your family? Do/did your grandparents smoke?
- Why do people start smoking?
- Should smoking be banned in public places like parks, cafes, …?
- Do people who smoke seem more attractive, cool and handsome?
- How do you feel about women smoking?
- Is there any age limit for buying cigarettes in your country?
- Are you the kind of person who usually procrastinates works? When was the last time you procrastinated something? Why?
- Why do people usually procrastinate?
- What's the difference between procrastination something and sleeping on it?
- What are the things that you normally forget to do? Do you think your mind does it on purpose?
- Are you always on time?
- Do you think people in your culture are organized enough? Do they respect time properly?
- How do you feel when people procrastinate what you want to be done soon?
- What is prejudice?
- What are some of the prejudices you have?
- What kinds of prejudices are more common in your country?
- Are women treated equally at workplace? Are they treated with the same respect as men in the society?
- Have you ever personally suffered from prejudice?
- How can we bring up our children prejudice-free?
- Will the world be free from prejudice one day?
- What was the last lie you told? When was it? Why did you do so?
- How do you feel when you tell lies?
- Is it ok to tell lies?
- What is a white lie? Do you think it's good or bad?
- What's the biggest lie you have ever told? Was it ever discovered?
- Who lies more, men or women? Why is it so do you guess?
- Can you say when people are telling lies? How?
- Have you ever cheated in an exam? Why? What happened?
- Are you good at cheating? How do you feel (physically and mentally) when you are cheating?
- What would you do if you saw someone cheating in an exam?
- Have you ever cheated for something serious? What was it? Why?
- In what situations do people usually cheat? Why?
- Why do people cheat in their relationships?
- What would you do if your partner/boyfriend/husband cheated on you? Can you forgive them? Can you trust them again?
- Are you a Gullible person? Do you have a Gullible friend? What is he/she like?
- Do you ever make fun of gullible people? Have you ever deceived a gullible person?
- If you see someone is trying to deceive a gullible person do you try to stop it? Why/why not?
- Is gullibility a flaw?
- Can you think of gullible characters in famous films/animations?
- Do you agree that some media think of their audience as gullible people? Can you give examples? What should be done?
- When can you say you are greedy and not ambitious? Why one is good and the other is bad?
- Do you agree that greed is really a deadly sin?
- If you are content with what you have, how can you improve?
- Are you a greedy person by nature? Do you know anyone who is greedy?
- What other bad behaviors do you associate with greed?
- Is it bad to be greedy for learning?
- Have you ever been motivated by greed? What can one end up if he/she is led by greed?
- Do you enjoy playing cards? Why?
- Do you ever bet on something (like a football match, a basketball game...)? Why?
- What is in gambling that makes it addictive? Is it the money you win, the excitement or what?
- Is it possible that gambling is genetic (like smoking that some people believe is genetic)?
- Can you think of any solutions for people with gambling problems? Do they need professional help?
- Do you think governments are right to prohibit gambling? Isn't it better to legalize it and control it?
- What is the age of retirement in your country? Is it different for men and women?
- Have you ever thought of this stage of your life? What are some of your thoughts?
- Have you planned for your retirement or will you ever plan for it?
- Do you think people have to get retired at a certain age or according to their ability?
- What are your goals before you retire?
- Do you think retired people miss their jobs? How about you, will you?
- What are some difficulties that retired people have?
- What are the main reasons of immigration?
- What are the major problems that immigrants have?
- Have you ever thought of immigrating to another country? Where? Why?
- Are there many immigrants in your country? Where are they from? What is their major problem?
- Do immigrants in your country live in certain areas? Why?
- Do you believe immigration can help people become closer to each other?