کیک تولد لنگوئج تایز
Eventually LanguageTies.com was officially launched! The ceremony was held on December 20, a date which, according to the Iranian calendar, is coincided with Research Week and, according to the UN International Days Calendar, is called the International Human Solidarity Day. It serves to remind us about eradicating poverty, helping our fellow-human beings, making medication and treatment available to those in need, and finally achieving universal education. Thus, as our share of contribution and as one part of our agenda, we try as much as possible to make our services in the field of language teaching available to language learners all over the world free of charge (at least at the elementary level).
As explained in a weblog post, during the past month the system for creating pages was set up and the information about English schools was uploaded to the site both in English and Persian. With the help of this system, legal entities including language schools, universities, translation offices, active immigration companies, research institutes in the field of the humanities and specially language teaching, companies active in the production of language learning software, publishing houses, bookstores selling English books, and lastly institutes active in evaluation and testing can create a page in LanguageTies for free and introduce their services. Detailed explanations and instructions will be provided in the FAQ section of the site.
Also, on the occasion of opening the website and based on the learners' needs assessment, three essential new sections will be added to the site in the next two months which would be fully introduced in the following posts of the blog. These three parts are: a collection of useful English idioms, photo dictionary, and a service for emailing English lessons to learners from beginner to intermediate levels.
Wishing you English learners and lovers the best of luck
Jafar Kianpour, Chief Web Officer