5A- Giving and Following Instructions

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 A  Breathe deeply

1 Vocabulary Parts of the body

A Label the pictures with the correct words. Then listen and check your answers.




a. arm
b. ear
c. eye
d. finger
e. foot (feet)
f. hand
g. head
h. knee
i. leg
j. mouth
k. neck
l. nose
m. shoulder
n. stomach
o. wrist

B Pair work   Point to a part of your body. Your partner names it. Take turns.

"That's your arm. And those are your ears."

2 Language in context Yoga for beginners

A match the exercises with the yoga pictures in Exercise1. Listen and check your answers



Place your right foot carefully on your left leg. Stretch your arms over your head. Hold for 30 seconds. Lower your arms and foot slowly.


Repeat on the other side. Place your left foot carefully on your right leg. Stretch your arms over your head. Hold for 30 seconds


Stand up hold your stomach in.  Keep your back and neck straight. Relax your arms.Don't hold your breath. Breathe slowlyand deeply.


B What about you? Do you do yoga? If not, would you like to try it? Why or why not?

3 Grammar Imperatives; adverbs of manner

Don't breathe quickly.

Breathe slowly and deeply.

Don't relax your arms.

Stretch your arms.

Don't hold your breath.

Hold for 30 seconds.

Don't repeat on the other side. Repeat on the other side.

A Complete these exercise tips with the correct imperative form. Then compare with a partner.


find         exercise eat


1.             too much the first day!

4.           some water.

2.             your body for a few minutes.

5.           a big meal before you exercise.

3.             a place with a lot of space.

6.           twice a week.

B Circle the correct adverbs.Then compare with a partner.

1. Walk quickly / slowly for 20 minutes every day.

2. Eat quickly /slowly at every meal.

3. Breathe heavily / deeply when you exercise.

4. Sit quietly / noisily for a few minutes each day.

5. Stretch carefully / heavily every morning.

4 Pronunciation Reduction of end

 Listen and repeat. Notice how and is pronounced /an/ before some consonant sounds


Breathe slowly and deeply.



Keep your back and neck straight.

5 Speaking Lower your arms slowly.

Pair work Make sentences with the words below. Your partner does the actions.Take turns.

"Point  to your nose slowly."

بینی تان را نشان دهید

A   B C



point to

















to the right/left

up and down

 I can  give and follow instructions.

There are 6 Comments

Please make an imperative sentence for one of the yoga poses below.
Number 4: Sit down. Stretch your arms towards your knees. Keep you back and neck straight. Hold for 30 seconds.


yoga poses


Number 3: stand up. Put your right leg forward at 90 angle. Stretch your left leg towards the back.hold your head up and look straight up. hold your stomach in.  Keep your back straight. Stretch your right arm straight up.and close your hand except your thumb and index finger.keep them open.and stay in this position for 30 seconds.

Number 5: Sit on the floor.Keep your back and neck straight.Stretch your arms over your head.Don't relax your arms.Hold for 30 srconds.Breathe slowly and deeply.

Number 4: sit on the floor.Keep your back and neck stright, place your hands on your knees and close your second fingers to your thumbs.Don't hold your breath.Breathe slowly and deeply.


Stand up straight, stretch your arm over your head, take your left leg with your right hand from back, hold for 30 second, repeat on the other side.breath slowly and deeply.

Num 1

In the first stage Breathe slowly and deeply so stretch your arms over your head.then place your left foot carefully on your right leg.Hold for .30 seconds