2D- Describing Personality and Appearance

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 D  People's profiles


A Read the webpage profiles. What is each person like?



Name: Luc

Home: Montreal, Canada

Appearance: I’m tall and have long brown hair. I wear only black.

Personality: I’m a very creative person. I like to make different things from paper. I do it just for fun. I can make airplanes, birds, boats, and flowers.

اهل لندن

Name: Bea Home: London, U.K.

Appearance: I'm 60, with red hair. I always wear green glasses.

Personality: I think I’m a very generous person. I have a lot of free time, so I do a lot of volunteer work at local schools. To me, it’s very important to give back to my community.

اهل تایلند

Name: Suchin

Home: Bangkok, Thailand

Appearance: I’m 30. I’m medium height, and I have short hair.

Personality: I’m friendly and hardworking. I work as a salesclerk in a clothing store. We sell clothing from northern Thailand there. In my free time, I play the seung, a traditional musical instrument.

اهل پرو

Name: Marco Home: Iquitos, Peru

Home: Iquitos, Peru

Appearance: I’m tall and handsome, with long black hair.

Personality: I'm talkative and friendly. I have a part-time job. Iquitos is in the Amazon, so piranha fishing is very popular. I take tourists fishing, but we never keep the fish.


B Read the webpage again. Luc, Bea, Suchin, and Marco later uploaded these photos to their profiles. Write the name of the person under the correct photo.



C Who wrote each sentence? Write the names.

1.                  But there’s one problem - I can’t swim!

2.                 My neighbors complain about the noise.

3.                 I especially like to work with children.

4.                 I spend a lot of money on paper!


D Pair work Which person do you think is interesting? Why? Tell your partner.

2 Listening Starting a profile

A Listen to Brian help his mother join a social networking site. Check the picture that Linda posts on the site.





Page 23, Exercise 2, Listening, Starting a profile

LINDA: Brian, can you help me? Listen to my profile so far. Appearance ... I'm tall and have short hair. Is that OK?
BRIAN: That's fine. Don't write too much.
LINDA: All right. Now, age.
BRIAN: Don't write your age.
LINDA: Really? OK. So ... personality. Hmm ... this is difficult. How about talkative and funny ... do you think I'm funny?
BRIAN: Um, not really, Mom.
LINDA: Serious?
BRIAN: How about friendly?
LINDA: OK. Now, interests. Music and dance. And my favorite singer is Justin Timberlake, and my favorite actor is -
BRIAN: Mom! Justin Timberlake is not your favorite singer. It's Elton John.
LINDA: I know, but -
BRIAN: Write Elton John.
LINDA: Oh, all right. Now, what photo do I use? This one of your father and me is nice.
BRIAN: Just use one of you. How about this one? You look very pretty.
LINDA: But my hair is black in that photo. My hair is gray now. And I have glasses in that picture.
BRIAN: Lots of people use old photos. It's OK.
LINDA: All right. Now, how do I upload it?


B Listen again. Check the information Brian's mother includes in her profile.

□ Age

□ Appearance

□ Favorite actress

□ Favorite singer

□ Personality 

3 Writing and speaking Guess who!

A Think about your appearance and your personality. Answer the questions.

  • How old are you?
  • What do you look like?
  • What are you like?


B Write a description of yourself, but don't write your name! Use the model and your answers in Part A to help you.

حدس بزنید

Guess Who!

I’m 18 years old. I’m thin and medium height. I have short black hair and glasses. I’m a friendly and talkative person, but sometimes I’m shy. I’m creative and very interested in art and fashion.


C Group work Put your papers facedown on the table. Take one paper and read the description. Your group guesses who it is. Take turns.



A: This person is interested in art and fashion.

B: I think I  know. Is it Marta?

A: No, Marta has long hair.

    This person has short hair.

B: Oh, OK.

C: Is it. . .?

 I can  describe my personality and appearance.

There are 8 Comments

I'm 39 years old. I'm a little overweight and medium height. I have short black hair and glasses. I'm talkative and friendly person, but sometimes I like privacy. I'm interested in traditional musics and photography.

I'm twenty six years old,I'm medium height, I don't have glasses,
Iam hardworking and creative, I am interested in studying english

I think I 'm patient and kind. sometimes I am very talkative,but some of times I'm quiet.In my opinion I am pretty social and active. I 'm a bit serious. I help others as posible as.I am creative and generous. And finally I am brave and neat.  

                        Guess who
I'm going to write about my presonality and appearance
I'm 22 years old ;I’m a little overweight and medium height;I have straight black hair ; as a matter of fact I'm creative and freindly person actually I'm very interested in pop culture ...

سلام ممنون از سایت عالی و مطالب مفیدتان . یک سوال داشتم  در بخش D در بین 4 تصویری که برای پروفایل میخواهد انتخاب کند کدام یک ازعکس ها مورد موافقت پسرش هست و اپلود میکند. ممنون میشم راهنمایی کنید چون با استادمون در این زمینه اختلاف نظر دارم 

I'm serious and generous. I'm a bit chatty and extroverted and ambitious. I'm medium height and slim. I have long straight brown hair.


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